Recent content by Wombat

  1. Wombat

    Where are all the MMORPG games? lol

    Much like RPGs, its because they aren't a genre, they're an element now. When even your Call of Duty has a persistent online background level with tiered rewards, all games are MMORPGs now. Some games might hide their gear resets behind a seasonal pass facade, both to push fomo player...
  2. Wombat


    Hank doesn't have the codes to cold fusion specifically, he has Vault Tec administrator access. There's no real reason Hank or Betty would know who Moldaver was pre-War - there's no evidence Betty was more than just a secretary, and Hank was at best a newbie manager just turned from executive...
  3. Wombat

    2024-2025 NFL Season - Dak Prescott's MVP Tour Part 2

    I hope this finally confirms for people that the Bills are rebuilding, and aren't a piece or two away anymore.
  4. Wombat

    2024-2025 NFL Season - Dak Prescott's MVP Tour Part 2

    I'm not that offended by Atlanta, Cousins didn't make it out of last season in one piece, someone will have to cover in stretches over the next two+ years. Especially when you see how much the likes of Flacco still end up playing.
  5. Wombat

    2024-2025 NFL Season - Dak Prescott's MVP Tour Part 2

    As much as I hate them, the Bears are having things go their way. Someone is getting screwed on the QB front now - guessing Denver?
  6. Wombat

    The Red Letter Media Appreciation Thread

    Neil Breen - a 'filmmaker' so bad people will travel to other countries to shit on him.
  7. Wombat

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    As someone that plays just enough WoW to not miss out on whatever I want out of their current FOMO-based seasonal content model they've moved to, Human Rep Bonus _is_ the most powerful racial trait, by a landslide.
  8. Wombat


    Cryo tech is another lore aspect the show completely botches - Fallout 4 suggests the whole point of that Vault is to test the technology, yet Vault 31 has already deployed it in bulk (and presumably that's what Moldaver used), and if the ending credits are canonical, the Ultra-Luxe in Vegas has...
  9. Wombat


    Obviously Cooper gets found out and Blacklisted / canceled & divorced between the finale and the opening scene (I'll leave whether that's the show saying 'Blacklisting is un-American' or 'Blacklisting Communists specifically is bad' as an exercise for the reader), but it is another case where...
  10. Wombat


    I should probably rewatch the final episode, but...
  11. Wombat


    The chalkboard has Shady Sands 'falling' in 2277 (presumably when it loses political power, with the NCR Capital moving elsewhere), with the arrow indicating the nuke is chronologically after that date. But if there's a functioning Shady Sands in 2281 (and nothing in New Vegas suggests it is not...
  12. Wombat


    7.5 / 10 Its one thing to adapt a fixed narrative game like The Last of Us, where you can essentially cut out the gameplay bits and film the cutscenes with people on sets, but adapting an open world game like Fallout, where the only thing all runs will have in common is visiting a handful of...
  13. Wombat

    The Red Letter Media Appreciation Thread

    I was super disappointed by Predator 2 when it came out - too much of a rehash, and no Arnold. Compared to the likes of Aliens vs Predator, though (or a ton of other action movies made in the CGI era), in reality its not bad at all. Hell, even Predators looks better and better as time goes on...
  14. Wombat


    The elder refers to Maximus' friend/rival as 'their', so its probably just nonbinary, which is far more plausible to happen in that setting than surgery and a drug regimen.