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  1. G

    The Video Thread

    WTF? Guy Pisses Himself When Getting Arrested? WTF - YouTube
  2. G

    J49: An Erotic Life

    How long do your kids have left at school?
  3. G

    My new Dating Pool

    Would love to know how you score on sexual addiction. Addiction Recovery After Care - Recovery Zone
  4. G

    Halloween is upon us!

    My wife and I
  5. G

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    Blowing into the ass helps with milk production of half staved cows. To think, I complain about going to the shop for milk.
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    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

  7. G

    You know you're getting old when.....

    When you keep multiple lengths of metal/wood in the garage for the purpose of stirring paint.
  8. G

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    Wonder if they sell this in Asia.
  9. G

    LOTTERY WINNER...what if ?

    I'd Hire a nanny.