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  1. N

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Hit it and quit it. Again.
  2. N

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Touch?. No one should base any serious life decisions on FoH message boards advice, obviously. But the thing is, like dabamf said, just reading the shit from enough people can put doubt in your head when it shouldn"t be there. Yeah that"s stupid and insecure to have random message board posts...
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    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Also before anyone says anything about how I said you should give a girl everything she wants, i mean relationship wise. Actually giving a girl anything she wants and spoiling her rotten is a terrible idea, for obvious reasons.
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    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Yeah this paternity test bullshit blows my mind. Just because you guys are all naieve and have had unfaithful bitch girlfriends and seem to have a complete lack of trust in women does Not mean that every girl is sleeping around. Yes, a lot of girls are manipulative twats, but there are some...
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    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Eomer, You taking one last shot with Anne was probably the best thing you could have done. Just be sure that it was really the last time. I went through something very similar, and when the girl and I broke up, for over 2 years I just couldnt get over her, had this feeling in the back of...
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    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Wrath, Being a pothead and psychonaut myself, I"ve had some experience with ultra-liberal psychedelic loving pothead girls, and they usually are AMAZING in bed. But if she"s as open about being naked and wanting cock as you say she is, and she"s really into drugs and uber-liberal, I doubt...
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    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Another thing that i think makes games less about guildies and friends and more about self-accomplishments is the fact that a lot of games are catering to the solo crowd. Now, I like soloing, it"s great to be able to accomplish things without waiting for other players. It"s so nice to be able to...
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    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    EQ2 definitely got way better as it went, but nothing made me go back to it after my initial impressions. But I think you have a pretty valid point. That first impression is so important, it"s almost impossible to get customers back if they already have a bad memory of the game. To the...