2013 NFL Offseason and Draft

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
Again, and its not just you, but there was nothing ever written even hinting that Pete knew anything. The RB coach the NCAA pinned their case on is suing the NCAA and most expect him to win. Hate who he is but to say he's a cheater is a copout.

So to conclude, you have no facts to reference? Thought not.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
Again, and its not just you, but there was nothing ever written even hinting that Pete knew anything. The RB coach the NCAA pinned their case on is suing the NCAA and most expect him to win. Hate who he is but to say he's a cheater is a copout.

So to conclude, you have no facts to reference? Thought not.
Isn't this like the 6th time or so since Carroll has become coach that a Seachicken has been caught cheating?
I've never been exactly sure how/why Adderall ended up on the PED list. I've never taken it before, but I've heard it likened to legal speed. I get what that could do for you on gameday, I suppose...but what kind of performance enhancing benefits does a player get from taking Adderall in May? Like steroids and HGH are pretty much self explanatory...you get bigger/healthier faster even during the offseason. What does taking Adderall do for a guy when kickoff is 3-4 months away?


Most of the players probably aren't getting busted for aderrall. It's just that the NFL can't disclose what they actually got caught with, so the players reps do damage control and say it was aderrall because that's about the least offensive banned substance. Irvin supposedly stacked on 30 lbs. of muscle in 3 months. Probably wasn't aderrall that allowed him to do that.

Burnem Wizfyre

Log Wizard
NFL better better hope the NFLPA keeps fighting HGH testing, soon as that shit starts getting tested for the shit will hit the fan.
NFL better better hope the NFLPA keeps fighting HGH testing, soon as that shit starts getting tested for the shit will hit the fan.
I'm sure the NFLPA won't agree to any testing regime without a gap between signing the agreement and the testing actually starting. There will undoubtedly be a few mouth breathers that still get busted like they do in baseball, but the majority of the guys using HGH probably have agents that will discreetly tell them to knock it off. Or they will all move on to the next designer PED that there is no test for yet. Think of it as pulling an Alex Rodriguez.

also, yeah...good point about the adderall excuse Disp. Hard to believe the league agreed to the confidentiality on the banned substances used. I'm pretty sure the Olympics puts all of their evidence out there when someone gets popped.

Burnem Wizfyre

Log Wizard
Again, and its not just you, but there was nothing ever written even hinting that Pete knew anything. The RB coach the NCAA pinned their case on is suing the NCAA and most expect him to win. Hate who he is but to say he's a cheater is a copout.

So to conclude, you have no facts to reference? Thought not.
You would be correct, Carroll has never been proven guilty of any cheating, he just has a long storied history of players around him cheating on a constant basis.


Didn't Carroll also get busted for illegally hiring more coaches than he was allowed to?


The decision, as The Times reported last July, was to hire Pete Rodriguez, a former NFL special teams guru, in violation of the association's cap on coaches. It gave USC "more than a limited competitive advantage" over other schools, the NCAA found. Carroll did not list Rodriguez on the coaches roster while he served as a "consultant" for the Trojan kicking squads during the entire 2008 regular season.

If the charges in the Infractions Report are correct, it's tough to dispute that Carroll was skirting the truth. And if Carroll not only knew about allegedly inappropriate dealings with marketing companies possibly attached to agents, but helped to establish those relationships - well, yikes. And that's what the report makes it sound like. We don't know who "sports marketer B" is, but at this point, things just get weirder.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
No, he didn't get busted. You can infer whatever you want just as the Yahoo article is but at the end of the day the facts are the facts. I could care less what you think of Carroll as I really don't care anymore either, he's a Seahawk coach and I'm not a Seahawk fan. My only issue at this point is you have issues at OSU, Miami, Oregon, etc where the coach or administration was complicit in their student-athletes transgressions yet somehow that's not worse than USC's situation. Eventually the McNair case will go forward and the NCAA will lose and look like tards, unfortunately that does nothing for the school over these past 3+ years where we've been fucked.


Bronze Squire
No, he didn't get busted. You can infer whatever you want just as the Yahoo article is but at the end of the day the facts are the facts. I could care less what you think of Carroll as I really don't care anymore either, he's a Seahawk coach and I'm not a Seahawk fan. My only issue at this point is you have issues at OSU, Miami, Oregon, etc where the coach or administration was complicit in their student-athletes transgressions yet somehow that's not worse than USC's situation. Eventually the McNair case will go forward and the NCAA will lose and look like tards, unfortunately that does nothing for the school over these past 3+ years where we've been fucked.
I think you are lost. This is the 'NFL' thread. We weren't talking about Pete's past.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
Really, pretty sure there was talk about how Pete is a cheater. Granted it is getting off topic but it was related to the initial discussion.


Bronze Squire
I was kinda bummed when the Seahawks left the AFC West. But now it's just two more times a year I don't have to look at Pete Carroll's weasel face roaming the sidelines. So it's all good.


Bronze Squire
Five teams still have not signed any of their draftees:

St. Louis

To me this points directly to the programs that are in dire need of front-office change, and by looking at the list, this theory shouldn't be surprising.


Potato del Grande
Wait, you're kidding, the Rams front office that was just overhauled and has already improved this team a shit ton needs a dire change?