28mm Miniature Tabletop Wargaming Thread


what Suineg set it to
So I've read through high elves, dwarves and Empire. The RL bullshit rules are eye-roll worthy reading them from the vantage point of competitive play.

However, I think there's an interesting game to be had with fairly easy limits - total scrolls, total wounds, etc. It'sveryRvPvS to a degree but in fact with fixed army lists for tournaments it would make it a bit more thought provoking. 8 scroll tourney, bring 10 warriors and hope for sudden death, bring 30 warriors and maybe have to skip the deployment to save yourself from SD or take 60 and say fuck it?



Blackwing Lair Raider
If you play Chaos you can bring a Screaming Bell + Fateweaver and auto win turn one. Use Fateweavers oracle of eternity to satisfy Peal of Doom.



Golden Knight of the Realm
Read the text. It's a joke. You immediately win the game but get branded a cheat (because there's no actual way to roll a 13). Kind of stupid that in a game with so many rules they throw fluff text in just to make it longer and harder to find what you're looking for in a reference. I was thinking about getting back into 40K so I hope these changes end up being good for fantasy then adopted there.


Blackwing Lair Raider
You use the Fateweaver to set the dice result to 13. If you disagree that that is how it works, then you roll a dice. 50% of the time it works the way I described.

I'm glad I swapped to WM/H a while ago.


what Suineg set it to
Oh man, you got it. You won 9th. The logic is unassailable and your right to invoke the golden rule inalienable. Alright guys pack it in!


what Suineg set it to
EDIT: nm starter set IS only $125, still had it set to New Zealand lol.

Good lord though, GW must have had 3 price increases since I last looked. $80 for 10 plastic dwarves, what the fuck. Clearly they are smoking the crack pipe still.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Most people probably know about this but Zombicide is going medieval and they have a kickstarter for it that's just getting in its last 48 hours:https://www.kickstarter.com/projects...ue/description

Looks like a good time to get on the Zombicide train if you missed out on seasons 1-3 of the modern setting.

Edit: done goofed, I should have posted this in the board games thread. My bad


Fuck New Zealand their website keeps swapping back on me. LoL
Games Workshops site is rubbish, If I had a dollar everytime it "forgot" what country I was in, I could afford a box of infantry. I wonder if it defaults to New Zealand in hopes US based people accidentally pay the New Zealand price...


what Suineg set it to
Just a rumor but a few people on some sites have said their local GW store managers have been told that they will be provided an 'army builder' system for AoS which will streamline play and tournaments in the store. No idea if this is real, comprehensive or just stopgap or the next step in tournament rules for AoS. I do wonder why they wouldn't release that info with AoS to stop the WHFB hardcore from abandoning ship right away.


what Suineg set it to
Eh fuck it, I have to get into warmahordes I think. At least covergence looks kind of interesting.

Any tips, should I buy the starter box just to L2P or ignore that and find a starter army list online and use the books separately?


Blackwing Lair Raider
There is an all in one army box for Convergence coming out soon. It is a complete 35 point list with the best caster in the faction in it. Currently Miniature Market has the pre-order up. I think discountgamesinc.com will have a cheaper price once they get it on their website. The all-in-one boxes also contain the multi-part kits. You can (and should) magnetize the heavy warjack and then be able to choose which of the three you want to use.

Warmachine Convergence - All-in-One Army Box Preorder

Convergence is a hard faction to learn. The faction requires careful positioning and activation order, with no real easy mode buttons like some factions. The faction is also a limited release faction, so don't plan on getting anything new any time soon. Privateer Press has announced that there will be a new Colossal for the faction, but nobody knows if there will be any more models along with the Colossal.

I play Convergence, and will be happy to answer any questions. Whatever faction you do go with, I suggest net-listing a "power caster" to learn the game with. Once you see how your factions strong pieces are supposed to work, then you can branch out and come up with your own take on lists. Discountgamesinc.com has a tournament list section where you can see top lists from national tournaments. Keep in mind, these results are a little skewed, as the people who win are the people who can afford to travel and go to a lot of conventions. Convergence and Retribution of Scyrah don't show up a lot because there aren't as many "top" players that play the faction, so they will show up less on the tournament results page.

DiscountGamesInc.com Tournament Listings: Home


what Suineg set it to
What's the lowest points size you can start with to get a feel for it, the battle box?


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
A big part of why I enjoy Warhammer is all the rich history. Is there anything like this for Warmachine? If so where should I look?


Blackwing Lair Raider
What's the lowest points size you can start with to get a feel for it, the battle box?
Battleboxes are ~12 points. The next step up is 15 points, then 25,35, and 50. Battlebox games get you used to the battlegroup mechanics (focus or fury depending on Warmachine or Hordes). A suggestion I heard that I think is pretty good is to first play a battlebox game or two, then play a game or two using only one warjack and the rest units. It takes a bit to get used to moving units around, keeping them in command, spacing them out enough to avoid aoe's, but keeping them close enough to the enemy to threaten them.

At 35 points you generally have enough to fit faction staple support + worker modules. Going from 35 to 50 points is where you generally add more of the utility/niece pieces and an extra unit.

A big part of why I enjoy Warhammer is all the rich history. Is there anything like this for Warmachine? If so where should I look?
The Mark I fluff is better than the Mark II fluff. I am not sure where you can get it, I think you can get the Mark I books for super cheap from PP Digital? Or you can find it on the internet where people normally get free stuff from the internet.


Sparkletot Monger
You use the Fateweaver to set the dice result to 13. If you disagree that that is how it works, then you roll a dice. 50% of the time it works the way I described.

I'm glad I swapped to WM/H a while ago.
Grats on having a few hundred dollars of models that nobody will play against because you are a douche.


what Suineg set it to
So GW is apparently releasing an app including an army builder for AoS. I am interested to see if there's any more meat to those bones. I've watched a bunch of early battle reports and while the people involved make some mistakes here and there the game seems pretty boring. One player brought up a very good point that it's all well and good that a model hasit's ownstats, but this game system doesn't consider the target. It devolves into 3+/5+/4+/4+/3+/2+/4+ super quickly because there's no consideration of X vs Y like in the old (standard) WH dice system which has a table. Removing the table may be a necessary evil to streamline gameplay (honestly it was pretty easy to memorize most things though until you get some oddball stuff like a 6 str vs 4 tough where you have to double check) but it does take away that feeling of 'anti-tank weapon vs infantry' or 'sharp stick vs tank' that plays into tactical decisions in the old systems.

All the battle reports turn into giant pile-in melees in the center of the field. The game is so fast it almost begs for bigger tables and less minis to reintroduce maneuvering (which is the opposite of the intent of the system obviously). Also, many of them didn't seem to grasp the concept that since it's pick-one-unit then alternate for combat, there's a huge, huge advantage to having a massive block of fuck-you elites that murder the biggest threat in the pile before anyone else gets the chance to attack back.

The system seems geared and intended to play towards massive clusterfucks but seems more palatable at lower scroll and wound values as a skirmish game so far.