28mm Miniature Tabletop Wargaming Thread


I've had a hard time understanding when people have tried talking about it. I thought it was a ground-based game?
It is a ground based game but there are fliers as well. Anti-Air weapons do well against fliers, traditional weapons do well against ground forces. Your infantry are basically just for capturing objectives. They don't do well attacking or defending against tanks. Like GW games there is a Force Org chart that you must adhere to but it's fairly relaxed like the newest edition of 40k. Like GW games it is a d6 system with target number (though they shift there system up one so skill 3 against defense 3 needs 5's). Models move fairly fast and there is a ton of terrain on the board so the game becomes a tactical game of hide and seek. You can shoot at and destroy buildings. Even if there are guys in them looking for the objective!

Did you have any specific questions you didn't understand about it?


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Did you have any specific questions you didn't understand about it?
I guess when you said that it plays like old GW space games, you meant mechanics-wise? For some reason I read that and was like "WTF? It's in space?!?"

I've read a few articles on the game over on Natfka's site, since he plays it I guess, but other than that all I've gotten on the game are some pretty vague and often conflicting 3rd-hand accounts from people I know who don't play but they 'know someone who does'.

If anything I'd like to find a system that was to 40K like Kings of War is to Fantasy, but the systems I know of are either crappy or don't really relate well and/or are skirmish based.

This does remind me though...a friend wanted me to break out either my BB or BFG stuff to mess around with in meatspace...


I guess when you said that it plays like old GW space games, you meant mechanics-wise? For some reason I read that and was like "WTF? It's in space?!?"

I've read a few articles on the game over on Natfka's site, since he plays it I guess, but other than that all I've gotten on the game are some pretty vague and often conflicting 3rd-hand accounts from people I know who don't play but they 'know someone who does'.

If anything I'd like to find a system that was to 40K like Kings of War is to Fantasy, but the systems I know of are either crappy or don't really relate well and/or are skirmish based.

This does remind me though...a friend wanted me to break out either my BB or BFG stuff to mess around with in meatspace...
I compare it to Battle Fleet because they are both two dimensional, 10mm and use pretty much all of the same mechanics. Call it space or earth, it's the same only DZC adds in units who take scenarios because this isn't 1985 and you need scenarios in games or they take forever.

I'm not going to tell you that you can download the rulebook and such for free atMy Filesbut I'm not telling you that you can't either

Mantic has a 40k version of their games. They actually just leaked a kickstarter for it that starts next week iirc. You can expect to get billions of models for 50 bucks if all the past holds true.


what Suineg set it to
Tau pics leaking, guess it's cool if you play Tau?

TAU!!! - Album on Imgur
Tau looked awesome, but they always suffered from the fact that there wasn't much list depth (viable anyway) and IMO that you had to include those shitty looking 'allied' species models to do anything useful in CC for the most part. Mecha-armies were not so possible historically, hopefully they will change it around and give them a few more options.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Until they nerfed the piss out of them the giant crisis suits and kroot were both workable CC units. Now? Yeah, you ally in some 'dar to cover the gap.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I'm just a bit jealous of all the tech/dakka that so many other armies have gotten, while Chaos will probably get more retarded redundant shit that no one needs (or is grossly OP like the Helturkey was).

If I had to choose between "give Tau more units to round their 'Dex out" and "let Allies be the answer", I'd personally go with the former. Also, didn't TauDar get nerfed indirectly somewhat? I haven't played against Tau in a long, long time.


I know he had a really good shot but if your plan fails and you automatically lose with out dice being rolled maybe it was a bad plan. My favorite part was he tweeted out right before the gane " about to win a world championship"


Blackwing Lair Raider
I'd have to pause the stream to see what was alive still, but Moorhouse was probably getting assassinated next turn anyway. pDenny + Devil Shadow will end a lot of casters.


I am not sure he dies to that. Some days you need to back up and try later. The amount of butthurt around the scene right now between that and the Americans losing is pretty funny.

Stream is on chainattacktrev channel. It shows a mash up of the whole round. Not sure if Chain Attack got the solo game you tube videos up yet.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Page5de and hobbygeek have single games recorded. Chain attack has the multi game recordings.


The chain attack stream was recording each game of its 5 game setting each round and is posting them up on youtube as well as the original broadcast with commentary that switched back and forth between games.


I looked back through the video. No way Devil's Shadow were ever going to get a bead on Krueger with Stormwall up.

I guess they are waiting for the raw table footage to get back from Ireland before posting it. Mahu got back last night so we should see it over the next couple days.

Sumdain x

Trakanon Raider
kreuger was also knocked down with (at a minimum) 10 damage, pretty much anything would have killed him in the position he was in. Denny could have just venom spammed him down