28mm Miniature Tabletop Wargaming Thread


what Suineg set it to
It's notjustthe price though. It's the fact that you have to be fairly skilled to make an army not look like complete ass AND even if you are, it takes forever. I have a very nice airbrush setup, and it still took me far, far too much time to finish a single troop choice to my standards.

Add to that the lack of support for entering the hobby (IE, new players 2,000 pt game tournaments or LETS PLAY WITH SUPER HEAVIES Apoc games) and you end up with newcomers spending time and money on a hobby they are unfamiliar with only to play their first game and get massacred by primer-only spam Boyz Ork army that their opponent bought bulk sprues online from one of the previous edition starter kits. Quickly followed by frustration and anger that your imagination and interpretation of rules and pictures was miles from the truth... and then just frustration and anger. It's a poorly tuned game. For most armies, your options are basically fill up on the one meta-destroying unit and hope to god your core doesn't collapse and terrain doesn't fuck you. Marines are really one of the only pan-edition exceptions to this rule, there's always several well performing marine army builds.

Just sucks GW can't get their ass together.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Rumors circulating that the 7th edition starter for 40k will be Orks VS Space wolves... I will make the plunge if that's the case
We'll know soon enough, possibly tomorrow I think. The problem is that the cover of the new WD uses the wording "box set" and not "starter set" so no one is even sure if DV is really gone for good and this really IS the new starter set, or if DV is still coming back with the new rules booklet and this is going to be some Sanctus-Reach specific box. And if the latter is true then we get to see if it's just a reboxing of old models, if it is new sculpts, and if it offers any savings whatsoever when compared to buying units separately.


I have a metric fuckton of reasons why not to start 40K, but if you really want to then go ahead. Just be warned that there is no shortage of people wanting to sell their stuff to GTFO of 40K atm.

EDIT: yeah, this morning is all pics of WD hitting the Internet and discussion about Stormclaw. If some of the Euro sites are correct then it's a limited-edition box set, and while I haven't done the math myself some sites are saying that it really is a good deal compared to buying units separately. Everything looks to be existing models except for the 2 characters who seem to be specific to this box set, if anyone cares.

Copy-pasta'ed from Larry Vela @ BOLS since he already started some napkin math and most of the euro sites I saw weren't in English:

Allegedly the contents of Stormclaw are:
40k 7th Edition mini-rulebook (only in english)
Campaign book with Battle for Blistered Isle and first part of Battle for Alaric Prime, 32 pages.

Grukk Face-Rippa
5 Nobz
10 Grots
1 Runtherd
3 Killa Kanz

Space Wolves:
Krom Dragongaze
5 Wolf Guards
5 Grey Hunters
5 Blood Claws

Limited Edition

?100 = approximately ?80
Grukk (Warboss) ?15 (Closest match)
5 Nobz ?15 for 5 and a grot, currently
10 Grots and a Runtherd ?10
3 Kans ?28
Space Wolves
Krom Dragongaze (Term armour HQ) ?15
5 Wolf Guard (Currently ?23 for 10) ?11.50
5 Grey Hunters Currently ?23 for 10)?11.50
5 Blood Claws (Currently ?23 for 10) ?11.50

Mini rule book... say ?20
Campaign book. another ?20?


Thanks for the info, I've always wanted to get into Fantasy or 40k but the $$ and time has always been the biggest factor. I have plenty of both but GW doesn't seem like the best company.


Buzzfeed Editor
Don't do it man. I love 40k more than most things. I still tell people I want to be a space marine when I grow up.

I never broke down and played competition like Warmachine. Didnt want to get burned again though it seemed like a pretty legit alternative. But, now they've done something else I think to set themselves up as a better company.

On steam this morning noticed a warmachine tactics which appears to be a turn based tactical pc game that appears to match the tabletop rules from what I remember seeing of them. Basically exactly what a lot of us have wanted from games workshop. (Dawn of war is fun as an rts, but some of us again would pay $100 for a legit fully fleshed out tabletop copy pc game with a nice paint program.)


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Just talked to a buddy of mine who has been torturing himself over selling all his 40K stuff for almost a year now, I guess. He claims that the retail cost of everything he has (mostly BA with a 1500~ish Cron force) is around $3000 worth of models, and he tells me on the phone that he'll take $300"just to get rid of the stuff". All he's tried so far, as far as I know, is selling via craigslist (/boggle), because he still hasn't gone to the effort of setting up the Ebay stuff. I'm half tempted to pay him the $300 and to just store the stuff in a closet for when he inevitably changes his mind, because I'm frankly flabbergasted every time this comes up that he would consider selling what he has for 10% of the retail cost, assuming his math was correct. I know he just wants the stuff to disappear but I can't believe he'd consider throwing all that away for only $300. Most of his BA is just primered and he's no master painter, but still...

As far as Warmachine Tactics go, if it's good then I might take a look at it sometime (particularly when it goes on sale). I don't have any interest in online play against random people but I do like turn based games.


what Suineg set it to
Just talked to a buddy of mine who has been torturing himself over selling all his 40K stuff for almost a year now, I guess. He claims that the retail cost of everything he has (mostly BA with a 1500~ish Cron force) is around $3000 worth of models, and he tells me on the phone that he'll take $300"just to get rid of the stuff". All he's tried so far, as far as I know, is selling via craigslist (/boggle), because he still hasn't gone to the effort of setting up the Ebay stuff. I'm half tempted to pay him the $300 and to just store the stuff in a closet for when he inevitably changes his mind, because I'm frankly flabbergasted every time this comes up that he would consider selling what he has for 10% of the retail cost, assuming his math was correct. I know he just wants the stuff to disappear but I can't believe he'd consider throwing all that away for only $300. Most of his BA is just primered and he's no master painter, but still...

As far as Warmachine Tactics go, if it's good then I might take a look at it sometime (particularly when it goes on sale). I don't have any interest in online play against random people but I do like turn based games.
Erronius, Warhammer is like nerd diamonds. The actual practical value of the object is far, far less than the perception of its worth... one company simply controls the supply. Second hand WH is just as meaningless as second hand diamonds to a woman. People can look at your slightly off-color Whirlwind... they can smell, notaste, the different primer. They know it was bought used. Pathetic.

I would be very interested in a computerized version of Warmachine. I've played a demo game and looked at the books and such... there's a lot of potential there. The problem is for me that Warmahordes is purely a pursuit of gameplay as I don't find the lore engaging, ergo spending time and money to invest in the game when I know far too little about it competitively has stopped me from embracing it at all. I might be able to excuse the money, but the time (hobby wise) is just bleh. A computer version to learn it and develop the armies(?) or whatever they are called would eventually get me to start in the physical hobby, provided the gameplay is as deep as its fans claim.


Buzzfeed Editor
Did some reading on steam forums about it. Players of warmachine kinda pissed at some non tabletop workings. Big thing is I guess squads of dudes replaced with single foot soldier with beefier stats, to balance that with the warjacks they instead of having subsystems (hit locations) just function 100% all the way down to 1 hp then of course die. So I suppose some of it's slightly dumbed down.

Right now it's $65 to match kickstarter prices, I think I saw someone saying actual game will be $20-$30 with a fair amount of DLC.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Did some reading on steam forums about it. Players of warmachine kinda pissed at some non tabletop workings. Big thing is I guess squads of dudes replaced with single foot soldier with beefier stats, to balance that with the warjacks they instead of having subsystems (hit locations) just function 100% all the way down to 1 hp then of course die. So I suppose some of it's slightly dumbed down.

Right now it's $65 to match kickstarter prices, I think I saw someone saying actual game will be $20-$30 with a fair amount of DLC.
Some guy on reddit was complaining the other day that you will have to buy the game and buy additional models within the game. I am not sure if these models are just cosmetic or if they have different stats/abilities. Seems like they are trying to pinch every penny out of their fanbase just like Warhammer.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Fuck me, I need a new hobby besides'arguing on the Internet with other 40K nerds'. Especially when writing posts in that format feels like I'm trying to fit an argument onto the side of a fucking milk carton.

If nothing else, the new SW stuff (like the SW Venerable Dread with a 3++) is going to lead to some fantastic arguments. I haven't talked to the guy I know IRL who plays SW, but it's almost guaranteed that we're going to go at it like Shias and Sunnis when I see him next and the new SW codex comes up.

Venerable Dreadnought's With Blizzard Shields/ Next Week's Release "The Great Wolf" - Faeit 212: Warhammer 40k News and Rumors


Riddle me this...
Honestly I'm done arguing. All it does is depress me. I'm lucky in the fact that my local shop caters to all kinds, so there is no problem finding fun games. It's nice to be able to run models that look cool but may suck balls in the competitive side. On the flip side if I want to go competitive we have a very healthy meta with various builds so if (thats a very big IF) I ever decide to do another tourney I know I can get plenty of practice again.

The Space Wolf stuff is killing me though. Wolf Dread with a Wolf Lord in the Wolf Jet using Wolf tactics while wolfing with the Wolf gun.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
The Space Wolf stuff is killing me though. Wolf Dread with a Wolf Lord in the Wolf Jet using Wolf tactics while wolfing with the Wolf gun.
And the Wolf Sled for Wolf Lords (and Logan) that is pulled by Thunderwolves. For teh Wolftiem!

I'm reading a post over on Faeit right now were people are arguing that a chariot pulled by wolves is perfectly ok in the 40th setting, when they are at the same time getting a dread with'magical alien ice'lightning claws, a Venerable dread with a 15' frost axe and storm shield and a 12/12/12 flying assault transport (with wolf guns!). And people are arguing that a "wolf sled" for your Lord/Logan character makes sense...

I will go out of my way to roundly mock anyone I see fielding a Wolf Sled. If I just pop into a FLGS for whatever reason (glue?) I may make a point of walking over to the tables and looking for any SW players just to see if they have one out."Oh don't mind me, I'm just laughing because I didn't think anyone would actually take one"and then I walk out the front door wiping tears out of my eyes from laughing so hard.

In a game that has such terrible lore and badly written and reasoned out fluff, this shit just might take the cake.


If I just pop into a FLGS for whatever reason (glue?) I may make a point of walking over to the tables and looking for any SW players just to see if they have one out."Oh don't mind me, I'm just laughing because I didn't think anyone would actually take one"and then I walk out the front door wiping tears out of my eyes from laughing so hard.


what Suineg set it to
I will not feel guilty for laughing at someone for fielding a sled in 40K. Not even a little.

You're going to have to explain to me how laughing at someone taking a sled in 40K is elitism.
In my mind shitty shit like that was always an excuse to build an awesome conversion model that uses the rules to bring together a cohesive army concept. Nothing wrong with Counts As as long as it is fairly WYSIWYG.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
In my mind shitty shit like that was always an excuse to build an awesome conversion model that uses the rules to bring together a cohesive army concept. Nothing wrong with Counts As as long as it is fairly WYSIWYG.
Well pics are starting to leak out so people will have their excuse!

La Taberna de Laurana: [Rumores] Y llegó el Trineo de Logan Grimnar! Nuevos rumores e IMAGENES!



Also, look at the size of the Stormfang, LOL. The stats made me think "Flying LR Crusader" and damn if it isn't...


and yes I know that isn't a Crusader that's next to it


Riddle me this...
Rumors are floating around that buying the santa sleigh will be the only way to get the new Logan model.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Is 20% off the best you can do on Games Workshop stuff these days? I need to pick up a dozen new pieces, and MSRP is even more stupid than I remember.


Anyone here play Heroclix?? Have not collected/played since around when Infinity Challenge came out many moons ago. I am a big Lantern fan and saw the new set which tickles my fancy (War of Light). Hard game to learn? I know they changed a bunch of rules and added a lot of stuff (relics etc) but I may try and buy a fee boosters to try and get something going. Where can I get an up to date rulebook?