28mm Miniature Tabletop Wargaming Thread


Riddle me this...
Ive been playing for about 2 months now. Game is easy to learn, really hard to master. Not cheap if you get into collecting but its nice to be able to open them up and play right away. Not painting/gluing needed.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Seems like a lot of DE players might be disappointed. Of course it's too early to tell how that codex will end up playing out though, it could be the next Eldar codex.


Molten Core Raider
Just got roped in to playing warhammer for the first time in my life by a work mate. Starting with a 27 person Warhammer Fantasy Escalation league. I am playing a fluffy high elf cavalary army.

First attempts at painting.







El Presidente
Not bad. High Elves are pretty awesome. Kind of wish people did fantasy around here would love to do up some Dark Elves but it's all 40k around these parts.


<Bronze Donator>
I miss playing Warhammer Fantasy. How much has it changed in the last 15 years? I'm assuming it's still relatively expensive for a hobby.


I would not purchase any new Warhammer fantasy in the near future. The rumor over at dakka dakka as well as warsear is that Fantasy is going to get a complete reboot / overhaul come summer. Now take that with a grain of salt cause you never know with these things but enough different people are saying something that it is worth listening too.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Really good first shot at painting. Despite what you see on Golden Deamon and coolminiornot.com don't get caught up in trying to go balls-out. Pick 3 or 4 simple colors and make the units/army cohesive. That base work looks great too; wonderful way to tie an army together.

I burned out on Fantasy/40k after nearly 16 years (2 armies for each game) and I really miss it, but the prices are absolutely ridiculous and the rules changes haven't all been so good.

Maybe some day I'll bring all that stuff out and make my kids play.


I agree, bit changes coming for Warhammer Fantasy. I personally look forward to them. They are condensing army's, rumors of square bases going round, smaller skirmish rules. I am primarily a painter and game very little, but I have 2-3 units from most army's minus TK and Brets. So if small Warmachine like games are on the horizon I might really luck out. Aside from that the games to fucking expensive and I have had zero luck talking anyone into playing. $50 core rulebook then another $40 just for you army book, then models, its absurd.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
The worst part of the rumors I've seen is that over time certain armies will be phased out and if that's true then many are going to have a conniption. Like Lizardmen. But then again the rumors could be seriously off base, so who knows.

If Fantasy changes to be less about mass troops and instead focus in fewer models and more Nagash/Glottkin type stuff...then I really won't know what to think. These rumors are still pretty far out so it's hard to tell.

My biggest gripe with GW over this is one that I've had with them for a long time now - they completely fail at managing player expectations. I mean, they don't even try. It's one thing to try to keep model releases secret to drive sales or whatever the fuck, it's another thing entirely to leave your playerbase absolutely clueless as to your long-term plans for years on end. And don't get me wrong, I don't think that businesses should make their internal plans and machinations public across the board, but there are times when you need to get out in front of damaging rumors and allay the fears that your playerbase has. Why would I risk buying into a Fantasy army right now if there are rumors that armies might get squatted or that Lizardmen are going to be "bubbled"? At best, a ton of people are adopting a wait-and-see posture (AKA"I aint buying SHIT!") with a few of the worst reactions being the usual"fuck this, I quit". Fortunately for GW it's early yet, but if GW doesn't dispel some of the rumors all I can imagine is a lot of people holding off on any purchases whatsoever...and considering that the rumored timeline for some armies possibly vanishing w/o further support might be after 9th (?)...well, that's just a stupidly long time for players to be in the dark.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The worst part of the rumors I've seen is that over time certain armies will be phased out and if that's true then many are going to have a conniption. Like Lizardmen. But then again the rumors could be seriously off base, so who knows.

If Fantasy changes to be less about mass troops and instead focus in fewer models and more Nagash/Glottkin type stuff...then I really won't know what to think. These rumors are still pretty far out so it's hard to tell.

My biggest gripe with GW over this is one that I've had with them for a long time now - they completely fail at managing player expectations. I mean, they don't even try. It's one thing to try to keep model releases secret to drive sales or whatever the fuck, it's another thing entirely to leave your playerbase absolutely clueless as to your long-term plans for years on end. And don't get me wrong, I don't think that businesses should make their internal plans and machinations public across the board, but there are times when you need to get out in front of damaging rumors and allay the fears that your playerbase has. Why would I risk buying into a Fantasy army right now if there are rumors that armies might get squatted or that Lizardmen are going to be "bubbled"? At best, a ton of people are adopting a wait-and-see posture (AKA"I aint buying SHIT!") with a few of the worst reactions being the usual"fuck this, I quit". Fortunately for GW it's early yet, but if GW doesn't dispel some of the rumors all I can imagine is a lot of people holding off on any purchases whatsoever...and considering that the rumored timeline for some armies possibly vanishing w/o further support might be after 9th (?)...well, that's just a stupidly long time for players to be in the dark.
I'm not sure GW has ever made a sound business decision; at least not in the time I've played. Here's their idea for making profits: "Hey Bob, let's make this new army we're releasing the most powerful yet - followed by the NEXT army they release being the most powerful yet - but only if the players buy this $120 monster/tank/deamon! NO WAIT, they have to buy TWO of them to be the most competitive and powerful!!"

Meanwhile, half the units in the army are useless or outclassed by the other half and personal choice pretty much goes out the window because to play that army, you have to play certain units only (I'm fairly certain Warmachine/Hordes designed their game with balance in mind and every unit can be good....novel).

And, like you mentioned Erronius, rumors, rumors, rumors, then darkness. For instance, my brother played Wood Elves for years. That army didn't get a new book and updated rules for TWO CYCLES while many other armies got new shit every time.

They alienate and piss off players and make the cost of entry insanely high. Just weird....


Buzzfeed Editor
Makes me wish theyd go out of business and gamble on someone new buying liscense and doing something with it. I like how very few video games were out, and those were 50-50 on hit or miss. Now theres a plethora of GW IP games coming out. Some like space wolves mobile game sounded horrible fremium ware. There's the MMO shooter turned F2P planetside? clone which seems shit. I was hoping theyd counter the Warmachine game and make a 40k tabletop video game somewhat close to TT. Have I think Mordenheim and just announced BF:Gothic m ight have some promise.


<Bronze Donator>
I would love a PC game that mirrored the tabletop Warhammer Fantasy exactly. They'll never do it though, they enjoy raping people on figs too much.


The worst part of the rumors I've seen is that over time certain armies will be phased out and if that's true then many are going to have a conniption. Like Lizardmen. But then again the rumors could be seriously off base, so who knows.
Fromm what I heard pretty much all the armies that didn't sell well and are getting cut will somehow be fieldable in other armies as if they were allies. No clue who the Lizardmen would ally with as I don't see anyone they really like in the fluff but if it's a time jump maybe some odd shit happened in the Reckoning.


Trakanon Raider
I would love a PC game that mirrored the tabletop Warhammer Fantasy exactly. They'll never do it though, they enjoy raping people on figs too much.
It's almost certainly not going to be a perfect mirror of the tabletop game, but there is Total War: Warhammer in development, which is something at least.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
I thought I would try here as well as the book forum since its not necessarily a cross over crowd.
Does anyone know much about these End Times books Games Workshop has been putting out? It seems like its a big book of fluff and a book of rules. I know one for Skaven came out recently Thanquol. I don't have anyone to game with out here so I don't care about the rules but are the fluff books worth the 60-70 dollar price? I still really enjoy the history and the art.

On another note is there a better mini game to get into? I don't think anything will replace my interest with the lore but a cheaper more accessible mini game might be better for actually playing.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Thank you good sir. I apparently already gave you some Tuconets so all I can offer is my appreciation.


What is nice about "Warmahordes" is that there is less model count per battle, a card system on top of the tabletop rules, and the ability for someone who is playing fantasy(Hordes) to play against the steampunk (Warmachine) player.


what Suineg set it to
Yea I think basically your two options in most areas are WH(40K) or WM. I've seen a few other random games (FoW, DZC, etc.) played a few times just catching up every 6 months at area stores but honestly those games are still too niche to get the sort of 'come and play whenever' feel you get from WH, 40K and WM. Of course the funny part is GW let WM take their market share by putting all their eggs in the 'new people love $150+ dollar models!' concept with 40K instead of continuing to groom the game rules to be scalable DOWN as well as up.

This is just to fill my quarterly 'fuck you GW' posting requirement, FYI.