5 major ISPs roll out the "six strikes" policy regarding illegal downloads.


<Gold Donor>
This week, the five main Internet service providers will roll out a new system to curtail illegal downloading. Violators will get emails from their ISP, whether AT&T, Cablevision, Verizon, Time Warner Cable or Comcast. After six of those emails, the penalties get a bit stiffer, and your Internet speed could be throttled to 2002 levels for a couple of days.

MPAA and IRAA will be informed of the users which breach the 5th or 6th strike.


So looks like its time to use VPN. Or maybe we can use the same excuse theIRAA used when their IPs were caught illegally downloading content. It wasnt me, it was someone else.



Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
get VPN & stick to private trackers.

Or pay for your shit.

Canada will be next, I suppose.


Not Smrt
<Gold Donor>
Don't see cox on there so I should be fine. They used to do a 3 strike policy but not anymore to my knowledge. Haven't been throttled by them since then either. I think they just gave up and said screw this tracking crap. Could be wrong though.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I read over the article but I didn't see anything about whether warnings will expire or not. For example, if I get 2 warnings this month, but then go till December till getting another warning, will that be warning 3 or will I start again at warning 1 after a certain amount of time?

I got a warning from Verizon a few years ago and after 3(?) months it was removed so I started downloading again.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
No sympathy; pay for your shit.
Media companies need to really get with the 21st century and truly embrace the internet distribution method, the faster piracy forces them to get there the better. On the flip side dont bitch when you get your hand caught in the cookie jar.


I'm Amod too!
Don't see cox on there so I should be fine. They used to do a 3 strike policy but not anymore to my knowledge. Haven't been throttled by them since then either. I think they just gave up and said screw this tracking crap. Could be wrong though.
I've gotten a couple of nastygrams from Cox a few years ago but they never did anything about it. Of course now I've moved over to Newsgroups so any P2P tracking system in place isn't likely to catch me anyway.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
I highly doubt this even concerns anyone on this forum. Everything I've read about this new system still sounds like it's only going to punish the 13 year old kids downloading shit off piratebay, and any kind of decent private tracker is going to just keep on trucking.

Sure, it's a shitty thing, and a bit worrisome as it could easily just be the first finger on the hand of the iron fist of big media coming down on the internet, but I really don't think this changes anything at all for anyone even remotely tech savvy.


<Bronze Donator>
I thought media groups were going pretty heavily after newsgroups already. The best indexing site just went under and new content gets removed so quickly that the "super secret" place to upload changes frequently.


Media companies need to really get with the 21st century and truly embrace the internet distribution method, the faster piracy forces them to get there the better. On the flip side dont bitch when you get your hand caught in the cookie jar.
I think I agree with your sentiment but haven't media companies largely embraced the internet distribution method? We have iTunes, Steam etc. Radiohead, NIN, Louis C.K., and Aziz Ansari, among others, have used direct distribution. And I'm not convinced that, on balance, pirates help. On the contrary, I think they hurt. We need new laws, 21st century copy right laws etc. I have no problem with sampling or photoshoping. I am sympathetic to Aaron Swart's goal of making tax payer funded research available free to the public. There are many changes to be made. Unfortunately, pirates provide media companies and others with the boogie man they need to resist these changes. All because the pirates don't want to pay for Dead Space 3.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
There will always be a boogie man/reason/limitation that prevents companies from providing cheaper/better/easier access to content. The only way to force the change is to impact their prehistoric business models enough that they have no other options.


I'm Amod too!
I thought media groups were going pretty heavily after newsgroups already. The best indexing site just went under and new content gets removed so quickly that the "super secret" place to upload changes frequently.
To be honest I don't really download much beyond TV shows and I haven't noticed a dent in those even after they took down those two indexing sites.
this will all fall apart once someone goes to court. I don't see the RIAA & MPAA getting no-knock warrants to collect your HD. afaik nothing illegal about not securing your wireless.


So to download things illegally one now would have to use either a VPN or a seedbox service? Doesn't seem like this change will have any significant effect on the amount of pirated content which begs the question how much these enforcement efforts cost the various ISPs.


<Bronze Donator>
Outside of monopoly situations, whatever you can get away with is, by definition, a fair price.
Technically, yes. But certain parts of the supply chain(ISPs) are already monopolies or getting pretty darn close in most areas. So if we don't like the tv package one provider offers, we cancel them and go with...? A true marketplace should allow people to vote with their dollars and it's becoming hard to do that.

Also, your previous post makes it hard for people to ignore the margins some media companies are getting. When I can get a 1 hour standup from Louis CK for $5 or a just as funny 1 hour from HBO for many many more dollars per month for two years, you know there's a ton of margin. Which makes it hard to feel bad for them when you steal their shit.

And no, some media companies have not embraced the internet. Largely movies and tv companies though.