9/11 downtown protection images


Trakanon Raider
I'm not saying they don't exist, I'm saying it's wrong that they do.

Actually I've been thinking about it, and I would like to totally reverse my opinion.

Prisions should absolutely have an economy, that follows most standard laws that employer's must follow.

Like minimum wage.

Now, the prison could charge rent for the prisoner to live in, not the equivalent of an apartment, but the valuation of a prison cell.

Then they could charge for their meals, and the basic necessities.

The left over goes to the prisoner in an account, not liquidity exchangeable (until the end of their sentence).

Now you have a legitimate micro-economy inside the prison, which simulates the outside world.

You've got a carrot to work with, a reason for the prisoner to abide to the system, but not just a reason, a reason that simulates reality for re-integration.

Shit, they can use their money to buy up cigs, if that's what they want.

They can rent a higher value cell, in a nicer safer cell block.

They can save for a sex change, and hormone treatments if they want.

They can buy rec room time.

A better mattress.

A curtain for privacy when they poo.

Or they can fuck up more, and get deprived the carrot, sent to the shitty -- non payer's cells, the solitary or whatever, can't reintegrate everybody after all.
That idea works in a theory but once you involve human greed it all falls apart. We have people being put in prison for non violent offenses like drug usage or prostitution and once you have a felony on your record you are no longer employable outside of jobs with no mobility.

If that system were to go into place, you'd see what we've seen before with for profit prisons where the judges are paid off to sentence as many non violent people to prison so the profit to cost ratio is increased to please the share holders.


Queen Bee
Did you explain that, with the exception of aluminum cans, recycling uses up more energy and generates more waste than just making new shit?

While I know that, I keep it to myself. The people that are into recycling here are REALLY into recycling. I know someone that washes out and removes labels of everything before they recycle them. COME ON.

Some B neighbor of mine freaked out that she could hear glass bottles in the trash bag I was about to throw down the shoot (we drink a lot of beer) and she told me to take them out. I laughed it off and she insisted she would if I didn't...so she opened our trashed and took them out. Ew! There could have been raw chicken, used condoms and bloody tampons in there... And I'm still not going to recycle in the future. #sjw
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Potato del Grande
Is it illegal in oregon to dig through peoples trash? I would've video taped that shit and reported her to the authorities.
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Queen Bee
Is it illegal in oregon to dig through peoples trash? I would've video taped that shit and reported her to the authorities.

I didn't care. Lol. I told her I wasn't from Oregon and she goes, "I can tell.".

Plus she's seen me with my kids 100x... There could have been poop diapers in there! We use cloth with the little one, so we throw the poop wipes in the trash, not even covered. I hope she got raw chicken on the back of her hands and infant poop underneath her fingernails.
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Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
Trash is no longer yours once is out. Police can go through it. Same as other people.


Well-Known Memer


Silver Knight of the Realm
I agree with their right to assemble, fuck "permits" to protest. Fuck hundreds of riot cops "keeping the peace". They may be smelly idiot hippies, but i wholly agree with their abilities to disrupt the fuck out of our commercial overlords. We should do more to disrupt our shitty corporate overlords. The system we vote in to "protect the people" sure as hell does not. Our lives are infinitely harder because we have to deal with SYSTEMS UPON SYSTEMS UPON SYSTEMS in order to dehumanize transactions to the point that any real connection is meaningless. We can't fathom the sense of scale companies like At&t and McDonalds affect our lives. I never gave consent to be bombarded with thousands of ads for bullshit stuff I do not need everyday. Jesus fuck Mcdonalds doesnt care about you, Mcdonalds wants you to be tired one day and feed your kid a happy meal so that they can have a customer for life. They build their shitty food around fat salt and sugar to addict you and your kids forever. So that they can get rich five dollars at a time. All the while "fresh" stuff you buy in the supermarket gets blander and blander.

Fucking apologists. I am left as fuck when it comes to people defending monolithic corporations like they actually give a damn about you or your life. They are a unmoving, uncaring, System, and one we can never, ever vote to abolish. Even if we stop buying something we are addicted to, they would move to other markets and exploit other people just like fucking Marlboro. Then they can exist into perpetuity with market exploitation and cashflow interest. BP fucking wrecked a Sea for years and they still are able to go just fine. Exxon wrecked a coastline for years and here they are, still around, driving boats that cause more damage to our environment than all the cars in America combined. Good for the hippies, I hope there are hippies forever. I hope we never stop being mad about shit.

But they could wash their fucking hair every once in awhile.
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