A woman sentenced only 18 month after slaying 2 babies and failed on third.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Article says he's the son of a fertility doctor, so I imagine he got access to something that would fuck up a 6 week old fetus.

The fact that he was initially charged with first degree murder is such a fucking joke though.


Musty Nester
Man, way to stomp on the joke Hitler!

Cause without pretzels all there would be is beer and lederhosen.


Trakanon Raider
The only western justice system to actually prosecute a prime minister and throw him out of office for good is now corrupt and broken?

or are you just stereotyping because you watched all seasons of the Sopranos?
What the fuck? Did you forget how many times they had to go after Berlusconi, and how many times he managed to slither out of previous convictions for blatant, blatant corruption? Berlusconi is a perfect example of how fucked Italy's justice system is, not an example of how effective it is. Italy's justice system, like most of it's institutions, is a fucking embarrassment.


Bronze Squire
Hey guys, I just read an article on the internet.I must be pretty well qualified to determine the sentence of a trial.


Buzzfeed Editor
The only western justice system to actually prosecute a prime minister and throw him out of office for good is now corrupt and broken?

or are you just stereotyping because you watched all seasons of the Sopranos?
Might be the most egregious case of lack of context and selection bias on this board since Hodj and Kentucky. Bravo.


Buzzfeed Editor
Assuming we're talking about pre-conviction and not the horrible state of the prisons, what is wrong with the US justice system?
It's an overworked assembly line where people are bullied into plea agreements. It's not so much the "system" as it is the ridiculous workload we expect of it is creating severe fractures in it.

Strongly agree, executing people based on flimsy trials, rejecting any attempt at overturning later, is a much better justice system.
What? The U.S. appeals process is pretty exhaustive. I think you're forming your entire opinion based upon Innocence Project cases--which yes, are extreme failures of our justice system (And as most people said, we do have extreme failures.) However, there IS a lengthy appeals process for those found guilty (The state does not get to appeal innocence, though). Also, there is Habeus Corupus which can be used to even examine new evidence if it's exculpatory. Yes, this doesn't always work; but it is there. The fact is, on paper, the U.S. system is heavily weighted toward the citizen going free. However, yeah, a lot of people go to jail.....but that's not the system.

The problems in the system are a byproduct of work load. Since the adversarial system takes a LONG time, and the U.S. has some draconian laws, a lot of problems are cropping up from the courts having many times the work load they were intended to have. This pushes every actor in the court toward forcing plea deals and expedient ends to trials. But that's a break down in our adversarial system; the close, tight knit work group among the court actors is not how it's "supposed" to be. Italy though uses an inquisitorial system--where the judge is an active part of the investigation. It brings whole new levels of incestuous relationships among the police and judiciary. It's like the problems in the U.S. but on steroids; because what we see as problems with the system--the Italians see as things working correctly.

It's a shit system. Supposedly France uses one to some decent outcome, though I'm not sure how (Because it seems like it would be very difficult). But in Italy it really does seem beyond fucked. If you're at all critical of the failings in the U.S. system, it' seems absolutely absurd that you'd defend the Italian system.

In addition to that, she tried to blame this entirely on Patrick Lumumba as well, which has been proven to be false.
Please, enlighten us on your revelations.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Just like Bavaria != Germany, yet we are Pretzels, Beer and Lederhosen to you.
Beer, maybe. But replace pretzels and Lederhosen with cars and nazis and that might be more accurate of what the average American thinks of in terms of association ;p


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Just like Bavaria != Germany, yet we are Pretzels, Beer and Lederhosen to you.
Bavaria is a type of cream, isn't it? Or maybe a pastry. Why are you comparing it to an automobile manufacturing plant?


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
I'm no law expert but I'm pretty sure the purpose of eliminating double jeopardy is to make sure prosecutors don't jump the gun and take people to trial based on personal beliefs and ideals rather than supporting evidence thus wasting tax dollars and a lot of time.
No, I don't think so. It's purpose was to keep the state from carrying out a vendetta against someone. Like what's happening to knox. That stuff you said is just a good side effect.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Beer, maybe. But replace pretzels and Lederhosen with cars and nazis and that might be more accurate of what the average American thinks of in terms of association ;p
You can't find anything on GIS that has all three of those in it.

this one however


all three in one shot. And there's dozens of these.

Don't forget, Italian white knight man:

Faulty Justice: Italian Earthquake Scientist Speaks Out against His Conviction - Scientific American

Manslaughter for not shamaning up an earthquake prediction. For multiple people. Truly, a shining beacon of light in the darkness of the world's courts.
Oh shit, I remember that one now. Yeah, I'm gonna white knight something else.