Addicted Dads (EQ Emu 2 Box)


Trakanon Raider
Nylab has been a crybaby over the dumbest shit since he started playing. It is very over the top and does seem trollish. I was doing some long term parsing and came back and saw my chat window was full of him spam hailing people and calling people pussy pants and pussy patrol. I also identified someone warping ( against server rules ). The information was passed along and the normal adults did the reasonable thing, stopped playing with that guy. Nylab has been talking shit about that guy in ooc and atleast once a day asks if his guild is full of faggots or something equally trollish.

I love humorously harassing people as much as the next guy, but this clown comes off as autistic screeching.




Toilet of the Mod Elect
Nylab has been a crybaby over the dumbest shit since he started playing. It is very over the top and does seem trollish. I was doing some long term parsing and came back and saw my chat window was full of him spam hailing people and calling people pussy pants and pussy patrol. I also identified someone warping ( against server rules ). The information was passed along and the normal adults did the reasonable thing, stopped playing with that guy. Nylab has been talking shit about that guy in ooc and atleast once a day asks if his guild is full of faggots or something equally trollish.

I love humorously harassing people as much as the next guy, but this clown comes off as autistic screeching.

View attachment 168212
View attachment 168213

Were headed to Dain if you need a alt flagged.


Molten Core Raider
Probably takes a certain level of autism to understand his humor because no one in my group can. This being EQ though autism is everywhere so it's par for the course. Anyways, Quarm is dead, server is beaten. Tell me when you try VT, I'll come visit.
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Golden Knight of the Realm
Probably takes a certain level of autism to understand his humor because no one in my group can. This being EQ though autism is everywhere so it's par for the course. Anyways, Quarm is dead, server is beaten. Tell me when you try VT, I'll come visit.
I've been waiting for DPS to be flagged. A four hour VT clear sounds pretty horrible


Vyemm Raider
Grinding levels on my ranger sacrifice. Might need some help with kt/aow this weekend.

Do you think I will have any issue with my Tunare ranger killing tunare?
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Golden Knight of the Realm
Tunare's faction hits are pretty minimal here. You can undo a lot of that with killing in crushbone.


Molten Core Raider
Looks like Nylab is about recreating a genuine EQ experience... plenty of cunts back in the day
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Silver Knight of the Realm
Get a little bit higher in levels and there are a bunch of epic 1.5 mobs that are instant respawn and aren't too hard. I farm the guy in qeynos when I'm super bored and it's 20% of an AA at level 65.

Where are some others? Some guy named Ginger constantly afk farming Qeynos.
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New title pending...
<Bronze Donator>
Even though Nylab is a gigantic faggot, I am happy to help other folks with any flagging they need when I am around and not busy. Typically I hop online when my core group hits me up to play, but often times I am online here just not in game. So if you guys need a hand you can post up here or shoot me a message, and I will do what I can to help.


Trump's Staff
Let me know if someone wants/needs guild lead for something. I doubt I'll be back to this server; my play schedules didn't line up with other people to do shit previously and I'm back to full time work so it's even less likely to happen now.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
My household goods (PC) wont be shipped to my new home for another month and a half. Doubtful I come back, so I can dish the deets on some fun xp.

Necromancer AA wake the dead (whatever resurrects 1 corpse for a set amount of time) is broken. It's supposed to last 30 sec or so and further AA levels make it last longer. The broken exploit is that it never goes away. Buy level 1 of the AA and leave it at that. Go to your neighborhood mage and get him to summon you a few dozen kedge pet weaps. Proceed to Paw (revamped lvl65+ version) and kill a mob legit to leave a corpse. Use WTD, give it pet weaps. Downside is it has a 9 minute cooldown, so can take a long time to set up. Once you have about 5 of these things going, you can really kill efficiently. Get about 20+ of these things running and you just roflstomp your way through the zone. As you add Pet AA like flurry and crits, it just goes even faster. (these crit for 700s)

Easy way to max AA or PL crazy fast.

Have fun pals.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
So how long does it take to level on this server? I'm about to be out of town for work for like 6 weeks and will probably have like 3-4hours a night 3 nights a week where I could play.. So more or less like 60-80hours total... worth playing?


Lord Nagafen Raider
Although I would also not be opposed to idling afk around the clock while i'm at work or whatever and letting pet shred stuff for free exp.


New title pending...
<Bronze Donator>
It only took me a few days /played to get there. Granted, Jox helped me out a ton from 60-65


Trump's Staff
So how long does it take to level on this server? I'm about to be out of town for work for like 6 weeks and will probably have like 3-4hours a night 3 nights a week where I could play.. So more or less like 60-80hours total... worth playing?

It's very fast.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I haven't posted much, but we're still playing. We've finished VT. Haven't started messing around in PoP much yet.
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