Age of Empires II HD


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
video=youtube was what I couldn't figure out, nice work.

Maybe this thread will bring Heavens_Myst back. He was a big AoE player.


<Prior Amod>
Figures, I just repurchased this will all expansions not to long ago to replace my lost physical copy of one of my expansions. I just bought it all on Steam so I wouldn't have to worry about it anymore.

I wonder if they will be doing the Indian expansion?


Yeah this was one of the good ones, the Indian Expansion came with AoE3, which was the crap the put out after they were bought by MS.


I remember being fascinated with the scimitar-throwing camel riders that were the Saracens' special unit. They were pretty terrible in general but winning a game with a swam of those units was truly satisfying.

Nothing beats the Vikings though. Self-healing berserkers, infantry melee bonus, and longboats

The Ancient_sl

Marmalukes were pretty awesome actually. They were the fastest unit in the game I believe so with good micro you could pretty much beat any non-ranged unit in the game.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
British Longbowmen were key. Didn't they have the longest range of all the units? A massive square formation of them with a couple priests in the middle for healing was pretty much unstoppable. Nothing could get close.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
British Longbowmen were key. Didn't they have the longest range of all the units? A massive square formation of them with a couple priests in the middle for healing was pretty much unstoppable. Nothing could get close.
Yeah, these were my favorite units. Felt like cheating with their range.

I liked Horse Archers in the first AoE but I don't think they were as powerful in 2 because of the introduction of elite units.


Most of the unique racial units were useless in anything above low level play. They could only be produced from castles so you just could not make them fast enough. A good player would end up with 120 villagers but only 4 castles due to the high stone cost and limited stone spawns. There could be exceptions in some rare circumstances, so as Goth Huskarls which build really quickly or Mayan Plume Archers which could be added to groups of regular archers.

I havent played since before they closed the MSN Zone though, so the game may have changed a bit since then.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
We spent most of our time playing the game over a LAN at my house or via serial cable on opposites sides of the room. Our games consisted of building these huge, elaborately defended towns in which we had carte blanche to build up the biggest army the game could support. Then we would talk shit to each other for an hour until someone dared to attack and (almost inevitably) got wiped out.

I also enjoyed allying against the computer on the hardest difficulty, but the AI was pretty simplistic... as long as you could defend against their first attack about 12 minutes into the game, it was really easy to win.


The game was fantastic for 4v4 on the zone (I also played 1v1, but it was a demanding and competitive game, so most non-poopsockers preferred 4v4). Each team would spawn with 2 pocket players and 2 wings, with the wings being outside the pockets and further forward. The game could be played in a lot of ways, but the most typical flow would be:

The 4 wings flush (feudal age with skirmishers), and try to disrupt the economy of their opposing player. The 4 pocket players go for a fast castle age and knights, which decimate skirmishers. The pockets protect the wings while they go castle age for their own knights. Castles are erected after everyone booms their economies (120 villagers, usually from 3 town centres) and trebuchet wars take place in imperial age, with groups of knights running in to try to pick off trebs defended by pikemen, while light cavalry are used to attack economies.

The flow of the team games was very good, better than any other RTS I have played (including AoM). There was also a bunch of other fun stuff like the Nomad maps.