Answer the question above you, no matter what it is


<Prior Amod>
I already asked that
But for me it would be going back and spending more time with my Grandfather.

Sega Genesis or Super Nintendo?


I already asked that
But for me it would be going back and spending more time with my Grandfather.

Sega Genesis or Super Nintendo?
I asked it too with my butterfly effect question :)

Super Nintendo, without a doubt. FF3, Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana? Fuck Genesis.

Does anyone NOT think Alienware is noting more that paying thousands of dollars for an alien logo on you rig?


Golden Knight of the Realm
This question has stagnated the thread for over 24 hours, so it deserves to be picked apart: "Does anyone NOT think..." is essentially asking for a simple Y/N response from a single responder allowing for speculation on accepted Group-think consensus. This is difficult, if not impossible to obtain. "...Alienware is noting more that paying thousands of dollars..." indicates an expectation that Alienware has taken notice of additional data including payment of over $1000 "for an alien logo on you rig?"
So if I understand the question correctly, the desired answer is Y/N regarding whether Alienware has awareness of paying >1000 dollars for a symbol that has a pre-arranged outcome in what is supposed to be a fair and unknown result. So I am willing to bet that Alienware itself does not know the concept (trying to avoid any type of AI debate), but more than likely, a person employed by, using or somehow representing Alienware can grasp the concept of a number more than 1000 existing and representing dollars. This number can be applied in many different ways, including visual representation of a concept, including scenarios where the unknown outcome is manipulated by others.

Don't worry. It's not the worst question I've ever seen...

When he went, had you gone and had she, if she wanted to and were able, for the time being excluding all the restraints on her not to go, gone also, would he have brought you, meaning you and she, with him to the station?


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Apparently that's a tough one. So i'll pick death.

Why are the fake penis enlargement pill people still in business?


Apparently that's a tough one. So i'll pick death.

Why are the fake penis enlargement pill people still in business?
Because people watch too much porn and expect every cock to be eight inches or bigger.

Would you rather die or have someone you love dearly die in your place?


Because people watch too much porn and expect every cock to be eight inches or bigger.

Would you rather die or have someone you love dearly die in your place?
If it was my time, i would accept death. Not without a fight tho, i would never wish the death of a loved one over myself.

How do you measure wealth? and Why?
A well balanced blend between organic happiness and hard-earned financial stability.

When I was younger I worked at a coffee shop in a rich part of town and I used to get tons of wealthy snobs roll through our shop for their daily coffee enemas, very few convinced me they were genuinely happy despite the fact that I would see them roll in and out with their $100K+ sports cars. The few ones who were happy were the ones who earned their wealth from the ground up, worked for it, and shared it with their close friends and family. I've noticed most financially stable people who are happy make no more than $150,000 a year. Anything more than that and money starts to become more of a burden than a blessing.

Leave all your friends and family behind and never have a chance of seeing them again, but you get to be Tony Stark/Iron Man in another dimension? Or $150,000 right now in your own universe with no strings attached?


Bronze Squire
I'll take the $150k and stay pat here. Being Ironman sounds stressful.

What is the coolest vacation you have ever taken, what made it so cool?


Blackwing Lair Raider
Turkey - Totally incorrect perception of what it would be like there. The people were amazing and so welcoming, people we just met we would hit it off with and go hang out to have tea or drink and discuss random things with. Not to mention the GD food there was so good.

If you could go anywhere specifically (on URF) where would it be?


Trakanon Raider
If you could go anywhere specifically (on URF) where would it be?
A: Alaska, preferably with 4 good friends, some fat skis, a fast helicopter and a wicked guide.

Q: What 80's classic video game would you have remade today?


Bronze Squire
Q: What 80's classic video game would you have remade today?
Not quite sure how to answer this. Do you just mean re-release? Updates graphics? Complete overhaul using modern technology and gameplay based on the retro game?

Anyways, I would play the shit out of a Legend of Zelda remake. I still play the original and have like just about every sequel.

What is the most embarrassing thing to ever happen to you in public?


School play when I was... 12? 13? Around that. It was less than a play, just a single scene with a dozen static characters that we performed at an end of year school party or something... I ended up being the guy with the most lines, which was a bit silly because I am a procrastinator with no memory (at least not for the things you need to learn by heart). Anyway, I fubar'ed my lines as I accidentally skipped several. As a result, the scene made little to no sense and several other characters went from a few lines to none at all... Still puts a cold shiver down my spine when I think of it... Oddly I don't think anyone blamed me (it was a mandatory thing and no one was that much into it I guess), but I remember the father of a classmate asking her how come she had no line...


What is the most embarrassing thing to ever happen to you in private?


Silver Knight of the Realm
In 5th grade I wanted to ask a girl out. I had only been in town less than a year. I told only her best friend. Then one day I came back to class and the entire group, as a whole, yelled in unison she wouldn't go out with me. Not the end of the world. But at 11 or 12 or whatever it was, it definitely stung. Never told that until now. Enjoy.

Why do you think the darkside deserves better than they give it?


In 5th grade I wanted to ask a girl out. I had only been in town less than a year. I told only her best friend. Then one day I came back to class and the entire group, as a whole, yelled in unison she wouldn't go out with me. Not the end of the world. But at 11 or 12 or whatever it was, it definitely stung. Never told that until now. Enjoy.
Similar to this, but I embarrassed someone to the point where I felt like absolute shit for week and crazy embarrassed. At summer camp their was this girl that all my friends were telling me liked me, and they were really ragging me about it. She finally came up to me and asked if I wanted to take a walk or get something to eat, etc. I see my friends looking at me and having to play that cool kid card scream "I don't like you, bitch"(weird thing for a 12 year old to say, I know). She just starts crying her eyes out and didn't leave her cabin except to eat the rest of the camp. My friends blew up on me for being the biggest dick on the planet, I was a complete asshole, etc. I felt like the biggest piece of shit on Earth. I'm 34 years old and still can cringe thinking about that memory.

Why do you think the darkside deserves better than they give it?
Darkside the '88 game or Darksiders the 2010 game? Never played either.

Is the side scrolling bullshit in Zelda 2 the worst part of the series ever?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yes it is, couldnt stand that shit.

Who is the gayest mod on rerolled?


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Probably but only if they start shit near my armory.

Do you like bacon?
Who doesn't like bacon? Hell, I've known several devout Muslims from the Middle East who came to America to study and ended up trying bacon and LOVED it.

Would you rather live in a house infested with mice or roaches?