

Vyemm Raider
How wrong you are. Sure you may start out small as your cash pool needs to work up but once you are running and if you dedicate yourself to doing it, you can become filthy rich just playing a AH. And its zero risk, because you sit in town.
Yeah, if you wanna sit in town and be a carebear fucking douchebag who artificially inflates prices, you can make loads of gold. It will be slightly more difficult to get off the ground in AA due to the cross-server AH, and having to compete with even more douchebags, but it's doable.

I like the system in Vindictus. You can buy and sell gear freely on the AH, but items like crafting mats become bound to you when you buy them.


Vyemm Raider
I'm fucking angry? What makes you think that? Because I fucking use the word fucking? Is that the fucking problem? I don't fucking understand why people always seem to jump to that fucking conclusion. It makes zero fucking sense. Fucking noob.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
What is going to happen when PRX dominates their server in PVP? Will there be any point or is just being able to move about freely unmolested a good enough reward?
Every game is unique and impossible to predict, but in this one domination is pretty light-handed for a guild like ours. We don't really have the power to go destroy everyone's villages, and it's more work to ensure that an enemy can't operate than it's worth. Personally I think it's on the carebear side of things and PVP doesn't have enough meaning (except in ship battles where trade packs are involved).

We'll also be making an effort to ensure we are placed on server with other powerful guilds.


Molten Core Raider
need a release date so I can take off work, and no life it for 4 days(headstart) because if you don't, don't play this game.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Yeah. I didn't get into beta until Saturday I think, plus I rerolled to the East side once it was mentioned that PRX would be rolling there at release.

So right now I'm thinking of using the next betas to figure out what all I need to do during the headstart. Where to claim land, what to plant, what order to build shit in, etc. Right now I'm pretty clueless and I don't want to waste the headstart.


Vyemm Raider
Every game is unique and impossible to predict, but in this one domination is pretty light-handed for a guild like ours. We don't really have the power to go destroy everyone's villages, and it's more work to ensure that an enemy can't operate than it's worth. Personally I think it's on the carebear side of things and PVP doesn't have enough meaning (except in ship battles where trade packs are involved).

We'll also be making an effort to ensure we are placed on server with other powerful guilds.
For ship battles, the cost of sandglass for repairs is a factor too. Come release, when there's a lot more going on in the sea, could be pretty costly. Prolly not huge, but at least it's something. Would probably be better if the repair time was longer than 10 minutes.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
We'll also be making an effort to ensurewe are placed on server with other powerful guilds.
Nice, I would like Trion to enforce Eu only servers, and not the usual UK, French, German servers bullshit. Being server segregated is terrible, most of the time the server choice is a fucking (angry) nightmare, you're like "should I stick to an UK server where brits and northerners (swe, finn, nor, dan, etc) will play or should I play on my French / German server which will be full of my people ?". From my experience UK servers are way more cool, you meet a lot of people from all around Europe, make new friends / enemies all gathered together with English language.

On the other hand, it's more simple and "friendly" to play on your native language server, but you'll only meet Frenchs or Germans to play with, which isn't really good gameplay / community wise, WWII jokes or not (MMO wise frenchs are known to be utter assholes and Germans self-centered twats, which isn't that far from the truth). UK servers also have the russian problem. Thousands of cyrillic typing Cykas who don't give a flying fuck about English, anyone or anything really, they're just here to play together, talk their devilish tongue and take your fun. You might think "oh well then kill them, YOU will take their fun". You can think more wrong. Russians have most of the time shitty Internet and they lag like hell when they play on Eu servers. Killing a lagging, swapping, rubberbanding twat isn't fun, it's like fishing with torpedoes.

Eu servers please.
Nice, I would like Trion to enforce Eu only servers, and not the usual UK, French, German servers bullshit. Being server segregated is terrible, most of the time the server choice is a fucking (angry) nightmare, you're like "should I stick to an UK server where brits and northerners (swe, finn, nor, dan, etc) will play or should I play on my French / German server which will be full of my people ?". From my experience UK servers are way more cool, you meet a lot of people from all around Europe, make new friends / enemies all gathered together with English language.

On the other hand, it's more simple and "friendly" to play on your native language server, but you'll only meet Frenchs or Germans to play with, which isn't really good gameplay / community wise, WWII jokes or not (MMO wise frenchs are known to be utter assholes and Germans self-centered twats, which isn't that far from the truth). UK servers also have the russian problem. Thousands of cyrillic typing Cykas who don't give a flying fuck about English, anyone or anything really, they're just here to play together, talk their devilish tongue and take your fun. You might think "oh well then kill them, YOU will take their fun". You can think more wrong. Russians have most of the time shitty Internet and they lag like hell when they play on Eu servers. Killing a lagging, swapping, rubberbanding twat isn't fun, it's like fishing with torpedoes.

Eu servers please.
What an awesome crazy rant. for the record you need to play on a US Server. We usually get the Australians and those crazy fucks will get drunk and shit on your crafted pillow on your crafted bed in your crafted hut for a lark.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
What an awesome crazy rant. for the record you need to play on a US Server. We usually get the Australians and those crazy fucks will get drunk and shit on your crafted pillow on your crafted bed in your crafted hut for a lark.
Yeah no way with 150ms, especially with Archeage.


FoH nuclear response team
Is the Alpha updated to 1.02 as well or just the Beta? I want to check out the changes.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yeah that's one of the faults of the PvP system. The only time there is real risk is when you're carrying a tradepack. It'd be nice if you can sail on the open seas, get your shit stolen by 'Clan Kool' and then hunt them down, kill them and take their gold. Or find where they live, go there and stomp their petunias or whatever. But there's really nothing you can do. If they're part of a larger organization you can find their village and harass them, but it's such a nuisance and the death penalty is so light it's really no big deal.
the big issue is that ships have no value. it takes next to nothing to repair them when they are destroyed. Id rather see that players buy the blueprint and its permanent but a ship is destroyed when its destroyed. Of course that would be far to "hardcore" for the casual player and will never fly which leads to the biggest issue with archeage. Every fight on game design ends up a "casual" vs "hardcore" and Trion/XL Games tries to cater to them both. There is no middle ground between those 2 playerbases and after a month or two the game will lose either one or the other.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I think the big risk for large guilds will be losing a castle. The time and money for one is crazy.

As for ships, they could tweak the repair item to be harder make, thus making it more money. Not sure what it costs atm for alpha, but its probably not much. In the first couple weeks though, it sucks when you lose your ship, because there are not many alchemist around to make the repair item. If you make it too costly, people will just despawn their ship as soon as they see another coming. Has to be a nice middle ground, so people will fight with the larger ships(take higher tier repair item) but still a negative moment if it gets destroyed.

As it is though, people pretty much go out to sea to either fish or run packs or to find people doing one of those activities and to take their stuff. The sea battles that are just "to kill people" seemed to more of a exception then the norm. People will even ignore you if they don't see packs or fish.
Has anyone seen a good beginner's guide? I find myself following the quest chain and not seeing how the crafting integrates in. Twice I've ended up at level 25 and not really done any of the crafting. Reading here it's clear I should be stopping around level 10 and heading off in a crafting direction some.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Has anyone seen a good beginner's guide? I find myself following the quest chain and not seeing how the crafting integrates in. Twice I've ended up at level 25 and not really done any of the crafting. Reading here it's clear I should be stopping around level 10 and heading off in a crafting direction some.
I still don't know what I'm doing (only the beta as a F2P), but at about level 10 you should've seen a crafting quest line start. The quests all have a little sprout looking thing instead of exclamation mark. The first one is planting a potato and then getting a scarecrow, followed by tradepack.


Has anyone seen a good beginner's guide? I find myself following the quest chain and not seeing how the crafting integrates in. Twice I've ended up at level 25 and not really done any of the crafting. Reading here it's clear I should be stopping around level 10 and heading off in a crafting direction some.
Not very many decent beginner resources for 1.2 out currently.

The general Idea is to rush to level 10 - head to the lvl 10+ zone and complete your small farm quest at the public farm. Plant your shopping list of seeds and bananas/ducks (east/west) and continue leveling.

From what I can tell in my first initial run through level 10 grinding mobs and doing the "Green" quests so far seems to be the most lucrative way (green quests give gilda stars which are important).

In my twitch video linked previously I did 1-7 in roughly 24 minutes netting a gold and a half in coin purses just on the foxes in the west human starting zone-in.

This funds a level 8 weapon with 80s or so to spare for small farm activities as I hit 10.

The green quests in the immediate vicinity get you to level 7.5 and then I farm bees to get to 8. I do some math and based on ttk/downtime bees will take me to level 10 the fastest (roughly 8mins/level) More or less getting me to 10 in 46 minutes at optimal speed.

The run from the western human starting point to the small farm quest npc takes almost exactly 10 minutes if you spam sprint and don't catch any trams.

The run from the small farm npc to the most notable housing development areas on the western continent takes 20-25 minutes depending on trams/preferred zone.

Going to test more tonight.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Do you need to be lvl 10 to pick up the farm quest?

I was thinking of just running straight to the quest giver, travelling to place the farm and then catching up levels grinding in the 10+ zone.