

Blackwing Lair Raider
u r a superhero
Im lvl 27 now and absolutely terrible at this game. If I get an add or two I'm usually running. Meanwhile I see people spamming arrows or nukes at the speed of light and dropping 2-3 mobs in the time I kill one.
Maybe it's because I'm bard/healer/random useless third spec but it sucks


Silver Knight of the Realm
Im lvl 27 now and absolutely terrible at this game. If I get an add or two I'm usually running. Meanwhile I see people spamming arrows or nukes at the speed of light and dropping 2-3 mobs in the time I kill one.
Maybe it's because I'm bard/healer/random useless third spec but it sucks
ya I am fairly overwhelmed by all the class / skill options. It's like I want all of them.


Molten Core Raider
Thanks ! i noticed that if i cast an ice spell on mob, then hit same mob with Fire spell the ICE dot that was on mob goes poof... i thought that was cool .


Pay to play forum
I am trying to install at the moment. I used a VPN to set up my account, but cant register with it on the AA website. Without vpn I get the region not allowed message, with a VPN it just says error, where you normally log in.

Any ideas?


Pay to play forum
Well, I guess going to sleep fixes weird bugs. I was able to create an account with the help of a VPN now. NO fucking idea what was wrong yesterday. Time to kill stuff!
ArcheAge FAQ mentions testing plans, optional subscription, and housing limitations | Massively

ArcheAge FAQ mentions testing plans, optional subscription, and housing limitations

Trion Worlds has published a new FAQ for ArcheAge today that concentrates on testing plans and core features of its upcoming Western version.

The team said that alpha testing is imminent and will be followed by beta events for the remainder of the year leading up to launch. While fans can sign up on the site for a chance at a key, Trion said that soon-to-be-revealed founders packs will guarantee beta access.

ArcheAge will be adopting a hybrid F2P model including an optional subscription. This subscription will be necessary if a player wants to own his or her own house in the game, as the "limited real estate" will be earmarked for paying customers only.

Trion addressed its level of control over the title in its relationship with developer XLGAMES and indicated that the Korean 1.0 patch changes will not be coming to the West: "We work with XLGAMES to understand and new features that are added to ArcheAge in the East to determine how well they will be accepted in our regions, and then offer feedback. XLGAMES has been fantastic in addressing that feedback as best as they can. In situations where a feature is added that we don't think will be appropriate for our audiences, we work with XLGAMES to modify or remove that feature from our version."

So you buy a founders pack and get beta access.


FoH nuclear response team
This is great news, especially the 1.0 not coming to the US.

I just tried to make sure all my emails were signed up for the beta and that shit is fucked up.
This is great news, especially the 1.0 not coming to the US.

I just tried to make sure all my emails were signed up for the beta and that shit is fucked up.
I did the same, and I cant even tell if they are or aren't signed up.

I end up buying founders pack get in beta that way since they fucked up all my emails.


FoH nuclear response team
I do call bullshit on them "alpha testing" soon, haven't they been testing it for awhile now.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
Trion addressed its level of control over the title in its relationship with developer XLGAMES and indicated that the Korean 1.0 patch changes will not be coming to the West: "We work with XLGAMES to understand and new features that are added to ArcheAge in the East to determine how well they will be accepted in our regions, and then offer feedback. XLGAMES has been fantastic in addressing that feedback as best as they can. In situations where a feature is added that we don't think will be appropriate for our audiences, we work with XLGAMES to modify or remove that feature from our version."

So you buy a founders pack and get beta access.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Here is a clarification on the housing from the community manager:

Update: ArcheAge Community Manager Scapes contacted us with additional clarification on how the housing limitations will work -- specifically, how free-to-play players will indeed be able to own land in ArcheAge. Here's the full text:
Let's clarify how free-to-play players can own land in ArcheAge! In case you're not familiar with ArcheAge, there's an inherently high value on real estate for building houses and farms because the areas where they can be built are part of the open-world environment and not instanced. This means that these areas are intentionally limited in size and quantity and do not scale with a server's population by design.

Since ArcheAge is a free-to-play game, there's a risk that malicious users may attempt to use multiple free accounts to claim the best real estate simply to deny access to that space from other players. Requiring Patron status to claim land removes this risk. Free players can still gain the benefits of houses and farms by way of guild-, family-, or friend-owned property (the family system is a special permissions-granting friends list).

Now, about the Patron Program. In ArcheAge, this optional account status grants players the ability to claim land and pay in-game taxes on their buildings as well as other gameplay benefits. It can be purchased either as a single payment for a Patron Pass which grants a set duration of Patron status, or as a recurring subscription which grants ongoing Patron status.

Additionally, we are planning to make a tradable, in-game item version of Patron Passes. This means that players who are industrious or creative entrepreneurs in ArcheAge will be able to trade with players who have purchased the Patron Pass item in exchange for in-game currency, goods, actions, services ... whatever the market will bear!

I hope this helps clear up what we were communicating (albeit a bit indirectly) in the FAQ, and we'll have more details on how Patron Pass item trading will take place in ArcheAge as we finalize this feature. As for right now, we'll go back and update the related questions with clearer wording.

Looking forward to seeing you in-game soon!


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Man 3 MMO's to play or playing from now till end of year, it's a good year.