

Molten Core Raider
ah ok I really didn't want to have to start playing again so soon release is only like a week or so away but still need a break from the horrendous grind this game is at end game, and I only got to lvl 50 armor, armor as in the 7 armor pieces jewelry was all still lvl 24-30, I had the hasla / pvp wep, in total I made about 6k gold in beta 80% of that went into getting my lvl 50 armor set, if not more I never bought anything, did no tradeskills that I had to buy mats for.


Molten Core Raider
Good long while? Underestimating how fast people will get crafting proficiencies up. Also you pretty much said why they gated it(they are very good and easy/quick to get).

As for honor, in total its not a big deal, but its probably more about the honor/time ratio compared to other activities and how easy it is to do.
yah cinge, you would need like the 4th tier Korean bow arcane or heroic just to match the dps of the first tier hasla wep, its a fucking joke.

and if you don't go Korean and you try for magnificent and epherium good luck, youd need like delphinad just to compete with the hasla bow.

itemization sucks in this game, anyone whos spent more than a week at 50 knows this, and I think its whats gonna kill the game, I really wish I was exaggerating how good the hasla wep is compared to anything crafted but im not, and that's only rank 1 of the hasla wep, you can upgrade it 2 more times.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Anyone know if they fixed the hotbar disappearing crap? Or is it still not stable enough to test that?

And I completely missed that archeum box added to the cash shop until I started reading what it was. So I guess that explains why they didn't up the drop rate. Pretty fucking annoyed now.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
yah cinge, you would need like the 4th tier Korean bow arcane or heroic just to match the dps of the first tier hasla wep, its a fucking joke.

and if you don't go Korean and you try for magnificent and epherium good luck, youd need like delphinad just to compete with the hasla bow.

itemization sucks in this game, anyone whos spent more than a week at 50 knows this, and I think its whats gonna kill the game, I really wish I was exaggerating how good the hasla wep is compared to anything crafted but im not, and that's only rank 1 of the hasla wep, you can upgrade it 2 more times.
Why they are gating anything past tier1.

And I completely missed that archeum box added to the cash shop until I started reading what it was. So I guess that explains why they didn't up the drop rate. Pretty fucking annoyed now.
It's a gamble box that has a chance at giving archeum.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Man this doesn't seem like it should be in the cash shop... wtf
Especially after the day before they announce that their archeum fix wasn't really a fix and was more of a half assed "we're still looking into it" kind of response. Combine those two together and it looks like the drop rate in game is going to continue to suck shit, and you'd better be prepared to drop a significant amount of money if you want any armor after the free lvl 50 quest gear.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Apparently they removed all the high end gliders too. So no point in getting better horses or gliders anymore. What in the fuck?

This server issue seems a bit strange as well. I really figured they would have added at least two for open beta. I mean, there's no more alpha and omega, so you're clearly going to have those added populations. Plus all the people trying it out for the first time.

The foresight of Trion is fucking terrible.


I want to play this game less and less the more I read about their cash shop implementations. Jesus man, there wasn't any of this BS back when I bought the founder pack, I feel a bit bait and switched tbh.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Ya, this is getting kind of scary between having to bow to their Korean masters and removing content in a cheap bid to release "new" content later.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I think that's why there's a lot of anger right now. We were all sold a game and they said, "We're not doing this and this." Then a week before launch, they basically do everything they said they wouldn't when it's too late to get a refund.

These changes, if they were going to be done, needed to be done weeks ago - not right before launch.

Oh, and another change, they removed one of the items to craft fishing boats. I'd imagine this one was an accident, but it once again shows that Trion doesn't have the foresight to see what changes they make actually effect the rest of the game.

Edit: Also, I forgot about the part that really chaps my ass. Patrons are paying a subscription, and yet we're essentially seeing a game model that's more akin to a completely F2P game that only features a cash shop. It's pretty scummy.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Curious if everything they are taking out, is stuff added after launch in Korea. And if so, why have it in the first part, should of just left it out entire time. People do not like being shown something then having it taken back.


Molten Core Raider
I want to play this game less and less the more I read about their cash shop implementations. Jesus man, there wasn't any of this BS back when I bought the founder pack, I feel a bit bait and switched tbh.
i feel burned and i am using someone elses account... i can only imagine, if i had paid 150 for this shit id be raging right now, i feel really bad for the people that jump into this one blind, they are going to get dick punched and have their head curb stomped by everyone passing by, and that's still probably going to happen to 85% of the population, because this game is not for everyone, i think about all the work i did in alpha and i feel like i already beat and completed this game as if there was a raid boss or something.

did the gear grind to magnificent (50 set) did alchemy to 25k did the pvp honor grinds, did arenas, did solo arenas, did world pvp, and i feel like i already went through everything this game has to offer already, oh did the shitty PVE "end game" dungeon GHA wich is fucking easy dumb and bugged to shit, as long as you don't have pants on head retards.

The only thing i haven't done was like fishing, i didn't build a fishing boat or a merch ship because after the patch getting 400 gilda is dumb, i made the tractor thing cost over like 2k(and i had 2 free thundersteuck GIVEN TO ME) to make it and its a piece of giant shit, even with the upgrade you're a dumb fuck for getting a tractor over a merchant ship, i don't know all the mats for a merch ship, but i know 400gilda was selling for like 2k gold last time i checked, and saw someone who had that many to sell(obvious china) idk if it requires 2 thunderstruck trees or w/e but the mats are outrageous for the tractor and the time it would take you to flip that and turn it into profit would take forever doing shitty land runs, compared to the merchant ship is silly, obviously the tractor plan only cost 50 gilda but the mats to craft the fucking thing are sick, you would be better off grinding out 400 gilda, or buying them off someone.

So theres no more alpha servers? i still have like 2k gold if anyone wants it for last minute testing, oh i never built a castle or attacked/defended one, we tried tho, or a house OH GOD I NEED TO PLAY NOW.


Mr. Poopybutthole
3 paragraphs of bitching followed by "I want to play now!"
Your last sentence is how I feel. The decisions they've made in the last 48 hours or so have really destroyed my trust for Trion. Which is really sad, because the months before this were fucking awesome. It's a really fun game. I've been jonesing to play for a while now and have been looking forward to launch badly. But in 48 hours they've basically shit all over the goodwill that had been built up.

If they could have just left shit alone, it'd probably have been the first MMO I played past month one in years.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
Well Destiny is coming out next it's not all bad. It just became that much more interesting all of a sudden.(I was getting it anyways).


Silver Squire
Well Destiny is coming out next it's not all bad. It just became that much more interesting all of a sudden.(I was getting it anyways).
The Destiny bitching is going to be pretty loud come release. That game really is mediocre at best even with rose colored glasses.