

Vitality, looking at your 1-10 guide, isn't going after foxes at release kind of impossible? Or is the guide intended to be used a couple weeks after release?
the first tag on a fox nets you full xp. Foxes respawn as soon as a required amount in the immediate area are killed.

The fox strat had the idea of avoiding popular quest areas on release and abusing the above mechanics.

10-20 is looking like I'll just pop a vocational pot and go mining.. rofl


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Am I the only one that looks at the benefits of the pay to win stuff and feel like nothing I've seen is going to stop me from being competitive with people dumping money on bullshit? I just don't care if someone hits 50k crafting in a couple days, or gets better gear cause they spend $$ to get it.
It's likely they'll be able to craft better stuff (like gear) before you because they'll get cap proficiency way faster with cash shop's labor pots. They'll also be able to craft a lot of top tier stuff like Alchemy before non Labor Pot users. If you don't buy Labor Pots you'll never be able to catch up with them, they'll have better shit and they'll be able to do more shit with their almost unlimited Labor. Granted it's not like they can buy Mythic quality weapons out of cash shop, but not being restricted by Labor once you fuel it with real money is a problem.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I'd say those are more issues for people who want to be the first 50k crafter for whatever so they can make a lot of money. I doubt most of us care about that too much. For those of us who don't care, it honestly just means more availability of those items earlier and/or cheaper.


I'd say those are more issues for people who want to be the first 50k crafter for whatever so they can make a lot of money. I doubt most of us care about that too much. For those of us who don't care, it honestly just means more availability of those items earlier and/or cheaper.
You're saying that now, I'd love to hear what you say when some guy 1v1's you and full heals constantly because uber pots.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Then I lose the 1v1 and move on. It's not like hardcore early 2000's PVP where I lose all my items.
Yep. It seems like gear hits a logarithmic soft cap really quickly. Based on the numbers I've seen after 100+ /played we're talking hundreds of dollars to get a 15% edge, right?


Yep. It seems like gear hits a logarithmic soft cap really quickly. Based on the numbers I've seen we're talking hundreds of dollars to get a 15% edge, right?
You don't count Tuco, you've got a pretty expansive resource supply chain. For the smaller player running into that shit is going to be brutal.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
From what I've seen if you're solo or in a small group of people you're pretty much fucked on a lot of aspects in this game anyway.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yep. It seems like gear hits a logarithmic soft cap really quickly. Based on the numbers I've seen after 100+ /played we're talking hundreds of dollars to get a 15% edge, right?
Logarithmic soft cap on gear in Archeage ? Could you elaborate ? Also even a +15% advantage based on money only isn't good, just imagine 40 of those people grouped together, destroying everyone with each one of them a +15% advantage ? Also gear isn't the only issue, as Vitality said there's also Alchemy, etc.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Logarithmic soft cap on gear in Archeage ? Could you elaborate ? Also even a +15% advantage based on money only isn't good, just imagine 40 of those people grouped together, destroying everyone with each one of them a +15% advantage ? Also gear isn't the only issue, as Vitality said there's also Alchemy, etc.
As in each improvement to quality increases the value by some ~5-10%:
ArcheAge Database - Equipment

But what's the cost to improve your gear? It seems very high given that after ancient you can destroy your item.

Note: I'm not an expert on this, so I could be totally wrong and the stuff you pay for $$ gives you an incredible advantage.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I could be totally wrong and the stuff you pay for $$ gives you an incredible advantage.
In my opinion it gives advantage. Of course it's not "Best In-Slot Worlds Destroyer Mythic Death Star Bow Of The Death now for $29.99 !" but trivializing Labor by making the ressource / use / regen management meaningless once you hit it with your wallet is bad. On the other hand, there will be Labor Pots in AH, so you can say "hey le faggot, if you're poor IRL just farm golds and buy Labor Pots in game !" I don't know, maybe it's their way of injecting value to economy, maybe it's a good change for the long run. But doing this 10 days before release is just a dick move, same for Archeum chests, getting almost 1 crystal every 2 sets isn't bad, of course it's kind of expensive for some people, but since they went full retard with Archeum drop, right now it's not an awful way to get some.
Took a lengthly break from gaming to travel and focus on work. I'm actually glad I didn't play too much of Alpha. For the first time since like 2004 I will not have maxed out a character during an alpha/beta test. Some may see that as a disadvantage with ArcheAge, but I'll be glad that most of this game will be fresh during release.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Not sky is falling...but they cancelled their livestream today.

Our livestream schedule is changing, but not to avoid hard-hitting topics. We're postponing it to occur after Open Beta (probably Monday or Tuesday) when we'll have more details to share on how the latest changes to the game were received and performed in terms of gameplay data.

We'll have a news post about the schedule change today.


Mr. Poopybutthole
That was fucking painful to read. When he started using commas instead of periods for decimals, I was like, maybe the guy is just a Euro (which it turns out he is). It's annoying to read, but you get used to it. But then a few paragraphs later it'd change to the US method with commas and decimals. He switched back and forth several times. Fucking infuriating.

And really, the only conclusion from all of that, which most of us knew already, is that the archeum drop rates are jacked up. I want to say I read somewhere that there's like 1 best in slot item on the Korean servers. The RNG in this game is on a pretty much unforeseen level even for Korean MMO's. Trion could bump that shit up to 10 times the rate it is now and it'd still be too low.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Curious if there are people out there that spend that kind of money. That post is literally talking about people spending $15,000 or more on 1 item(praying it doesn't break, and I saw a lot break at end of alpha). If there is, I'd be shocked if there was more then a handful on any one server. And they would die maybe 1-2 seconds slower from group coordinated fire then someone else.

There's also considering if that 30% is correct. Some are saying Korean players saying its close to 30% for first(green to blue) but gets worse each time below that(ie 30%, then 25, then 20, then 15 etc). So chances get even worse exponentially and cost increases the same.

The joys of asian RNG crafting.

Don't think I have to worry about 1 guy with shit ton of $ being able to ruin my experience.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Curious if there are people out there that spend that kind of money. That post is literally talking about people spending $15,000 or more on 1 item(praying it doesn't break, and I saw a lot break at end of alpha). If there is, I'd be shocked if there was more then a handful on any one server. And they would die maybe 1-2 seconds slower from group coordinated fire then someone else.
Back in WoW arenas days people were buying Gladiator characters $1000-3000, depending of rank (r1) and gear (warglaives). While being a market with lots of scamming (people selling WoW accounts and getting them back with Customer Support) there is a lot of people out there not giving a single fuck about spending thousand of dollars / euros on online gaming, just because they can afford it / don't care about it. Even I was surprised when I sold one of my WoW Gladiator character, it's stunning to see people fronting verified Paypal cash over a single MSN chat with some random pics. You should see Camelot Unchained kickstarter, there are hundreds of people throwing $250 money on it just because "Mark Jacobs" and "DAoC".

I don't really mind people spending lots of cash in a game, it's like those people setting up their frontyard with overpriced garden gnomes. Only in Archeage they could buy more powerful doom robot sniper vigilante garden gnomes with machineguns, artillery and drones. You can pimp your stuff like a Christmas tree as long as it doesn't fuck with my garden gnomes, if you catch my drift.


Mr. Poopybutthole
That's a good point. There are lots of people out there with lots of money willing to spend money on gaming.

I played EQ as a teenager and through selling items and characters on Ebay was able to afford my first car.

They still need to increase drop rates significantly. I don't think Westerners will stick around for very long with this level of RNG. It needs to be scaled back a bit.
Sheesh , sounds like Atlantica Online with the gambling to upgrade gear. Used to love that game and really enjoyed the PvP in it till it went all out to get your $ if you want to be competitive. Yeah do miss that game , was a lot of fun. I mean still will give this game a shot and enjoy it for what it is , but dont believe i will commit a whole lot of time to it from the sounds of this cash shop. Guess they want those players that will drop that insane amount of cash and dont care about the others. Really hate gambling systems , shit should be illegal in gaming.