

Golden Knight of the Realm
Burned another 5k labor. Hit level 42 from 39 making 200+ hereafter stones. Quested all through Ynestra or whatever it's called and gained like 1 level total. Quests still giving shit exp. So sad.
Do this instead:

The more moonlight archeum dusts you have, the longer you can afk between crafting rounds without needing to go back and salvage them to get your dusts back. The salvage process costs 10 points of labor and gives 1/10 the exp of the bracers so it's still an even xp / labor profit.

Been burning large amounts of labor as Patron with a Tonic and it's just stupid.


Rasterizing . . .
Do this instead:

The more moonlight archeum dusts you have, the longer you can afk between crafting rounds without needing to go back and salvage them to get your dusts back. The salvage process costs 10 points of labor and gives 1/10 the exp of the bracers so it's still an even xp / labor profit.

Been burning large amounts of labor as Patron with a Tonic and it's just stupid.
This method works very well. I hit ArcheMaster a couple days ago with very casual play.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Getting so tired of fail GHA groups. Husband plays a tank and I technically have a fully leveled and geared cleric, though I prefer to play dps. If I don't go cleric, we can never find an even close to competent healer. But the zone requires people to not be idiots so half the time people just eat shit for absolutely no reason. I had two dps last night that on the second boss, just stood in his spinny attack when he jumped on them. 80% of their HP gone because they just stand there and are too stupid to move. It's infuriating. And the pvp specs that do awful dmg as well, ugh.
Haha that must suck to have to PUG GHA. Once you learn the third fight it's pretty much easy mode. I run a ton of people through GHA with my 60% magic resistance gear. You should reroll on Kyrios!

Quick Kraken shot:

It dropped its shield, a bunch of tentacles and some orange crafting material.


2 Minutes Hate
Do this instead:

The more moonlight archeum dusts you have, the longer you can afk between crafting rounds without needing to go back and salvage them to get your dusts back. The salvage process costs 10 points of labor and gives 1/10 the exp of the bracers so it's still an even xp / labor profit.

Been burning large amounts of labor as Patron with a Tonic and it's just stupid.
Yeah I was going to do that next. I have it book marked. My only thing is that I don't have a 3rd alt. I have 1 at 19, working on my second (level 10) and I'll get a third sometime next week.

Last night I found some cheap raw stone to make hereafter stones. Worked really well. In any case, yesterday I burned through a bunch of labor pots to get about 5 levels in the last 20+ hours.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I don't remember if I said this recently, but it's worth doing star shard mining or if that's not possible, looking for a commodity to convert that has a profit margin (Ex: raw Stone->Stone Brick, stone brick->hereafter stone, logs->lumber, iron ore->iron). If you can squeeze out a profit doing that it's better to use your labor doing that than wasting it and gold on leather/armor. That's assuming of course that you don't want to be a leatherworker/armor smith.

Also with star shard mining you get somewhat valuable skill ups. Getting 50k mining will be even more valuable in auroria than it is now.

Also fishing is great and burning labor with fishing + worms can be a little more expensive but really help when sport fishing. If you're with PRX we do sport fishing around the clock.


Haha that must suck to have to PUG GHA. Once you learn the third fight it's pretty much easy mode. I run a ton of people through GHA with my 60% magic resistance gear. You should reroll on Kyrios!
We do primarily guild runs, and I've found a few good people. One EXCELLENT darkrunner and a Primeval that is just a good, solid player that can think for himself. The problem is, in games like this, where zergs are so important, guilds don't really get screened for pve effectiveness, so too many of the guildies I have are terribad. We ran with this Templar last night that after the 4th time he said "Oh shit" after letting my husband die with zero heals on him because of who knows, I finally snapped in TS and he logged off. >.< Argh.

So tempting to reroll with you guys but I have put sooo much work into my tradeskilling and money into labor pots, as well as having good land, that I just can't justify it.


Fun is more important than any tradeskill or piece of gear. prx is a force to be wreckoned with. Every steamer I've watched on kyrios has been outsmarted and destroyed by prx.

Also you can sell your land and buy apex, use the apex and reroll, you can either buy a ton of labor pots to use or sell to get back to where you were, you won't transfer 100% but you'll be very well off.


Yeah but between the two of us, we've spent quite a bit of money to get all our classes up via labor pots. The fun of playing these games as an adult.
And land seems retarded hard to get on Kyrios. I was lucky to get 2 16x16 and an 8x8 all together on Inoch.


We're definitely thinking about it though....


Yeah but between the two of us, we've spent quite a bit of money to get all our classes up via labor pots. The fun of playing these games as an adult.
And land seems retarded hard to get on Kyrios. I was lucky to get 2 16x16 and an 8x8 all together on Inoch.


We're definitely thinking about it though....
I know its hard to make the plunge, as a matter of fact I was on Inoch as well.

Ultimately it's up to you... I didn't like Inoch because it was pretty stale, not enough pvp/decent guilds to have fun.

I would say with the help of PRX, doing fishing runs and stealing trade packs, you guys could probably make a ton of gold compared to Inoch.

I saw last night they took a merchant ship filled with trade packs from 3 different guilds with a fleet of ships that made my jaw drop lol


I wonder if I could find someone wanting to move TO Inoch and trade gold. Hmm...
What i meant before is this.

Sell land for X gold, buy APEX from the auction house, consume them...create characters on Kyrios, buy labor pots from marketplace...sell or use them.

Kyrios economy is more expensive than Inoch, you actually end up making more gold in the process.


What i meant before is this.

Sell land for X gold, buy APEX from the auction house, consume them...create characters on Kyrios, buy labor pots from marketplace...sell or use them.

Kyrios economy is more expensive than Inoch, you actually end up making more gold in the process.
Oooh smart. I haven't got into the APEX thing yet.

Tuco, you guys still accepting applications?


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Yes. Normally we have a level 50 requirement but I'll see if Kv can make an exception for transfers. If you a roll a healer it'll be NP getting GHA gear, but good luck getting through hasla on a real server hahahaha


Some wonderful person over on he Inoch forums informed me that Inoch and Lyrios share an AH so currency can be transferred that way minus 10% AH cut. Awesome, I hadn't even thought of that. Now to see if husband is willing.

Tuco, let me know what Kv says.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
End of the night when we lost like half our force and people are tired? Of course they won.


Log Wizard
I think my guild has a video of us cruising our trade ship through 3 full PRX clippers, but not before killing 15 of them and then just peacing out with no casualties.


Buzzfeed Editor
lol, poor Moon and Cyb got raped. But seriously, how does that prove anything? From the video, looks like 30 blue vs 15-20 PRX (From what I can tell). Pretty much a forgone conclusion someone is going to lose when outnumbered 3:2--(Or at least in any kind of setting where your opponents are even mildly competent.)

(Note: I don't play Archeage, and I've never been a member of PRX--strictly just a third party view.)


Vyemm Raider
lol, poor Moon and Cyb got raped. But seriously, how does that prove anything? From the video, looks like 30 blue vs 15-20 PRX (From what I can tell). Pretty much a forgone conclusion someone is going to lose when outnumbered 3:2--(Or at least in any kind of setting where your opponents are competent.)

(Note: I don't play Archeage, and I've never been a member of PRX--strictly just a third party view.)
The numbers were about even, but our raid was split up. The members from Infernal were engaged by PRX 2v1.

It's not like this is the only time we've stomped PRX, it's just the most recent.