

2 Minutes Hate
This game got very meh for me very quickly. It's mostly me, not the quality of the game. I'm fighting against my bias against hotbar/diku based combat. I just couldn't find anything to do.

I didn't have a farm, so I didn't have that to do.
I could never find a Hasla group when I would log on.
I hate crafting, but even tried doing some of that, but I was labor limited as everyone else is.
The only other gear to farm was GHA (can't do it without Hasla weapon), and save gold for Crafted.
Farm purses for gold. YAWN, plus I was a healer spec.

So what is left to do? PRX always has shit to do, but I didn't have any tradepacks. Fishing and other shit was going on I guess but when my character is so underdeveloped, pvp combat isn't any fun.

Anyway, I'd rather log into League of Legends and have a fun game or two instantly for a few hours. Maybe MMOs are not for me anymore. At least DIKU grindy, RNG games. It's probably my play time and how limited it is.


Golden Squire
You have to have a goal to work toward. Everything else along the way is incidental. A couple of days ago I logged on, did my farming stuff, then sat around for half an hour wondering what to do before I logged off and went to read. Then yesterday my wife and I had a conversation about what we wanted to do because she had run into the same thing. So we came up with some short term and long term goals to work toward and now when we log in that's our focus unless there's an all-call going on. It's increased my desire to play enough to keep going.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I am in about the same boat, Draegan, in regards to how I am feeling about mmos. I'm burning out hard, but I think it is just that I've become too jaded about mmo pvp. It's all cc based(which is nothing new of course), and maybe I'm just over it. Not a knock to the game. I think what I want out of a mmo has changed. Here is to hoping that EQN can provide something for me, in 10 years when it releases.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
The hacking, gold spam, and bots are starting to get to one of my friend.

He tried to get 2 different piece of land that were expriing this weekend...and both got grabbed with noone around before he was even able to put his house down.

He went to farm some coinpurses. Trying to get mobs level 41 so he could kill tons of them very quickly for more chance at purses. He went to 3-4 spot and had to compete with tons of bots.

He got tired of gold spam, so turn off all the global chat channels...which he kinda dislike because it makes the game feel dead...even when you're soloing, having the chat there makes the game feel more alive.

He's waiting to see what will happen with Auroria, he's hoping that it will free some land and that he'll be able to grab some. If it's all grabbed by hackers...I think he'll give up on the game.

This sucks because he likes it, it's the first game in a long time that we've played for so long if you count alpha/beta, and we're having a blast.We have a lot of things we still want to do, but with the level of bots and hacking, it makes trying to do anything somewhat frustrating.

If he leaves, it won't take long for me and my other friend to leave really sucks, I like the game a lot, we all do.

It was my biggest fear from day 1, that Trion had so little control over the game and was at the mercy of XL Games. I'm not sure if these problems will ever be fixed.

Heck, aside from social hubs, I see far more bots in the world than real player.

I hope it gets fixed, but I don't it will or it will happen too late. This was pretty much the last MMO on my radar.

On a different note, I am leveling songcraft now...the last of the skillset I need to have them all at 50.

My metalwork is at 70K+, I am making 2-3 pieces all the way to illustrious or magnificient..and selling them everyday...great XP and making about 100-200gp profit each time.

My Illustrious Plate is bikini armor...upholding the my belief that the more skin is visible, the better protection armor offers.

I need to get back to farming mats, so I can make a better profit on the armor I sell. I am low of most of what I need.


This game got very meh for me very quickly. It's mostly me, not the quality of the game. I'm fighting against my bias against hotbar/diku based combat. I just couldn't find anything to do.

I didn't have a farm, so I didn't have that to do.
I could never find a Hasla group when I would log on.
I hate crafting, but even tried doing some of that, but I was labor limited as everyone else is.
The only other gear to farm was GHA (can't do it without Hasla weapon), and save gold for Crafted.
Farm purses for gold. YAWN, plus I was a healer spec.

So what is left to do? PRX always has shit to do, but I didn't have any tradepacks. Fishing and other shit was going on I guess but when my character is so underdeveloped, pvp combat isn't any fun.

Anyway, I'd rather log into League of Legends and have a fun game or two instantly for a few hours. Maybe MMOs are not for me anymore. At least DIKU grindy, RNG games. It's probably my play time and how limited it is.
I'm about where you're at now too after my recent stints with this years releases.

I'm having a pretty good time being an ec tunnel rat on p99 though. Halfway to an FBSS for my monk duo buddy.

Recently got into ranked CS:GO with a couple RL friends, seems alright.

Going to probably sell-out and give WoW:WOD a go in a couple weeks.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I am feeling similiar to Draegan.

I play a healer and I can't even farm purses for money. I missed the boat on land and while I do have a small 8x8 farm now, it's way too late and not enough by far. Endlessly behind, no motivation to catch up as it feels impossible.

The only way I was able to earn some coin was in fishing raids, but holy shit is that boring. I want to group up with 4 other people and do something that brings money while playing my char, not play Simon says for 10 minutes followed by a 10 minutes trip to turn in the fish, followed by 20 minutes looking for a new pool with the raid.

While I got a Hasla weapon, I couldn't even find a GHA group so far (two wouldn't respond when they were asking for a healer and I said I'd go, but it would be my first run).

And add to all that the bugs, performance issues, exploits, stupid design decision, etc. - and not last the slow pace at which changes seem to be made ("We sent it to Xwhatever as top priority, just like 10 other things we haven't heared back about yet")


Blackwing Lair Raider
Endlessly behind, no motivation to catch up
Pretty much this. When you start to question why you are logging in anymore, then the fun is gone. This game is designed for large scale warfare but it's not like you have huge sea battles going on every night.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'm having a blast right now. I can't really remember the last MMO release where I had so much fun. During primetime THE HUNT IS FUCKING ON, guild group and let's go stalking traderunners / fishermen to rob them, fuck their ships and make them TP miles away. I'm with a 20 people guild, we rely on intel to know where the zerg guilds are and avoid them / fuck with them when they're scattered. Halcyona is awful, Hasla is fun or terrible depending on server / community, servers are overcrowded so we have to deal with ability delay, lags and shit. Their security is a joke since they didn't adapt it to people not forced to put their social security number to create an account. Crafting is grind lottery, doing gold is tedious and if you have a life you'll be outgeared by nolifers pretty fast. Yep. And I'm still loving it.

I doubt the game will hold be for years and I pretty much undestand most people complaints here. I guess it's not everyone's game. I like it a lot, but some friends already gave me their account : you have to play a lot / buy lots of golds to stay competitive, it's not much rewarding, you can't connect for 30mins and get epic gaming experience, playing in an efficient guild is almost mandatory and most of the time you actually have to find content (PvP) rather than tagging in some instance where everyone wants to PvP. Yet, I'm still having fun. I'm playing Primeval by the way.


Golden Squire
There's a lot of tedium in this game. Made a quick spreadsheet to break down what I would need to gather to send to crafters for just one piece of armor to Illustrious (when the RNG factor kicks in) and it worked out to like 10 different items.Some of them only come from getting a bit lucky with purses, some you can only get off a vendor, and 3 of them had sub combines, all of which require items you can only get from cross continent trade pack runs. That's if you decide to do it yourself. You could conceivably buy these some of these things from the AH, but that's an expensive proposition. And that's just ONE piece of armor. And let's not even get into regrading, a money sink if ever one existed.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
Speaking of Regrade, there was someone on my server this weekend who regraded a 1 handed club all the way to Epic...which is like 1 or 2 rank before the final grade.

Then he broke it trying to regrade it again.

I think I would have broken my monitor if that happened to me...probably why I stayed away from regrading so far.


Anyone else get hit by the patron status suspended problem?

Yesterday my patron status said it expired 11/16 or something like that but I got an email just now saying my patron status is over. Weren't founders supposed to get 2 months? Can't find the original founder's pack details anywhere now.

Edit: found the info and in queue with live support. Fun times!


Mr. Poopybutthole
Depends on which founders pack you bought. Silver = 1, Gold = 2, Archeum = 3 months.

I bought silver and mine was an 11/16 date. Logged in this morning ok, we'll see later today if it's over.


Golden Squire
I made sure to sub for the status just in case. The alternative is to grab Apex, which has been going up in price, but don't have the liquid assets at the moment to do that.


> Than U
My issue is directly involved with the hacking I had a week ago. My patron has now run out, my items are still not returned and while the GM had moved my account to new email and all that, TRION has locked me from purchasing from the store again. I tried 3 credit cards 2 of which I have never used for gaming, paypal and even scarier that Rixty or whatever payment choice I went to a confirmed online supplier for Trion and made a purchase for a $20 card. 2 hours later got told it was denied and refunded it back to my card. Anything with my name on it is banned from TRION purchase, despite having spent over a hundred on AA and hundreds in the past on RIFT.

To make sure I wasn't insane I went and purchased things from World of Tanks and Warthunder's store and no issues.

So now I am stuck in Archeage with no patron( which means no labor ) no way to purchase anything in the store and 0 items and money on my account.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Ha! It wasn't until I read reddit that I realized why it seemed like the queue was so long today. I'm in the fucking non-patron queues!

It's funny, because all of the good will Trion would have potentially gained with the extra subscription time just vanished in an instant. In fact, this is probably worse than not having given it at all.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I'm having a blast right now. I can't really remember the last MMO release where I had so much fun. During primetime THE HUNT IS FUCKING ON, guild group and let's go stalking traderunners / fishermen to rob them, fuck their ships and make them TP miles away. I'm with a 20 people guild, we rely on intel to know where the zerg guilds are and avoid them / fuck with them when they're scattered. Halcyona is awful, Hasla is fun or terrible depending on server / community, servers are overcrowded so we have to deal with ability delay, lags and shit. Their security is a joke since they didn't adapt it to people not forced to put their social security number to create an account. Crafting is grind lottery, doing gold is tedious and if you have a life you'll be outgeared by nolifers pretty fast. Yep. And I'm still loving it.

I doubt the game will hold be for years and I pretty much undestand most people complaints here. I guess it's not everyone's game. I like it a lot, but some friends already gave me their account : you have to play a lot / buy lots of golds to stay competitive, it's not much rewarding, you can't connect for 30mins and get epic gaming experience, playing in an efficient guild is almost mandatory and most of the time you actually have to find content (PvP) rather than tagging in some instance where everyone wants to PvP. Yet, I'm still having fun. I'm playing Primeval by the way.
It's funny how much fun this game is when you like PvP and sandbox games, and how confusing it is when you want your hand held on what to do and how to do it.