

Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Whether or not he was hands on, I had a lot more respect for him before seeing some of the shit he's posted to Twitter/Reddit regarding AA. As CEO he understandably needs defend his product to some extent, but you have to be able to own up and fix the shit that's within your power. After playing this for a few weeks it's clear it's nothing more than a cash grab for Trion. There is no incentive or desire from them to actually fix anything in this game (e.g. see any of Scape's replies to well, anything.But here, for example). People are still using land grabbers well after the'100% correct heuristics'wrongly banned a bunch of people who ended up losing land because Trion's crack CS team couldn't answer a ticket in 2+ weeks.
While I agree there is some bad communication(everyone has it) and some mis-informed information(ie saying the wrong thing), the part about " There is no incentive or desire from them to actually fix anything in this game (e.g. see any of Scape's replies to well, anything. But here, for example)", was pretty much known prior to launch. Iirc the only control they have is over the cash shop everything else has to be sent to XL and get approved and iirc most has to be coded by them.

I'm not sure I would ever agree to that kind of setup myself, just seems all bad for the publisher, outside of maybe saving some cost on programmers.

Not sure if that is the usual publisher kind of deal for east to west ports or just for this game(I don't remember this kind of setup for say Aion or Tera, but I could of missed it also).


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
ive heard that trion doesnt have access to the code at all. seems like a nightmare from the start.


Mr. Poopybutthole
No way in hell am I farming another 200+ Hasla tokens. I'll probably screw around in Auroria for 2 weeks and then shelve this game for good.


Log Wizard
.... and /done. Been done for probably close to 2 weeks now. Glad I didn't pay money for it.

Add another korean mmo to the pile of flaming shit!


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
1. All six zones are being opened, the four mentioned in the article can have housing.

2. Originally the Farm Cart was not going to be a prerequisite. This is a by-design change to the recipe.

3. While Auroria will be launching with the second and third tier Hasla weapons, we'll be fielding feedback about how the addition is impacting crafting and communicating it along to XLGAMES.


Vyemm Raider
3. While Auroria will be launching with the second and third tier Hasla weapons, we'll be fielding feedback about how the addition is impacting crafting and communicating it along to XLGAMES.
Which we can assume will have the exact same result as all the feedback about how the addition of tier 1 Hasla is impacting crafting. GG.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Ya, this is how it will go

Trion: Hasla T2+T3 is hurting crafting
XL: Korean and Russian version have that, we aren't removing it. QQ moar
Trion: Ok...
Trion public: XLgames has stated that they do not want to create too many differences in the various markets. To make up for it, we have added a new 490 credit gamble box to the store!


Vyemm Raider
I'm pretty sure XL knows enough about the crafting system they designed to already know exactly how Hasla weapons affect it...


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I'm pretty sure XL knows enough about the crafting system they designed to already know exactly how Hasla weapons affect it...
They the context of the released game. This gating shit is what is messing up everything, so stuff that served a purpose in the context of the game on Korea is out of balance in the West.

I'm sure submarines will still suck ass as well vs. their Korean counterparts.


Silver Squire
The content gating was a terrible idea to meter out progress and extend F2P. Financially its probably the right decision but it completely fucked the game for anyone actually paying attention.

I had a whole post written on why the auoria gating was completely retarded and ruined one of the more interesting parts of the game but I'll refrain from shitting on it until after its launched and done.

Sad thing is the game could be great with some pretty minor tweaks.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Reading this thread you'd think the game was failing. Out of the 15ish people that I started playing the game with (long time mmo group) only one has quit since release. I feel like that's pretty telling (ffxiv at same point about third were gone). Yea before the obvious posts start I know 15s not a huge sample size. It's just unusual since most everyone in this groups quit mmo's much more soon of most recent releases


Blackwing Lair Raider
Reading this thread you'd think the game was failing. Out of the 15ish people that I started playing the game with (long time mmo group) only one has quit since release. I feel like that's pretty telling (ffxiv at same point about third were gone). Yea before the obvious posts start I know 15s not a huge sample size. It's just unusual since most everyone in this groups quit mmo's much more soon of most recent releases
Honesty I think auroria is keeping people around. If for some reason it doesn't live up to what people want out of it, I think your going to start seeing players drop through November . Its not like that game is all that but there isn't anything else like it out there.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Reading this thread you'd think the game was failing. Out of the 15ish people that I started playing the game with (long time mmo group) only one has quit since release. I feel like that's pretty telling (ffxiv at same point about third were gone). Yea before the obvious posts start I know 15s not a huge sample size. It's just unusual since most everyone in this groups quit mmo's much more soon of most recent releases
I think a large part of that is that so many people dropped $50-150 on it and with the additional month they gave everyone, that means everyone's good until at a minimum the end of November (mine until Nov 20th).

I also agree with Vandyn. People have been preparing and waiting for Auroria. When everyone realizes that there isn't all that much to do there, they'll leave fast.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
If someone isn't having fun atm, not sure how Auroria is going to change that at all.


Potato del Grande
Reading this thread you'd think the game was failing. Out of the 15ish people that I started playing the game with (long time mmo group) only one has quit since release. I feel like that's pretty telling (ffxiv at same point about third were gone). Yea before the obvious posts start I know 15s not a huge sample size. It's just unusual since most everyone in this groups quit mmo's much more soon of most recent releases
I think some of the people leaving are the ones who dumped a few hundred hours into the alpha/beta on top of their release play too.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
There's also WoW people. They're leaving because they tried Archeage while waiting for WoD to come. I got some friends told me "man this game is too much RNG grindy, and I can't be arsed to wander around for hours, looking for interesting PvP. I'm back to WoW !"

Hasla T3 weapons is a dick move regarding the game but most people are happy with it, they won't have to see their hopes of getting a nice weapon crushed by RNG crafting, they'll just have to grind Hasla for days / weeks and be 100% sure to get an heroic Epherium weapon for free. Unless you're a serious healer of course.
