

Lucius server. 2 crafted castles. stole 1. 1 red. We have three castles

Took me like 30-45 minutes to login tho, fuck that shit


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Cinge, you are partially correct. MH and Deathlaw were trying to place after we did our castle, so I went and tried to place something. There were massive amounts of people. Probably 4-5 people per "plot" of area. That said, people in PRX were reporting that they saw houses go up before the server announce even happened.

Plus, when you see people selling 8-10+ 16x16 plots right next to eachother, there's no possible way it's anything but hacking.
Like I said I am sure there were some hackers, you will never get rid of them. But People don't realize how many people were there who cared only about getting land and as much as possible, so land will literally fill up instantly as people all spam clicking plant at the same time.


Full report later...

MH got Marcala
TWO got Heedmar
Dark Ascension/Gankbus got Nuimari
PRX got Calmlands

We were able to keep out TWO and Dark Ascension/Gankbus from the mines, but they were able to buy all their pebbles from Inoch, haha.

It was Kyrios that was selling them, omg!



Golden Knight of the Realm
Sweet baby jesus, bred that striped yata just in time for launch today. Saved my ass from getting ganked too many times to count. I've also suddenly picked up illegal tree farming. Scaling a thousand foot rock face with a jumping furry kangaroo is always good for a few chuckles. Found about 600 pines worth of illegal farms I'll be checking up on tomorrow...


Sweet baby jesus, bred that striped yata just in time for launch today. Saved my ass from getting ganked too many times to count. I've also suddenly picked up illegal tree farming. Scaling a thousand foot rock face with a jumping furry kangaroo is always good for a few chuckles. Found about 600 pines worth of illegal farms I'll be checking up on tomorrow...
Idk man.

There's a bunch of people on the forums yelling bloody murder and demanding rollbacks by Trion claiming they'll leave. Maybe they might cave, lol.


Trakanon Raider
Trion has no one to blame but themselves for this colossus fuck up as they were asleep at the wheel and didn't take the servers down when it was clear there was a serious log in issue immediately following the patch. There is just no option at this point that they could take that wont piss off a sizable portion of their player base further and I really wouldn't be shocked if the masses rioting on the forums really do say fuck this and quit.

Not testing this Hackshield upgrade bullshit and throwing it in with their biggest and most important content update ever really is mind boggling, and Scrapes answer of "well we scraped the PTR so we have more hardware so we wont have queues anymore but we'll change that now and possibly get a PTR up for the future" just added fuel to the fire.

I wasn't even negatively impacted during this entire thing and I still feel awful for everyone and what went down, especially all the guilds who got fucked like the poor bastards on Aranzeb (and there were quite a few across several servers who had the same exact thing happen).


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Due to the connectivity issue players are experiencing on our North American servers with build 4.14, we'll be postponing the deployment until the fix is applied and the issue resolved. The fix is currently in QA and packaging. We'll get it out to the North American servers as soon as is safely possible once testing is complete.

We'll update this thread with the new deployment time for our European servers once the work on our North American servers is complete. Thanks for your understanding!

From us europeans :



I had the crash right after the hackshield splash early when the patch first went up. I tried a few random things and eventually got by it. Stayed in game for several hours, eventually just idling in my house.

Decided to switch to my other account and it started happening again. The hackshield thing looks like an uninitialized variable, but their debugger protection wouldn't let me just-in-time it. Closing and reopening alot of ram eating apps will eventually cause whatever random memory location the bug is accessing to have null or something workable and you'll get around it. But as soon as I got to server select I got booted like everyone else.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Here's the report from our side, those who aren't in PRX I'd love to hear what your perspective was.

Tonight the northern continent, Auroria opened up. PRX worked with our allies to secure a castle. We started the night by approaching the continent from the northwest coast to enter the ruins that held the Anya Pebbles we'd need to claim the castle that could only be found in Auroria.

After entering the ruins we soon ran into The White Order who were also vying for a castle. We were able to push them out to the south and hold the primary area for our miners. We spent much of the time in the mining phase keeping them out of the mine while the rest of our force mined each of the nodes. Soon the Gankbus/Dark Ascension contingent arrived in the cave and claimed a spot in the upper portion. We had a force engage them but could not uproot them.

While we were able to keep TWO's main force out of the mines we discovered they had gotten the pebbles they needed and were in the process of creating a claim stone. We attempted to rally to stop them but did not arrive in time and they were able to claim a spot. Soon after Dark Ascension/Gankbus claimed a castle. We then rallied to Growlgate to build our claim stone and made the trip to Auroria. The trip was rather uneventful and we were able to claim the castle in relative peace. DL was ready to place in their assigned location but their pack runner disconnected and graciously let MH take their spot.

It was an incredible night and I'm incredibly proud of what we accomplished. We won the prize and claimed the castle but even if we failed I could still say that tonight was the best performance from PRX in our 15 years. Tonight's victory is the culmination of months of hard work from everyone involved and easily places next to parts of our history like the match in GW2 we rucked up and recovered from a massive deficit against the Ascension Alliance to protect our unbeaten record, or the time we got world first by conquering Altdorf in Warhammer, or when we destroyed the first keep in the world in AoC, or when we fought the entire Treachery server led by the All Father in Shadowbane or when we captured all 6 relics in DAoC on Merlin. Our execution was flawless and I couldn't ask for a better group of people to game with.

I'll post a bunch of screenshots tonight.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Hell I was completely unable to even log in yesterday. I got a 'gods have disconnected you' message all day.


I'm really not sure how I feel about the hasla weapons. It's the first thing they've done (well, that and glider normalization) that has really taken the wind out of my sails for this game. I just can't understand why they would do it, especially since mage tanks like me have no weapon options there.

I guess I'll just sit out on PvP and focus on making gold until archeum prices begin to drop, but I really enjoy the PvP in this game so it's a pretty big bummer. I was just starting to become competitive in the arena, too. Fuck.

The Blackrose_sl

I was stuck in the same boat (DCed as soon as I got past server select), so all I really had to work off of was reports from different people. No personal experience on my end.

Gank Bus/DA/Sekz/Agg and co. were able to push past occupiers in the cave apparently due to some lag that was going on. Something about East not being able to spot them until it was too late and the Shitbus Pirates (what TWO likes to call the alliance) had bunkered in.

We figured something was up when TWO claimed first castle. Already knew that Sorcerer was playing credit card hero on the AH. Wasn't until after castle claim that we found out about Fairy Tail selling out Cats in Pajamas and co.

Shame to hear about Death Law and the disconnect.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Hasla weapons should be removed and put back in the game 3 months after we're brought up to the same level as KR and all the serious players have better but newer players and casuals need an easy way to get geared. That was the original intent of the items but releasing them at the start voids that. It'd be like if in Everquest Defiant gear was released in 1999.


Hasla weapons should be removed and put back in the game 3 months after we're brought up to the same level as KR and all the serious players have better but newer players and casuals need an easy way to get geared. That was the original intent of the items but releasing them at the start voids that. It'd be like if in Everquest Defiant gear was released in 1999.
Agreed. I probably wouldn't mind so much three months from now. I just can't fathom why they would release them so early. I'm an EQ vet so the grindy aspects of the game I tolerate and even like, but hasla is just too stupid.