

Golden Knight of the Realm
Had some friends start the game recently; anyone know off the top of their head the level requirement to get XP with a 50 in the party, if there is one?


Silver Knight of the Realm
So someone on the forums asked for an explanation of the rumbling archeum trees and Scapes responded:

Originally Posted by Scapes View Post
As we've mentioned in the past, we review and discuss the contents of each Marketplace update with the game's developer, with the goal of getting to a place that will work for both our audience and the developer's game balance goals for the product. As with any healthy partnership, there's a lot of back-and-forth in these discussions.

In this case, the developer's desire was an honest one to help make farm carts slightly less rare. We absolutely agreed with that as a goal too. So, where'd it go wrong?

We were aware that the logs were one potential outcome of the Rumbling Archeum Tree Saplings. We had mistakenly assumed they would be far more rare and dangerous to acquire than they were in reality. Our incorrect assumption was that they would have a high requirement of rare, dangerous, and time consuming resources and would require more time needed to grow. We felt that if they came in as a rare/time consuming thing, people would perceive them as a slight bonus, a genuine part of gameplay, and we did not expect them to enter the game in sufficient numbers to impact the economy.

From our point of view, there are a couple things that we need to do better for you in the future.
While we do perform functionality tests on the Marketplace updates as we receive them (such as buying every item, making sure items are received, and making sure billing is correct), we have not been in a position to do as deep of gameplay impact testing as we would like. We absolutely need to test these more thoroughly with players on a Public Test Server to make sure our collective assumptions align with reality. This server is in the process of being spun up right now.
We need to be in a position to share more of the WHY behind changes, ahead of time, which we're currently working on with the developer. Then, the instant we get wind of a balance change that may impact people's time investment in a negative way, we need to be certain to call it out well ahead of time. The last thing we ever want to do is surprise people with something that negatively impacts them. We know enough from running our own games how bad of an idea bad surprises are.
While we have said that "we manage the Marketplace" in the past, those statements have been perceived as if we have exclusive control: to be clear, that is not the case.

The way it works is essentially this: we agree on Marketplace update dates with the developer a month or two ahead of time. Then for content and pricing, we make suggestions, they make suggestions, and we reach an agreement. The developer does the development and in the days before a Marketplace update, we receive a compiled Marketplace file with the content fully built and a build of the game that contains the items in the Marketplace. We then perform the aforementioned functionality tests on the Marketplace and deploy it to you on the day it's supposed to go live.

While we don't have exclusive control over the contents of the Marketplace, we do have exclusive control of is how well or poorly the communication between us goes regarding changes that are coming in. We definitely feel that we fell far short in investigating and communicating and you do have our apologies for that.

That is why we're pushing so hard on a Public Test Server for you right now and look forward to working with you there in the near future, even if it means updates may need a little more time to bake as we evaluate future deliveries there together.
could we get an official explanation/reason for Rumbling Archeum trees?

tl:dr Derp.


I've been trying to figure out what the bottom end of the struck tree prices will be, but they fluctuate in ways I can't predict. Kyrios prices are usually 30ish gold cheaper than Ollo for some reason.

I kind of want a car, but I'm still not sure about the limitations. The scroll says "Can be used for 24 hours" which leaves open the following possibilities:

The scroll vanishes 24 real hours after the first summon (not even best korea could be so cruel).
The scroll vanishes after being actively summoned for 24 hours.
The vehicle itself will vanish 24 real hours after the first summon if it is spawned, and the scroll can't be used until (condition).
The vehicle itself will vanish after being actively summoned for 24 hours, and the scroll can't be used until (condition).
The above conditions with a single day of in game time?

It's all quite vague for an item that is somewhat expensive to make.


Vyemm Raider
Well if it's only somewhat expensive go ahead and make it to test it out. If its really expensive then maybe hold off.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
They said the 24 hour thing is just a translation error. It is a perma vehicle...there are 2 on our server.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
So someone on the forums asked for an explanation of the rumbling archeum trees and Scapes responded:

could we get an official explanation/reason for Rumbling Archeum trees?

tl:dr Derp.
It's hard to keep the respect I have for Trion after this. Either they're lying and knew it was a quick way to turn USD into thunderstruck trees or they're incompetent. If they're incompetent, they should've removed them when people realized the rates at which they generated wealth.


Blackwing Lair Raider
It's hard to keep the respect I have for Trion after this. Either they're lying and knew it was a quick way to turn USD into thunderstruck trees or they're incompetent. If they're incompetent, they should've removed them when people realized the rates at which they generated wealth.
I think it's a little bit of both. I think in some ways their hands are tied with a lot of this shit but then they realize it'll make them money and casually are able to turn a blind eye to it. I think they are flat out lying when they say it's about negotiating with the developer when in reality I don't think they have much negotiating power at all. The dev is going to do what the dev wants to do and Trion is going to take it like a bitch and play dumb to it's customers.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I said it in closed beta when they started making dumb decisions, but it's clear none of them actually play the game. They may play it as extreme casuals (not level 50 yet), which comes down to not enough to actually know what's going on in the game.

That post clearly shows that. They didn't do any kind of testing to see what the item even was. It was just a "hey, this looks cool, let's add it!"

Personally, I had barely been logging in as it was. The tree box came and I didn't even care enough to plant cedars anymore in hopes of a TS. Now, I haven't logged in at all this week. I think it's time I just hang this one up, because it's a pile of shit. I wish I had been able to play in alpha before Trion started making changes, because it sounds like that was about the peak of this game. Closed beta was pretty fun, but it just seems like every week that passes, Trion manages to fuck up the game more and more.


Golden Squire
Gonna see how things play out after the first Siege. I have this feeling in my gut that the outcome, from an experience standpoint and not necessarily the results, is going to decide how long PRX stays invested.


It's hard to keep the respect I have for Trion after this. Either they're lying and knew it was a quick way to turn USD into thunderstruck trees or they're incompetent. If they're incompetent, they should've removed them when people realized the rates at which they generated wealth.
Yeah, the rumbling archeum trees were the last straw for me in a long line of incompetent actions. Not knowing what was being released in a patch is even worse. It's just another example of how little trion understands the game they've chosen to put their name on.

Shifting the blame to XL, as trion and many posters on the AA forums/reddit try to do doesn't cut it with me any more. Trion's management of this game has been pretty abysmal and has certainly damaged their brand.

If they don't have enough control over the game to manage it properly, that's due to their own incompetence in negotiating a publishing agreement with XL that's not worth the paper it's printed on.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Gonna see how things play out after the first Siege. I have this feeling in my gut that the outcome, from an experience standpoint and not necessarily the results, is going to decide how long PRX stays invested.
Sieges will likely be a huge disappointment for a large guild like PRX. With the cap, that means a lot of people won't even get to participate. On top of that, they're entirely too infrequent. If each one was up once a week it might be worthwhile. But this schedule means youmayget to participate once every other month.


Lord Nagafen Raider
In GW2 at this point, if I remember correctly, I still had a blast with PRX, fighting to win the weekly matches. Here in Archeage I can hardly convince myself to log on to burn the labor-points I collected while enjoying myself outside of the game. And it's been like that basically since I got 50.


Silver Knight of the Realm
In GW2 at this point, if I remember correctly, I still had a blast with PRX, fighting to win the weekly matches. Here in Archeage I can hardly convince myself to log on to burn the labor-points I collected while enjoying myself outside of the game. And it's been like that basically since I got 50.
I feel ya. And then hearing that sieges are locked to X number of people just blows. Even the pvp is pretty underwhelming to me, while it's fun, there is no risk, and nothing to prevent people from "bind rushing".


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
This thread is a good read:
[Not Loyal Ex TWO] Open Recruitment!!

TLDR: The secondary mouth piece of TWO (the biggest western guilds on kyrios, who also claimed a castle) quit TWO and is airing out dirty laundry. Most of it is fairly petty but he's also coming clean on some of the cheating they've done (Which isn't even that bad).

The Blackrose_sl

Wait, Porska flipped? Their good for nothing Guild Ambassador who was absolutely shit when it came to PR?

Ok. I did not see this coming.

Also getting a laugh out of Sorcerer dodging Jericho. That's going to end very badly for him.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I don't know what Jericho's angle is in that. Sorcerer probably doesn't even know that Jericho and Agg are worthy of respect.