Arkk's Weight Lifting / Fitness Thread


Molten Core Raider

now you, bath salts man bath salts.


Mr. Poopybutthole
This is a 6 part series (5 released, 6th should be this week) about nutrition. It's long in total, like 2 hours, but it's worth it if you can sit through listening to this guy. Should answer a lot of the questions people pose in this thread about nutrition and supplements though.



Call and make an appointment with Allen Carpenter:

He was my physical therapist for my knee problems. Tell him Mark's partner sent you and that you're HMO and need a second opinion.

Who's your ortho, btw?

edit: If you can't reach him via the reception area, tell them that Mark sent you.
I don't have an ortho, nor do I even know how to get one through Kaiser's worthless system.

I'll need to prepare myself for the anal raping I'm going to get going out of plan. Fuck living my life right now.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Well, I'm finally back at the gym after over a year layoff. Had herniated 2 discs in my neck. It was fking brutal, slept on a lazy boy (bought for that reason) for 5 months. But in the end, work forced me to go home and sent me to The Canadian Back institute. They worked miracles compared to regular physio, my therapist actually never touched me once. Had me doing various exercises all around strengthening my deep neck flexors.

So now that I'm back i hope to fk that whatever caused this, i dont do again. Going to be doing the same as before, strength training, trying to add a few pounds. I believe that the injury was caused by military presses, so I wont be touching them. On that note, i have always struggled with my delts, so if anyone has some ideas for a hard gainer ecto, who will not be doing any barbell militatries, I'm all ears.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Incline bench press works your delts, but that might be too similar to military and scare you off.

I personally do a lot of presses, so someone else might have some better advice.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I'm not really sure there's anything you can do for your deltoids that wouldn't also be hitting your neck/traps area.

You may just start out really light and take it slow. Or ask someone in sports medicine for suggestions.


Scare me off? I'm not sure what that means. You're a douchebag so I put you on ignore. I just happened to click to view this post for some reason.


Well, I'm finally back at the gym after over a year layoff. Had herniated 2 discs in my neck. It was fking brutal, slept on a lazy boy (bought for that reason) for 5 months. But in the end, work forced me to go home and sent me to The Canadian Back institute. They worked miracles compared to regular physio, my therapist actually never touched me once. Had me doing various exercises all around strengthening my deep neck flexors.

So now that I'm back i hope to fk that whatever caused this, i dont do again. Going to be doing the same as before, strength training, trying to add a few pounds. I believe that the injury was caused by military presses, so I wont be touching them. On that note, i have always struggled with my delts, so if anyone has some ideas for a hard gainer ecto, who will not be doing any barbell militatries, I'm all ears.
This sounds like exactly what I have been going through. I've had some debilitating neck pains that make it excrutiating to go from lying down to sitting up and sitting at a desk 10 hours+ a day I am sure isn't helping. I've been to my doctor, physical therapy, and a couple others but have put off going to a Chiro because I feel like they do more bad than good, but at any moment a sneeze could literally put me out of commission for days.


Just a Nurse
Been trying to do the squats every day routine that someone posted earlier. Been tough because I've been traveling. I did squats before, but, didn't really make it my goal to do them a lot. Went from 70lbs on the first day to 210lbs on the last day (yesterday). It's been a week. I increased the weight by 10-25lbs each day I do the squats. I'm definitely seeing a drastic increase in strength. My quads and ass are looking as delicious as ever and I love working my lower back.

Just got to get a good fucking diet going, gah. Healthy dieting sucks cause I love my donuts and oreos too much. :<


Mr. Poopybutthole
You gained 140 lbs on your squat in a week? I'm assuming you already had a squat closer to 200, so why'd you start at 70?

I also didn't really figure anyone would actually try that program. It's fucking insane. I'm definitely interested to hear how it progresses.


Just a Nurse
Like I said, I never really did squats before. I think the most I've ever done them before this program was 90lbs. But, I generally work my legs more than I work my upper, I guess that could be why.

Reason I also started so low was because I wanted to make sure I started with good form. Was afraid if I went too high too quick, my form would be shot. I'll update again in a week to see if I can get to 300 in another week.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Ass to grass? And going from NO SQUATS to SQUATS EVERY DAY sounds like the dumbest thing ever, I really hope you don't get injured.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
im jealous of people who can atg. i cant even do atg with 0 weights
Yeah, I'm in the same boat.

I'm sure I could do it if I did lots of stretching and flexibility work (DDP Yoga maybe?) but I've never been a particularly flexible person by nature. Even if I just squat down to pick something up off the ground, for example, I don't go down that low.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I got up to 275 atg for 5x5, then I went to Florida and didn't do a single leg workout and... yeah.

Anyway, JUMPING ROPE. Or "skipping." TELL ME ALL THE BENEFITS. Every article or shit I read says keep it to 10-15 minutes. Why? Shit feels good, lower abs always feel a nice burn when I jump rope and a good amount of sweat all over my sexy body.