Arkk's Weight Lifting / Fitness Thread


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Musclebros. Do you think I could make a sweet DIY power rack out of 2x4s?


Mr. Poopybutthole
I got up to 275 atg for 5x5, then I went to Florida and didn't do a single leg workout and... yeah.

Anyway, JUMPING ROPE. Or "skipping." TELL ME ALL THE BENEFITS. Every article or shit I read says keep it to 10-15 minutes. Why? Shit feels good, lower abs always feel a nice burn when I jump rope and a good amount of sweat all over my sexy body.
Sounds like it's likely coming from Crossfitters.

And a power rack made of 2x4's sounds awesome. Let me know how it goes when you drop 400 pounds on your safety bars made of wood.


Molten Core Raider
Use 2x6 sir.



Just a Nurse
Ass to grass? And going from NO SQUATS to SQUATS EVERY DAY sounds like the dumbest thing ever, I really hope you don't get injured.
I didn't say I never have done squats. I said I've not done them consistently in a workout (2x a week or so). I'm fine. I know how to prevent injuries. Thanks, though for the concern, lol.

In regards to jumping rope: I've never heard of a "keep it within 10-15 minutes"...but, that might be from your heart rate shooting up pretty high when doing it. You could do it multiple times a day with 10-15 minutes.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Fuck it, doing it until I pass out. If I don't post for a couple days... be warned... KEEP IT TO 10-15 MINUTES DAMMIT. I SACRIFICED MYSELF FOR YOU ALL!


Just a Nurse
Up to 270lbs on squats. Didn't get atg on it, though. Maxing out and then decreasing the weight so I can get my toosh to the ground. My body weight went up to 157lbs (up from 150 when I started this). Can't believe how much I sweat when I do this, lol.

edit: Actually up to 160. >_< Ugh.


Mr. Poopybutthole
You doing the program as it's listed on the website?

I'm also curious how you're feeling? Achy, sore, stiff?


Just a Nurse
No, I don't do the exact program that's listed on there. Not enough exercises for me. I split my body parts to the day (Triceps, Chest, Legs, Back, etc.). I do deadlifts on back day, ONLY.

I feel a *little* sore in my butt and quads. I do not feel any type of pain, though. Stiff? Not really. Loving the results, though. I've never seen such results, so quickly.

edit: What I generally do is a couple reps with just the barbell, then max out immediately with 5-8 reps. If I know I won't be able to atg it, I do what was listed earlier and put two bars under so it catches it and my body gets used to the weight. Then I drop the weight and get as low as possible.

I always do goblet squats (>80lbs) as well as switch leg leaps with >20lb dumbells and >80lb barbell lunges.

edit 2: Heaviest leg press is about 600lbs so far.


Blackwing Lair Raider
The Rock does 3x50 leg press. I did 1x50 today and wanted to burn the fucking gym down.


Just a Nurse
What weight do you use? I always do high reps with leg presses. Try and stick to 25-65 reps per set.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Saw this today. You can put your lifts in and it'll build a 5/3/1 program for you. Kind of neat. I mostly just like it cause it's a visual of the Exrx lifting charts (or something similar, since I didn't bother to find out where they got their novice/intermediate/advanced/elite numbers).

Strength Standards

Put in my most recent stats, and this is what it spit out. Fun! I will say it's not entirely accurate, much like none of these strength standards are.



Lord Nagafen Raider
Well couple weeks back in. No neck pain yet. Though obviously weak as shit. When i got hurt i was at 178 bench for 3 squat 285 for 5 or 4 depending and deadlift 2 plates but i felt my overall was weak so I didn't ever try more. Wanted to wait until i felt strong overall before really pushing the big boy.

I have to admit the layoff seemed to have done wonders, i got ha whole new motivation. 5'8" 146 8% when i busted my neck I only was up to 154, so no huge weight gains, but being 36 with a 3 now 4 year old, priorities change.

In any case reading this thread got me pumped and has given alot of good tips (also some how to bang in the mens shower but i dont follow those

Once i get back to 156 at least ill post a skinny man pic


Mr. Poopybutthole
I'm always looking for new music to workout to and I seem to get tired of the same shit pretty quickly. I found this Major Lazer "workout mix" the other day. Major Lazer is Diplo ("Express Yourself" and "Set it Off" as well as a shit ton of producer credits like M.I.A.'s "Paper Planes) and Switch (producer on a bunch of M.I.A. albums as well, Santigold, etc). It's probably not for everyone depending on musical tastes, but I've listened to it my last two workouts and it's good lifting music.

Can download it for free several places. I'm assuming there are also mixes 1-4, but I dunno where those are.


Blackwing Lair Raider
What weight do you use? I always do high reps with leg presses. Try and stick to 25-65 reps per set.
Was the first time I had ever done that many reps. I only had on two plates on each side lol, I generally do 8-12 reps with 7, 8, 9 plates. My legs were on fucking fire after the 50 reps.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Up to 270lbs on squats. Didn't get atg on it, though. Maxing out and then decreasing the weight so I can get my toosh to the ground. My body weight went up to 157lbs (up from 150 when I started this). Can't believe how much I sweat when I do this, lol.

edit: Actually up to 160. >_< Ugh.
As long as you're getting below parallel you're good imo. 270 is getting up there, nice.


Tranny Chaser
I'm always looking for new music to workout to and I seem to get tired of the same shit pretty quickly. I found this Major Lazer "workout mix" the other day. Major Lazer is Diplo ("Express Yourself" and "Set it Off" as well as a shit ton of producer credits like M.I.A.'s "Paper Planes) and Switch (producer on a bunch of M.I.A. albums as well, Santigold, etc). It's probably not for everyone depending on musical tastes, but I've listened to it my last two workouts and it's good lifting music.

Can download it for free several places. I'm assuming there are also mixes 1-4, but I dunno where those are.
Switch hasn't been part of Major Lazer for at least 2 years.

Also, the description says that particular mix is by his replacement, Walshy Fire, not Diplo himself


Just a Nurse
Finally feeling a little rundown from all the working out. I did the rear deltoid raises that someone posted in this thread from T-Nation (like 150 delts). Did 40 mile bike ride up a mountain yesterday and man do I feel it everywhere. :\


Just a Nurse
Good idea. ;p I think I just feel a little sick because I went through several microclimates going up a mountain, lol.