Arkk's Weight Lifting / Fitness Thread


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
So, I just benched 500 today for the first time on the Cybex press. On the one we have, it's pretty close to regular bench (a few rep difference). I'm stoked. I just wanted to see if I could. Not bad for an old man.
Yeaaaaaaaah Doggggy!


Ssraeszha Raider
Has anyone used Clen/T3? I was offered this and told it's as safe as it gets. It's in liquid form for both.
T3's relatively safe. It can eat your muscle up, though, at anything over a small dose. People will freak out that it will ruin your thyroid, but that's BS. People have been on it for years and when they come off their thyroid returns to normal in a couple of weeks.

I'd stay the fuck away from Clen, though. That can jack your heart up and send your blood pressure through the roof.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Eh, not judging, but going into a low carb diet (strictly speaking, carbs are what power lifts unless you are in keto, and then it is carbs -would- power lifts but ketones are doing a similar job) and then talking about T3/clen. Brahma, you may want to take a step back before you take that specific step forward. When you are back on a normal diet or in full on keto post Fog (Ask Khane; once you are acclimated to Keto, you can make gains and minimize losses to an extent. But just low carb and not keto? Not the same) you might feel differently. But at your age, I wouldn't experiment with -those- types of supplements. Just sayin, man.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
Eh, not judging, but going into a low carb diet (strictly speaking, carbs are what power lifts unless you are in keto, and then it is carbs -would- power lifts but ketones are doing a similar job) and then talking about T3/clen. Brahma, you may want to take a step back before you take that specific step forward. When you are back on a normal diet or in full on keto post Fog (Ask Khane; once you are acclimated to Keto, you can make gains and minimize losses to an extent. But just low carb and not keto? Not the same) you might feel differently. But at your age, I wouldn't experiment with -those- types of supplements. Just sayin, man.
Will do. But curious why?


Mr. Poopybutthole
But at your age, I wouldn't experiment with -those- types of supplements. Just sayin, man.
There would be nothing wrong with clen/T3 as long he measures his blood pressure, goes slowly, and follows the protocols. For me, my BP got way too high. And a clen/T3 stack can increase your metabolism by 40-50%. Sounds great, but you'll strip off muscle at that rate. Like, a lot of muscle. Then you have to take anabolics just to maintain your muscle. 1-1.5 pounds a week naturally is the way to go.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Will do. But curious why?
Primarily the increased strain on your heart, and you are already dieting so adding extra fat-burning stuff to it seems like you are in a hurry. Unless you are heading for a major competition or you have a medical reason (though I can't see a doctor saying it's OK to cycle T3 and/or Clen) that you need to cut weight that fast, I don't think there's really a reason to go that route. If you're a previous cycle guy and you know what you are doing, then hey, you know/understand the various risks and you have experience. But starting to cycle at 45(I think!) and you're not competing sounds like a bad idea where vanity clearly trumps health.

But hey, that's just an opinion, man.


Blackwing Lair Raider
There would be nothing wrong with clen/T3 as long he measures his blood pressure, goes slowly, and follows the protocols. For me, my BP got way too high. And a clen/T3 stack can increase your metabolism by 40-50%. Sounds great, but you'll strip off muscle at that rate. Like, a lot of muscle. Then you have to take anabolics just to maintain your muscle. 1-1.5 pounds a week naturally is the way to go.
You don't see a lot of muscle loss with clen. Whoever told you that is wrong, you maintain a lot of mass while on clen.


Mr. Poopybutthole
You don't see a lot of muscle loss with clen. Whoever told you that is wrong, you maintain a lot of mass while on clen.
A Clen and T3 stack will take muscle off of you like no one's business, if you aren't doing your research, being careful and training hard. The way I read it, he was talking about a stack.

Here would be one example of that (Minimising the catabolic effect of Cytomel-T3 cycle | MESO-Rx Forum). The advice given is to take a light anabolic to offset the muscle loss. I think you can avoid the test personally, but you have to be monitoring. On a stack like this, you could wake up and have all of your work set poundages be down 10% easily. And this could happen again the next day. You could get real light in the ass (and not in a good way) quick.


Molten Core Raider
My fear about steroids is that, intuitively, I'd expect to hear far more success stories than failure stories. How many men, comparatively, are stepping forward and saying ("Yea my kidneys are shot and my liver is failing in exchange for a six-pack over a few summers.") -- I'd assume the damage happens, whether it be user error or just too much stress combined with a genetic weakness. But it certainly makes it hard to do a cost-benefit analysis when, really, all we have is "faster route to abs" versus "non-zero risk of irrevocable organ/endocrine system damage". Scientists aren't allowed to run controlled tests on humans for this. So, essentially, all evidence is from men who I'd assume are going to be biased against being honest when things didn't work out.

We know: pharmaceuticals absolutely help you lose body fat and preserve/gain lean body mass. We know: the same pharma damages some men. Hand-waving everyone who irrevocably fucked themselves over as "doing it wrong" seems like a very very bold stance to take, given the parameters of the wager (lifelong suffering vs nice abs).


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
My fear about steroids is that, intuitively, I'd expect to hear far more success stories than failure stories. How many men, comparatively, are stepping forward and saying ("Yea my kidneys are shot and my liver is failing in exchange for a six-pack over a few summers.") -- I'd assume the damage happens, whether it be user error or just too much stress combined with a genetic weakness. But it certainly makes it hard to do a cost-benefit analysis when, really, all we have is "faster route to abs" versus "non-zero risk of irrevocable organ/endocrine system damage". Scientists aren't allowed to run controlled tests on humans for this. So, essentially, all evidence is from men who I'd assume are going to be biased against being honest when things didn't work out.

We know: pharmaceuticals absolutely help you lose body fat and preserve/gain lean body mass. We know: the same pharma damages some men. Hand-waving everyone who irrevocably fucked themselves over as "doing it wrong" seems like a very very bold stance to take, given the parameters of the wager (lifelong suffering vs nice abs).
I don't get why liposuction and fairly drastic plastic surgery is perfectly legal/acceptable but doctors can't/won't help people maintain hormone levels for vanity reasons. Makes no sense really.


Tranny Chaser
At Brahma's current weight then there is no way he should need any steroids to lose weight.

If your weight loss has stalled then you're doing something wrong. Have previously offered to give you some advice/program, offer still stands


Mr. Poopybutthole
Hand-waving everyone who irrevocably fucked themselves over as "doing it wrong" seems like a very very bold stance to take, given the parameters of the wager (lifelong suffering vs nice abs).
Quit whining. Clen and T3 are not even steroids.

And yeah, everyone I know who fucked themselves up on steroids did not do any research. There's a huge difference between the guy who has spent several hundred hours doing research, versus the guy who just takes whatever the guy in the gym locker room is selling. Taking steroids used to be legal, if overseen by a Doctor. Plenty of guys have their Doctors do confidential testing. And they limit their compounds to one. Then there's the guy in the gym who is injecting himself with 10+ drugs, many of them contraindicting each other, and doesn't even know what they do. This guy is the same guy that takes them for more than eight weeks (bad idea), doesn't protect himself against estrogen increases, and doesn't engage in PCT.It is incredibly hard to fuck up your body if you do just one cycle, and do proper PCT (while keeping a SERM on hand). The guys that get fucked up are the ones that take them non stop for 15-20 years, and 10-20x the normal dose.

TLDR version: the educated guy, who is monitoring his vitals and taking light doses in short time periods won't have problems. Lighter dosed steroids (depending on the compound) put as much strain on the body as ibuprofen.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I'll reiterate it, I felt much better using a natural trainer, that had me lose only 1-1.5 pounds a week slowly, then trying to stack Clen + T3. I know some guys can tolerate that stack, but my blood pressure got to 160/130. It's normal now. When I took that stack, I had a lot of energy, but also felt like shit at the same time. Maybe some people have a higher tolerance than others. I can't handle OTC fat burners well either. So the only things I take is protein shakes and creatine.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
At Brahma's current weight then there is no way he should need any steroids to lose weight.

If your weight loss has stalled then you're doing something wrong. Have previously offered to give you some advice/program, offer still stands
It has stalled. Not sure why. Still no sugars or carbs. Same meals, just slightly smaller portions. My weight loss was pretty fast the 1st few weeks, now it's 2 steps forward, 1 step back sort of progress.

The reason I asked was that the guy who offered them looks amazing in like 2 months tops. He has a few years on me, but was not quite my size. He may have been 280? Now he is down to 240 EASY.


Got something right about marriage
I noticed in one of the recent pictures you posted of your breakfast in the weight loss thread you had strawberries on your plate and some kind of a muffin that is probably also filled with carbs. I suppose it's possible that you aren't doing anything differently and it really did just stall out, but that's very, very unlikely.

There is nothing wrong with strawberries but since you're doing Atkins if you're eating berries that means you've transitioned from phase 1 of the diet to phase 2 and you aren't going to lose weight as fast in phase 2 (though you still shouldn't stall if you're doing it appropriately)


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
It has stalled. Not sure why. Still no sugars or carbs. Same meals, just slightly smaller portions. My weight loss was pretty fast the 1st few weeks, now it's 2 steps forward, 1 step back sort of progress.

The reason I asked was that the guy who offered them looks amazing in like 2 months tops. He has a few years on me, but was not quite my size. He may have been 280? Now he is down to 240 EASY.
Thats probably too fast, but if you want to drop that fast just go do spin class every day and keep your diet the same.

If you could have a Dr. supervise what you're taking and monitor your hormones and levels, I'd say absolutely max that shit out. If you're getting shit from a guy at the gym and just hoping it's right, holy fuck can of worms, I'd stay away.

Just log everything you eat in Myfitnesspal and target a 1.5lb/week loss and actually honestly log everything you're eating. Everything!