Arkk's Weight Lifting / Fitness Thread


Molten Core Raider
I won't comment on specific supplements, but take any supplement recommendations from with a grain of salt. Their main goal is to sell you supplements through their store (which gets them $$$) so they'll recommend tons of shit you don't really need.
Yeah thats what i figured so i wanted to see some answers from you guys who have actually used the products, ill probably just stick to a multi vitamin / creatine / and protein shakes.

although Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) sounds interesting.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I liked creatine when I was doing Starting Strength, I feel like it definitely helped me. Beyond that just whey, and even whey is only maybe a scoop or two in my oatmeal or milk. Fish oil was all the rage for a while but I stopped with that.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Creatine is cheap enough that there's not reason not to use it. It's definitely not necessary though. It's also something you don't need to cycle. Take it all year if you'd like. It's not going to make or break you.

It'll definitely add water weight. Anywhere from 2-5 pounds would be normal, although none is definitely possible (and any more than that is probably not from creatine).

Currently, I take:

White Flood or Fierce Domination, pre-workout

The ErgoBolic is an anti-cortisol, and was almost free due to a bunch of other shit I ordered. I only really tried it because it's supposed to help with sleep. So far, it definitely does, but it's way too expensive just for that. I also use whey powder, but I don't consider that a supplement as much as just an extra meal. Well, two meals.

I'm also going to start taking an Omega-3 since I've had tendonitis and other tendon injuries so much in my lifiting career. I'm hoping that'll help keep them down, but we'll see. I'm currently on an off week after what felt like I almost tore my bicep, which followed another 2 week break back in March when I got what I believe is peroneal tendonitis (deep in my calf). That one actually never went away as I just kept squatting on it, but hopefully it'll be gone after this rest period. I had bicep tendonitis that fucked up my shoulder back in 2010, after which I stopped lifting for a good 6 months. So it's a problem that I'm looking for a solution to. Hopefully Omega-3 is just fucking magic.

Read lots of reviews on the forums about Fierce Domination that made it sound awesome. Not really a fan. They said it tasted amazing, I think it tastes like crap. And I actually feel like I lose focus after taking it. Mostly on bench press, where I can't find a focus spot on the ceiling and my lift gets all fucked up.

White Flood, on the other hand, I've taken before. I had tried the raspberry flavor back then and liked it. It helped me work harder in the gym. I've got a tub of watermelon right now, and it's by far the best tasting supplement I've ever used (although I did use Green Mag back in the day too, and that shit's delicious). Whether or not the White Flood actually helps, or is just a placebo effect, I don't really care. It gives results, and it's cheap enough for me that it's worthwhile.

If you can't tell, I'm kind of a Controlled Labs fan. Between White Flood, Green Mag, and Pronom 23, they're the best tasting supplements I've ever had. I'm at the point where I give up on other companies because they're always a disappointment, and Controlled Labs seems to be consistently good.


Fish Oil seems like a general all-around amazing supplement, and it's cheap, so I take that in addition to multivitamin and creatine.


Silver Squire
I have to recommend zinc. If you take around 100mg zinc a day, after 3 weeks your testosterone levels are supposed to elevate. I've been stuck squatting ~180kgs for about 3 months. After a month of taking zinc, I had an easy peasy triple PR of 185kg.


Molten Core Raider
Creatine is cheap enough that there's not reason not to use it. It's definitely not necessary though. It's also something you don't need to cycle. Take it all year if you'd like. It's not going to make or break you.

It'll definitely add water weight. Anywhere from 2-5 pounds would be normal, although none is definitely possible (and any more than that is probably not from creatine).

Currently, I take:

White Flood or Fierce Domination, pre-workout

The ErgoBolic is an anti-cortisol, and was almost free due to a bunch of other shit I ordered. I only really tried it because it's supposed to help with sleep. So far, it definitely does, but it's way too expensive just for that. I also use whey powder, but I don't consider that a supplement as much as just an extra meal. Well, two meals.

I'm also going to start taking an Omega-3 since I've had tendonitis and other tendon injuries so much in my lifiting career. I'm hoping that'll help keep them down, but we'll see. I'm currently on an off week after what felt like I almost tore my bicep, which followed another 2 week break back in March when I got what I believe is peroneal tendonitis (deep in my calf). That one actually never went away as I just kept squatting on it, but hopefully it'll be gone after this rest period. I had bicep tendonitis that fucked up my shoulder back in 2010, after which I stopped lifting for a good 6 months. So it's a problem that I'm looking for a solution to. Hopefully Omega-3 is just fucking magic.

Read lots of reviews on the forums about Fierce Domination that made it sound awesome. Not really a fan. They said it tasted amazing, I think it tastes like crap. And I actually feel like I lose focus after taking it. Mostly on bench press, where I can't find a focus spot on the ceiling and my lift gets all fucked up.

White Flood, on the other hand, I've taken before. I had tried the raspberry flavor back then and liked it. It helped me work harder in the gym. I've got a tub of watermelon right now, and it's by far the best tasting supplement I've ever used (although I did use Green Mag back in the day too, and that shit's delicious). Whether or not the White Flood actually helps, or is just a placebo effect, I don't really care. It gives results, and it's cheap enough for me that it's worthwhile.

If you can't tell, I'm kind of a Controlled Labs fan. Between White Flood, Green Mag, and Pronom 23, they're the best tasting supplements I've ever had. I'm at the point where I give up on other companies because they're always a disappointment, and Controlled Labs seems to be consistently good.
Ive tried white flood and i def saw something different in my workout i pushed harder i seemed alot more focused on what i was doing etc.

but what im curious is, does that taper off? will i eventually not get the rush from it and that terminator like focus? that was the only thing that kept me from buying it, i had a small sample of green mag white flood and the other they recommend with the other two.

Xeldar, is the zinc you get from a multi not enough, should i add the 100mg on top of my multi just curious.

Throwing this in there because ive heard to take creatine after workout, but this clearly states before from the website,
Directions For CON-CRET: RECOMMENDED ADULT USE: As a dietary supplement take 1 hour prior to training with approximately 4-6 ounces (118-177 mL) of water or juice. CON-CRET can be taken on an empty stomach or with food or mixed with protein. Normal Training: 1 serving per 100 pounds of body weight. Intense Training: 1-2 servings per 100 pounds of body weight. Off Days: Can take 1 serving per 100 pounds of body weight to assist in muscle recovery.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Most pre-workouts need to be cycled because you'll eventually end up getting used to their effects. Think of it like a coffee drinker (which is very similar, since most pre's contain caffeine). Drink the same amount of coffee every day for 2 months, and you'll start needing more to get the same caffeine high. So yes, it'll techincally "taper off." More than likely though, if you take one long enough, you'll just end up feeling strung out. If you take one long enough and then stop, you'll probably feel pretty shitty for a while.

There's no reason to time creatine or protein. Your body stores the creatine in its cells and uses it when needed. That's also why it doesn't need to be cycled. By taking it all the time, you're just maintaining a certain amount of creatine in your cells (bro's like to say your cells are saturated). Ditto with protein. As long as you're hitting your macro for the day, your body will use the protein. It's not going to suddenly go into overdrive and repair all of your muscles immediately after the workout.


Molten Core Raider
. It's not going to suddenly go into overdrive and repair all of your muscles immediately after the workout.
I figured that, the way i think it was initially explained to me (with protein) was that after workout your muscles are torn so it then comes in and fills them with the protein throughout the rest of the day/night. (sounds silly but had some logic to it i thought)

Thanks for the info on that though up until now i have been timing a shake for right after i workout(always heard/read about this too) I think as im starting off again ill try some whiteflood or another pre just to kick myself back into it.


I've taken jack3d (pre workout sup) for 2 years off and on now to no ill effect. I periodically go off it for a month or longer due to circumstances (3 months of traveling, injury) or out of caution, and have never felt any negative effects from stopping. Of course I also don't get caffeine withdraws going cold turkey from coffee, so results may vary. Tolerance definitely builds over time, but who cares? It can be reset pretty easily. Jack3d calls for 1 scoop and up to 3 max. I felt like my face would ignite in flames the first month or so I took 1 scoop, and after about a year I was using 1.5 (2 on deadlift day) scoops to feel a good effect. Take off for a couple months and most of the tolerance is gone.

People say that stuff is horrible for you. They may be right, but you gotta believe every single pro athlete is taking WAY more of far more potent shit and they're not dropping dead. That's my rationalization.


Trakanon Raider
Yeah thats what i figured so i wanted to see some answers from you guys who have actually used the products, ill probably just stick to a multi vitamin / creatine / and protein shakes.

although Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) sounds interesting.
I used to take pre-workout stims and all that shit, but these days I actually just drink BCAAs before/during and then drink protein when I feel my diet for the day/week has been lacking. Extend is a great brand of BCAA, and the watermelon flavor is fucking heavenly. I've got lemon/lime now and it's decent but... suffice it to say Melon is your workout ambrosia.


Molten Core Raider
Stop taking the multi vitamin and just go with the zinc pills.calcium can affect the absorption of zinc, so either take it before bed or when you're not consuming calcium for two hours. also from what I'm easing, taking over 100mg can increase your risk of prostate cancer.
Uh i guess im not gonna touch that shit until i talk to a doctor?

nvm i got my answer says 40mg a day, and it actually says it will help with crohn's disease. (i have it.) so effectively zinc in a multi wont have the same effect as just straight up zinc, assuming the dose for the multi is 40mg? (just curious because i can use the multi since i lack all that shit cant get it from food) is 30mg of zinc in those multis, assuming the calcium wont fuck up the zinc would that be the best way to go? (really makes no sense why they would put calcium/zinc together if they are like oil/water.)

szeth, do these BCAAs just work on their own behind the scenes? im assuming i wont feel any kind of effect with these, like a pre workout sup right?


Trakanon Raider
Well it doesn't have caffeine or any type of focus supplements in it, so to feel it youd have to be insanely aware of your body and how your muscles feel(no you won't notice it)


Molten Core Raider
elurin where did you read that stuff about the protein/creatine, i have the TV on in the backround and that show "the doctors" is on and they are going on about how you need to take it before/after workouts, and google only gives me the same answers.


elurin where did you read that stuff about the protein/creatine, i have the TV on in the backround and that show "the doctors" is on and they are going on about how you need to take it before/after workouts, and google only gives me the same answers.
Studies have been done to show that there is a modest increase in muscle synthesis and recovery if protein is taken within 30 minutes of finishing a workout compared to taking it throughout the day. Like most nutrition/sport science research, there are major problems with these studies from a sample size and methods standpoint, and the advantages they showed were essentially insignificant to anyone but elite/professional athletes. As in, less than 5% advantage when compared to standard treatment. So feel free to do it if you want, it won't actually hurt you, but it won't really make any difference either.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Bottom line, it can't hurt to take it post workout, it's just not really necessary. There's not enough science to back up either claim. Most of the studies done stating that it's a marked improvement were done on people who exercised fasted. My main point was to make sure you're hitting your daily goals consistently. That's WAY more important than macro timing.

As far as the creatine timing, I wish I could figure out where I read that. All I can find that confirm it is shit from like 2006 at the most recent, and none are scientific studies. I'll keep looking, but not hard.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Have a slight case of what I believe is biceps tendonosis (although, 2 weeks ago it was so bad I couldn't even lift the bar on my last set of curls). I took last week off altogether, and this week I did a very light chest/biceps day (115 lb bench 3x10, 45 lb ez bar curl 3x10, 30 lb cable chest press 3x10, and 20 lb dumbbell hammer curls 3x10) and felt ok. The last two sets of hammer curls I started to feel some pain again. But yesterday I was doing some rowing and the pain started coming back a bit stronger.

It's kind of a bummer, because I had biceps tendonitis a few years ago when I stopped lifting for about 2 years (before was near the shoulder, now it's at the forearm/elbow). I just got up to my PR on bench press before I had to stop, and I think I'm like 5 pounds off my curl PR. My squat and deadlift aren't even close (had a 275 squat, and 375 deadlift, both for reps, when I stopped).

So now I'm going to just say fuck it and take some serious time off. Probably go even lighter on the biceps exercises than this week, for a good month+, and cut down on the rowing and pullups for a while. Instead, I'm going to try out a 4 times a week squat program. I'll do heavy triples, somewhat heavy sets of 5, front squats, and some light weight high rep sets. I may also deadlift twice a week, and start doing weighted hip thrusts at the gym (been doing bodyweight at home, cause seriously...that shit's embarrassing). On Monday I did a set of 5 at 225, so that'll be my starting point. My original goal was a 3 plate squat by the end of August, but now that I'm doing this, I'll shoot for end of July.


Molten Core Raider
How do you guys feel about complete days off after each muscle group, my work schedule sucks so im trying to pack everything in sun/mon/tues/wed so im not ass-sore for work id take thur/fri/sat off completely.

and was thinking of splitting chest/bi(monday) shoulder/tri(tuesday) etc, with no real rest days in between.


Blackwing Lair Raider
How do you guys feel about complete days off after each muscle group, my work schedule sucks so im trying to pack everything in sun/mon/tues/wed so im not ass-sore for work id take thur/fri/sat off completely.

and was thinking of splitting chest/bi(monday) shoulder/tri(tuesday) etc, with no real rest days in between.
I'm personally so in favor of rest days, but I also think it depends on who you are. I used to do a 5 day split, weekends off. I saw absolutely no results to be quite frank, nothing. I was also eating like a slob at the time, so that didn't help, but I didn't really see any change in muscle mass, personally.

Now, I do 3 workouts per week, heavy as I possibly can. So I'm resting 4 days a week, and on weekends, I get a good 10 hours of sleep lol. I'm far more muscular now, along with vascular. Clean eating certainly helps, but I'm not like a fucking psycho when it comes to eating (I probably took in 9000 calories on cinco de mayo, and I'm not even kidding). I think rest is a lot more important than people like to think, especially for me. Could be based on genetics, or maybe it's just in my head.

/ramble off