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TLP Idealist
tl;dr His mother is fucking crazy and is going to kill herself, him and probably some other people later this month.

Advice: Kill the cult leader and watch the cult crumble before the doomsday prophecy.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I love posts like this. It reminds me just how awesome my mom is.


Blackwing Lair Raider
My dad's wife's brother was in that church that was convinced the world was going to end on that specific date a couple times ago. He was pretty fucking insane and tried to get all of us to go to his church for the end of the world and shit like that. We just ignored him and hoped he would off himself. Never happened sadly.

an accordion_sl

My dad's wife's brother was in that church that was convinced the world was going to end on that specific date a couple times ago. He was pretty fucking insane and tried to get all of us to go to his church for the end of the world and shit like that. We just ignored him and hoped he would off himself. Never happened sadly.
What do they do when their end of the world date passes? New theory and new date to worry about?

awesome thread by the way


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I have always been a Lurker because I am not so good about getting thoughts from the brain into text so bear with me im tryin! (keepin it to manageable chunks)

Some of the players (using real names because fuck the innocent):
Patrick- One of the 'leaders' of this nonsense. He claims he is half alien, worked for the NSA, is privy to the plans of alien domination. I say hes a fuckin loser who is just trying to get pussy from morbidly obese women and freeload off them. He never shows up for brunch so I never see him (I would call him on being full of shit to his face) but is involved in a lot of the other activities they have going on. Every time I try to point out if he really was half alien and a critical lynchpin to the saving of humanity then why don't his people take care of him better? Why does he have to babysit for cash and crash on people's couches? If he is really being hunted by the bad aliens then why is he living in a shit hole in the ghetto?

Reggie- Another 'leader', he's the guy who verifies Patrick's claims because he is awake on the spaceship and sees what is going on. He only shows up for brunch every few months so I haven't had enough time to rail into him. He says he was going to write on me while I was on the ship so I would believe in all this crap, but didn't because I would get mad at him for it. I told him if he sees me on the spaceship he can feel free to write 'I like cock' on my forehead and I would go to work like that the next day. Also asked him if my body is still in my bed and I'm 'projecting' how the hell does the ink get transferred to my body? I say he is another scumbag looking for easy sex (is it still easy if you got to go this far?). he also has a ghost companion that follows him around that only Loraina can see/hear.

Loraina- Runs the Ghost Hunting group that they formed, used to date Patrick or something, now hates him. Said she has seen 'Patrick's true form' and that's why she knows he is half alien. Works in some capacity for city law enforcement and was putting in for a pistol permit related to the job, I think she has since been transferred and can no longer get a work gun but im not sure. Claims she's psychic, can see and talk to ghosts, and a laundry list of other farfetched nonsense. I think she's a bored woman who giggles when men pay attention to her and bought into it a long time ago and now knows the end is in sight and is not sure what to do about it. Unfortunately all the other women in the group take their cues from her (including my mom)

Marian- Follower, has issues in her own right. Is like a walking catalogue of bad Discovery conspiracy shows. Doesn't remember any times on the alien ship, but she can tell 'something is going on'. I tend to point out the ridiculousness of the things she says, hoping my mom is listening and thinking. Reggie and Loraina get quiet when I do that and let he become the verbal punching bag. Good one for her was 'The library of Alexandria had more advanced knowledge then we have even today, they had spaceships and lasers and satellites.'
Then why did they put everything on paper and not have a Halon system?
What do you mean?
If these wicked smart people built a repository of all this knowledge, they didn't conceive that 'fire burn paper' and let it all burn to the ground setting us back millennia in advancement?


Bronze Baronet of the Realm




<Gold Donor>
There has to be at least one somewhat fuckable woman in these groups besides all the fatties, so maybe I should give this a try.... I could like hop from one to the other, taking bits and pieces of lore with me and making it sound like I know what I'm talking about.

Nah, too much work, and I'd probably end up gutted like a fish by some crazy I spurned. Craigslist would probably be safer (trannies and all).


Trakanon Raider
What do they do when their end of the world date passes? New theory and new date to worry about?

awesome thread by the way
It's actually been fairly well studied by psychologists. Basically, they come up with a bunch of justification for why the prophecy didn't hold true, and end up with their beliefs actually reinforced. Welcome to cults.


Sounds something like this guy

Honestly, I don't think your mom is truly mentally ill. I think she might need to talk to a psychiatrist but I don't think she's clinically delusional or needs anti-psychotics or anything. She sounds a lot like my mom. My mom never joined a cult but she believed every conspiracy, listened religiously to Coast-to-Coast. She taught my sister that the battle between God and Lucifer was really aliens and when my sister was older she took her to conventions where they could have their "alien auras" or past lives read.

In my experience she just really needed the attention. She needed to feel special and feeling like she knew all the conspiracies and was enlightened to the truth gave her that. Of course my mom was also pretty messed up and not nice to her family and when we didn't give her the attention she needed she lashed out, so I washed my hands of the whole thing and I really don't speak to her anymore. I don't know if you want to do that with your mom. Your mom might just be lonely and misguided.

My advice is to not involve yourself. Try to take your mom out and do things with her away from the crazies and maybe try to get her to therapy but for the love of Alien Jesus, do not try to sit there and argue with crazy. It will just get you angry and feed their frenzy that someone is actually paying attention to them.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
It's actually been fairly well studied by psychologists. Basically, they come up with a bunch of justification for why the prophecy didn't hold true, and end up with their beliefs actually reinforced. Welcome to cults.
Yeah its one of the things I keep hitting on with my mom. Two days before the event you can't just say "Oh Bob in planetary acquisitions wanted to reschedule, so its going to be in 3 years now." If the date was so important that 4 thousand years ago they set it in stone, it kinda has to stick.


Your situation sounds vaguely like the event that happened in San Diego decades ago, in the 90s, but I still remember it and it is eerily similar to your mother's situation. In that case, there was a group calling themselves Heaven's Gate, it had something to do with the end of the world and Halley's comet, I don't remember all the details, but the end result was that the cult leader had all the members commit suicide. It happened in one of the richest parts of San Diego too (Rancho Sante Fe). I think it was something like 40 people that committed mass suicide.

So I would be afraid your mother may be going down a similar path. Your mother is mentally ill, what the exact diagnosis is isn't important, whether it's paranoid schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, schizoaffective disorder, it doesn't matter..... the question is what to do about it. You would probably need to stage an intervention, but unless your mother would be willing voluntarily to accept psychiatric help, then this may not be fruitful. Perhaps you can have her incarcerated temporarily if she can be shown to be harmful to herself or to others.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I don't think its cult levels of mayhem, most of these people are poor, and I think a good cult needs to be bankrolled. I think Wintermute has it right, they are just bored, and my mother is attention starved so went along for the ride. As far as I know she sees a therapist but she doesn't talk to him about this stuff (but he has a seat saved on the transport, thanks to her!) and she is deff on meds. Don't know/don't care what the diagnosis is.


Just make sure she doesn't give away all her shit, especially things of value. If she does, get her to give it to you. Since she sounds like a nut, and you'll do a better job managing it after the date has come and gone.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
If the aliens use Windows you should probably hire Jeff Goldblum to write a pixel virus and have your mom upload it in her sleep.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
It's good that their leader has the "oh and we'll prevent the crisis and nobody, including you, will be able to tell" already scoped out. Most leaders make the mistake of saying the proof will come.




