ASSHAT OF THE YEAR 2015 VERSION! Nominations round


Vyemm Raider
I would like to nominate kriptini, mostly for the above post. Which is what he wanted, well he gets it, and I don't like it anymore than you men...


Potato del Grande
Convo at least deserves to be in the running for his performances in the NFL and Pantheon threads.


Trump's Staff
Let's get real, here.

I'm easy-going and I'm more than happy to play along with this. There's nothing wrong with a little good-natured ribbing. Although I never made any avatar bet, I'd be happy to treat it as such and agree to change my avatar upon winning the title, but I'm not giving carte blanche toanyonehere. If people have suggestions ("a Thunderf00t avatar", "a Sarkeesian avatar", "a robot getting fucked avatar", etc.) I'm willing to consider them. But there's certainly no precedent set wherein somebody could make up a poll on a whim and it is implicitly agreed that whoever the board chooses to target will have their avatar replaced (without ever agreeing to this or even participating in the process). I hope I don't have to tell you why that is not a good idea.
Was going to fuck for hodj but I think Tanoomba just won my vote with this. Grats!


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
Alrighty boys and girls (and Mist). You have spoken, and I am closing the nomination round. Below are the nominees for AssHat of the Year, 2015. They are ranked from highest to lowest inversely to their TucoNets count. It's a somewhat arbitrary ranking system for a somewhat arbitrary contest. We have 33, which isn't a great number, so we'll have an first round of voting that will be between the lowest ranked two people. That will give us 32, and that works just fine.

Here is the thread to go and vote:


Column -60
Azeth -45
Tanoomba -44
Hoss -42
DelicateFlower -30
I'm Ritch Bitch -23
a_skeleton_03 -23
ZombieWizardhawk -17
Itzena -15
popsicledeath -14
Frenzic -9
Convo -7
Araysar -4
Tyen -2
Numbers -1
Nemesis +1
Kirun +5
Troll +6
Vaclav +6
kriptini +7
Mist +8
Draegan +16
Eomer +20
Master Chunk +40
Phazael +20
Hodj +24
Johnny49 +40
Tarrant +40
Tuco +56
lurkingdirk +66
Royal +82
Soygen +121
Barraco Bisi +192
