Avatar 2 (2020)

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Pandora is a moon around a gas giant, but it takes place in a different solar system. The system can’t be that far since they can only go like .3 or .4c in the movies and the transit times one way are only like 4-5 years or whatever
Alpha Centauri which is the closest star system to Earth.

iirc the actual closest star Proxima Centauri actually has a planet or two orbiting it. Only problem is its a red dwarf which makes habitability next to zero.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
This is on pace to crack 2B by end of next weekend.

Domestic 113M last week (-30% from previous week), if this week is -60%, we are looking at around 68M domestic, and if that's 30% of international, worldwide haul this week should be around 226M

Add to the 1.71B its currently at, and it'll just about be there.

Somehow domestically 138 more theaters picked it up as well.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
If this, solely relying on visuals, can push to 2.2B that really puts the Star Wars sequels in perspective and how much they truly fucked that up.
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  • 2Worf
  • 1Great Review
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Not too surprised - the original Avatar was a huge hit in China and the general theme is benign enough that the CCP wouldn’t get ruffled about it


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
I forgot about this shit til someone brought it up after we watched the movie. I wonder if this is happening again, and perhaps even worse with the state of the world now versus then.

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  • 1Worf
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Goonsquad Officer
I forgot about this shit til someone brought it up after we watched the movie. I wonder if this is happening again, and perhaps even worse with the state of the world now versus then.

No. Now we will get transnavi
  • 1Worf
Reactions: 1 user


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I thought it might be closer to 2B this weekend but I didn't account for the huge Monday last week.
So right now it's 99M short of 2B.
It should certainly hit 2B sometime this week, possibly before the weekend.
I still see it getting to at least #4 All-Time with ~2.11B by Mid-Feb, but getting to 2.2B and passing Titanic looks impossible now.
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Tranny Chaser
The weird thing is that it's making all this money yet not many people seem to really enjoy it. Maybe the 'lets live in Pandora' second act works for some people, but I found it to be painfully dull and predictable. It was VERY pretty and it's fun to just look around and take in the visuals, but the overall story arc is...bad.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
If you go to this movie for the story and not the visuals, you are going to leave disappointed.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
As we get older everything is super predictable.

It's not so much about the story as it is about the experience.

The simplest stories are retold time and time again. It's about the whole package.

In a time where cinema is dying and only propped up by the next super hero film, I will welcome a movie like Avatar that brings back the "epic" one more time before cinema is dead for good.


FPS noob
had a few hours and finally saw this. it was a movie. i guess its cool to see some of the pandora stuff in 3D Laser HFR Dolby IMAX but i'm guessing most of us who have played video games all our lives have spent time in immersive worlds so it wasn't anything new or unique.

i just don't get why so many people are into this, it was an hour too long, the story was barely there, nothing big changes from the start of the movie to the end, and I'd rather watch a David Attenborough documentary. I didn't really care if anyone in the movie lived or died, and I was disappointed nothing really big really happened. It'll be interesting to see reactions from people who only see this at home, I can't imagine the movie is that interesting without the 3D and big screen gimmick.

crazy that its probably going to settle around the top 3 spot under Titanic once all is said and done, totally not deserved. and now we are cursed with 4-5 more of these fucking Avatar movies

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  • 1Pathetic
  • 1Direct to DVD
Reactions: 2 users


Lord Nagafen Raider
For me it was a significant downgrade from the first movie except in the cgi/tech department (but that's not why I watch movies).
I tried to watch this a month or so ago, ended up shutting it down after an hour in, when the stupid teen drama started. Fuck that noise, the first one has no kids/teens and I can still enjoy watching it despite all the dumb stuff. Zero desire to give this one a second chance.
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Log Wizard
No. Now we will get transnavi

Not so bad, better than



Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Over 2B. Under 50M to move to #4 spot

4. Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens: $2,071,310,218

5. Avengers: Infinity War: $2,052,415,039

6. Avatar: The Way of Water: $2,026,675,670


Silver Baron of the Realm
The mystery of the true origins of the Na'vi have been solved.
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