Backwards Compatibility - Is it really that important?


Honestly a yes/no poll doesn't adequately reflect the thought processes that go into the decision.

For the PS3 it was a nice to have feature because I had a PS2 and an extensive library I would have enjoyed bringing over. However, considering the PS3 was worth less than shit in terms of gaming library -- I never purchased one. If the PS4 has a library that that makes it worth considering, BC would be almost necessary as insurance against a weak library because I could cherry pick the 2/3? titles worth playing from the PS3 for use on the PS4.

The Xbox720 it doesn't matter to me either way. I know it will get a library (eventually) that justifies it's purchase.


The PS3 backwards compatibility (BC) was a big deal for myself and my friends. We would spend hours playing old PS1 and PS2 games on the PS3. If anything all BC does is give the console a huge game library on it's release day even if that library happens to be old gen. No matter what it is still a good thing to have for any console release.


I hope Sony clears up the PSOne Classics thing. Those absolutely should transfer over to the PS4 since emulating the PS1 is a joke (pretty sure that's how the PS3 runs PS1 games, pure software BC). They need to get PS2 classics running on it too, since emulating that would be a breeze for the PS4. There's really no excuse to not have straight PS1/PS2 disc BC through emulation too.

Hopefully they can also work out small PSN titles to work on the PS4, that shouldn't be as big of a deal as getting Digital PS3 game licenses transferred over, though it might be something that the developers would have to do themselves.

It's going to, eventually, have full BC via cloud streaming for older systems, but I don't think that's necessary for anything but PS3 games. PS1/PS2 should be straight software.


Golden Knight of the Realm
PS2/3 Emulation is most likely going to be a bitch to get perfect still for a while due to both systems having odd architecture. Sony couldn't get PS2 emulation right on the PS3. I doubt doing PS3 emulation (or even PS2 emulation for that matter) on the PS4 is going to be any better.

Hell, computer PS2/DC emulation still isn't top tier, and those are both old systems with a fairly dedicated homebrew scene.


Honestly a yes/no poll doesn't adequately reflect the thought processes that go into the decision.
I thought about putting more options, but I figured a yes/no choice was good enough. Either you actually do care or you don't really care and I wanted to see the sample sizes between each. Plus, it's sparked plenty of conversation. Honestly, I didn't think there would be quite so many Yes votes. 102 people isn't a huge sample, but I think 40% voting Yes is a significant enough amount that I think BC should be a standard feature to have.

Thankfully, the PS4 will, supposedly,eventuallyhave full BC via Streaming which is better than nothing. Hopefully it works well enough that PS3 games are playable with it.

There's 6 days, 11 hours left until the X720 conference (according to GT's countdown) and hopefully they talk about whether they'll have BC or not then and not leave it until E3.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
However, considering the PS3 was worth less than shit in terms of gaming library -- I never purchased one.
Wait, what? The PS3 may not stack up to the PS2, but I don't see how anyone can possibly argue that Sony didn't have by far the best library of exclusives when this generation is all said and done.


Wait, what? The PS3 may not stack up to the PS2, but I don't see how anyone can possibly argue that Sony didn't have by far the best library of exclusives when this generation is all said and done.
I wouldn't say byfarthe best, but his statement is pretty off. I think they were pretty even on exclusives. All 22 of my PS3 games are exclusive titles and about 16 of 113 X360 discs that I have are X360 exclusive. If you count X360/PC games as exclusives too that number goes up to about 20 I think. That's not counting XBLA/PSN titles either, which still puts me about even. I will be adding 5 or 6 more PS3 exclusives to my library this year though and 0 more X360 exclusives.

I should really catalog all my stuff some day and write my library down, that was just a quick count of my bookcase and I may have missed a couple.


Wait, what? The PS3 may not stack up to the PS2, but I don't see how anyone can possibly argue that Sony didn't have by far the best library of exclusives when this generation is all said and done.
I can look at the entire library and pull maybe 5 titles total that have remotely any appeal to me. Of which, only 3 am I fairly sure I would enjoy.

Having exclusives != quality or worthwhile titles. Pretty sure Microsoft proved that point with the original Xbox.

What it boils down to is personal preference -- mine was not catered to with the PS3 library. Which is sad considering it was a complete reversal from my PS2/Xbox experience.


Potato del Grande



Okay miscounted, have 24 PS3 discs + 3 PSN games (not counting PSN+ free titles, of which there's a bunch). Mostly RPGs. Yes, I know I suck for not having any Uncharted games or Journey.

My PS3 Library:

  • Atelier Rorona
  • Atelier Totori
  • Atelier Meruru
  • Atelier Ayesha
  • Last Rebellion
  • Disgaea 3
  • Folklore
  • Valkyria Chronicles
  • Hyperdimension Neptunia
  • Hyperdimension Neptunia 2
  • Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory
  • Agaraest War 2
  • Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch
  • Infamous
  • Infamous 2
  • Cross Edge
  • Demons Souls
  • God of War 1/2 Collection
  • God of War 3
  • Metal Gear Solid 4
  • Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm
  • Tales of Graces F
  • Trinity Universe
  • White Knight Chronicles

  • Wizardry: Labyrinth of Lost Souls (PSN)
  • Ratchet & Clank Future: Quest for Booty (PSN)
  • LittleBigPlanet (PSN)

I'm also planning on picking up these PS3 exclusive titles this year:

The Last of Us
Time and Eternity
Dragon's Crown
Tales of Xillia
Disgaea D2
Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix
Final Fantasy X|X-2 HD
The Guided Fate: Paradox

Also hopefully Atelier Escha & Logy and Tales of Xillia 2 get localized.

Here's my X360 exclusive games. 19 discs, 11 XBLA games. Some of these are also on PC.

  • Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation
  • Alan Wake (+PC)
  • Blue Dragon
  • Culdcept Saga
  • Fable II
  • Fable III (+PC)
  • Halo 3
  • Halo 3: ODST
  • Halo 4
  • Halo Reach
  • Infinite Undiscovery
  • Kinect Adventures
  • Lost Odyssey
  • MagnaCarta II
  • Naruto: Rise of a Ninja
  • Spectral Force 3: Innocent Rage
  • Tales of Vesperia
  • The Last Remnant (+PC)
  • Too Human
  • Aegis Wing (XBLA)
  • Fable II Pub Games (XBLA)
  • Hexic HD (XBLA+PC)
  • Dead Light (XBLA+PC)
  • Dungeon Fighter Live (XBLA)
  • Dust: An Elysian Tail (XBLA)
  • Haunt (XBLA)
  • Mark of the Ninja (XBLA+PC)
  • Shadow Complex (XBLA)
  • Undertow (XBLA)
  • Wreckateer (XBLA)

Overall quality wise, I'd say my PS3 exclusive library is good bit better than my X360 exclusive library. If you added in Uncharted+Journey (which I really should do )and all the upcoming PS3 exclusives this year it'd pretty much blow it away.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Sweet, I didn't know they were re-releasing Final Fantasy X in HD. Well there goes another 250 hours of my life.


What type of games do you like, Sulrn?
I would have gone for:

God of War (Gamefly)
Heavy Rain
Infamous (Gamefly)
Uncharted (Gamefly)
Valkryia Chronicles

So that's 7 titles, and what -- 13 games total? None of which would have gotten much play time from my friends/family/roomies/Soldiers as much as my 360 did/does. Take out the rentals and it gets significantly smaller.

Valkryia being the only game I truly regret not having played.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
This generation (PS3+360) was far and away the worst I can remember. I think it will go down as the generation that favored style far more than substance. Luckily the DS was really on the ball and picked up the slack featuring a platform that was inexpensive to develop on and gave way to creative freedom in it's gameplay and the ability to take gambles.

Lost Ranger_sl

Overall quality wise, I'd say my PS3 exclusive library is good bit better than my X360 exclusive library. If you added in Uncharted+Journey (which I really should do )and all the upcoming PS3 exclusives this year it'd pretty much blow it away.
That is how mine ended up as well. When this generation first started I barely touched my PS3, but it is the king of my consoles now. My exclusive library is by far the biggest on the PS3, and I'll only be adding to it this year. My 360 mainly gets used for Kinect titles when the family wants to do a group activity. The Wii became a paperweight.


I figured Sulrn meant more "release" titles, though I could be wrong. PS3's library at launch and shortly thereafter was a fucking joke. You were a sad sucker if you bought a PS3, considering a good bit of titles you were probably waiting to play were either on the xbox (Gears of War, Halo) or had a sub-par online experience because it was playstation.

Over time they rectified that, but I can see where he's going if he meant at launch. A PS4 at launch even with shitty titles if BC would still be at least able to play all the best seller exclusives; if he didn't buy a PS3 because of launch titles and no BC on some versions (My 80g BC still works, knock on wood) then he has that to look forward to now.

I actually was talking to someone specifically today about handhelds, and the vita vs. the DS. Since this poll just went up, I thought it was quite interesting how incensed he was that psp games didn't play on the go, and then didn't play on the Vita, whereas DS games still play on the 3DS, and the DS lite still played GBA games. The amount of times I've played some of the Dragonquest games, Chrono Trigger etc...I still own my old DS lite, never bought a DSi because I wanted the GBA viability, but bought a 3DS. It's nice that I have the ability to play all those extra titles.

But that's sort of reinforcing my earlier thoughts, that BC really only seems important to me on handhelds because their cycles are so sped up. I really think Sony shot themselves in the foot by changing so much about every incarnation of their handhelds that you'd pump so much money into a system for 1 1/2 years and then have to redo the whole library again. At least I can pretend I don't do that on the Nintendo; buying Chrono Trigger on DS means a few years later I can still play it on the most updated system.


I figured Sulrn meant .
I meant the entire library across the course of the system's life. Both systems had a shitastic start and I honestly thought the PS2 was going to be the end of my video game career for a few years.

Going on 7 Years since system release and I came up with the list above.

That's me though.


I meant the entire library across the course of the system's life. Both systems had a shitastic start and I honestly thought the PS2 was going to be the end of my video game career for a few years.

Going on 7 Years since system release and I came up with the list above.

That's me though.
Nuttier than a fucking fruitcake. There are a lot of phenomenal games on the PS3 that you have cheated yourself out of. I mean, I find it hard to believe none of them appealed to you.