Battlefield 4 (Frostbite 3)


Vyemm Raider
If I could have timed the screenshot button, you'd have seen the guy's head in my lap as I drove through him. Of course he wound up shooting me after.


Oh well, I'll keep trying. It's pretty much the only thing jeeps are useful for besides driving to an objective while praying you aren't spotted. Or C4 delivery.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
So was running over people completely removed? I drove right over 2 guys with the jeep and nothing. Also backed up over people trying to C4 me many times and NOPE.
Nah ive ran over people just fine. Even got a couple road kills from ramming some bros on a beach with a rhib.


Vyemm Raider
It was probably just the fact that I was going full speed and servers aren't handling positioning too well right now.


Lord Nagafen Raider
turning everything to low except mesh which is on ultra has worked magnificently for me. Even ran over a couple of dudes while heading for a tank that got jeephaded.


Eh, when they slow mo it, you can tell that he actually missed like 80% of those shots completely.
Not to mention the netcode is extremely friendly to your firing guns. If you can see it on your screen, you can hit it. I've been shot behind walls countless times, and I've had 10+ instances of me and an enemy shooting eachother dead in a straight up duel.

The netcode might need work, but the ability to hit enemies is not the problem. That guy is just terrible.


<Silver Donator>
I'm an above average player that usually settles out around a 1.5kd ratio in battlefield games. And i do little vehicle whoring.

I've found that silencers massively decrease the amount that you will be killed by random tanks/commanders/mortars/players that you never see coming because they see you on the minimap. I've never gotten it so bad from all angles in a BF game before this, it was essentially at the level that it felt like the other team had wallhacks going on.

I was struggling to get above a 1:1 kd ratio. Now I'm running the first carbine w/ silencer, along with silenced EMR depending on what's going on. From feel I think the first DMR rifle is probably better, but I have a soft spot for the EMR. Getting many 2.5:1 games now, and rarely do i ever go below a 1:1.
The ACE 52 QCB carbine is just insane fwiw.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
Can someone tell me how guys are going 60-5 on maps like The Locker? My BEST on that map was maybe 30-10. Even if I sit back and try and peg people from afar, someone always gets the drop on me eventually.


FPS noob
revives don't increase your Death count, so if you play in a tight squad that protects its medic and he defibs every death you can go for super high K/Ds


Vyemm Raider
Stand on one side of a door on a pile of medic and ammo boxes lobbing grenades the entire match, wondering why all of the walls are completely invulnerable when this game is called "Battlefield".

Or, get bored of that and try to flank, walk into a wall of enemies waiting for some idiot to try just that, and go 5-20 like I do every Locker.

I'll just start skipping the map soon I think. It is just flat out fucking boring to me. Maybe it will get better when smoke and flashbangs and such become more common.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
There are like 3 or 4 floors you can go on. Why everyone stacks on one floor boggles me. You can just go underneath them, flank them and wipe everyone.


Vyemm Raider
Which is what I try every game and my fantastic record on the map shows how well that works. For every time I caught someone by surprise, there were ten times where people were crouched around a corner waiting. Maybe it works with 32 players but with 64 the odds are you are FAR better off waiting for the other guy to try to flank.

To be fair, I've only gotten rounds where my side was the one getting shitstomped.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Hate to say it but a lot of the maps suck and are terribly balanced for Rush;


Only map ive gotten past the first set of mcoms with is on lansing, and that was only because defenders where beyond retarded. Hanian is retardedly unbalanced. Locker is Metro 2.0. Paracel is just too hard.


Vyemm Raider
I only accidentally played one round a rush because it was a mixed mode server. On defense we shut them out, on offense we took one MCOM - and that only because I ran the LAV around the side and then directly onto the MCOM and blew up half their team but lost the vehicle.

Whatever map it was, it was too narrow, with the mcoms too close together (I could cover both from a spot barely a few feet away from the starting spawn)

Rush in BF3 became "everyone go recon and 0-0 tie!" and I pretty much stopped playing it.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
64 man locker, flanking only works if the other team is absolutely retarded. Outside is made for defending. 1 squad can hold the under ground easily, same for "C". 32 man is just a who can grab the most points and move on. 48 man is the sweet spot for The Locker.

They REALLY need to have it so that the walls at "C" you can blow, aren't 2 fuckin feet from each other.

Now that I'm 30, I will probably be done with The Locker, and enjoy the other maps I guess.

The more I play the more I like Shanghai in every way. It really is a very nice map.

That tank depot map (forget name) would be a great IF you didn't get stuck on every piece of rock, metal and trash while going indoors.

That flooded map. The roof tops are too "busy". Well at least for me. I can be looking right at something and not notice the enemy aiming down his sights at me.

I have not played a single good rush map. They just didn't design these maps with rush in mind.

Maybe I will start playing Oblivion...but I find very few servers running the mode.


Rush was all I played in BC2 but it's not very fun in BF4 so far. Unless teams are massively imbalanced defenders will always win and usually on the first set of mcoms unless attackers have fast loaders, but then they'll lose on 2nd set. And 75 tickets seem like too few for just about every number of players because of how nerfed revive is, and insta dying when you spawn on a squadmate, etc.

It's not just the maps, the game itself is designed to punish attackers.


Vyemm Raider
Speaking of instant dying when spawning on a squadmate, remember in beta when spawning didn't have the 5 second black screen delay and you were less likely to pop up into a barrage of bullets? Good times, good times.


Trump's Staff
Why'd they get rid of the few seconds of Invuln after spawning (or until you shot your weapon)?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
There is invul, but it seems the game loads you in and by the time the player finally has control, its gone. I've seen people spawn on someone and I start shooting them, they won't take any damage for the first 3-4 seconds.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Yeah I'm not playing rush, certainly not on 48 or 64 player servers. Obliteration is fun usually, conquest works well on most of the maps. Locker is just unplayable in all game modes past 32 players, and should be taken out of the rotation on any server higher than that.


Vyemm Raider
If there was a map the size of a boxing ring, most servers would run 64 players on it and those would be the only servers that aren't empty. This is nothing new. Quake3 would run 16 players on maps designed for 1 on 1 that have 3 weapons and 5 spawn points.

I made a mod for quake1 and quake2 that would pick maps from a list based on the # of players in the previous match. A few compilations picked it up.