Battlefield 4 (Frostbite 3)


Golden Knight of the Realm
Fuuuuuuuucking DMRs. Finally ground out the last 20k points I needed (thanks boost xp) to get the Scar H SV. Now to suffer through unlocking attachments or instead just killing myself irl before I do that.

I really hope these get retuned to be less shit at 60-100yards. The fire rate is so piss poor in order to get any accuracy I get regularly outgunned by ARs and carbines. And I'll never understand why anyone things the basic chevron ACOG is good. Give me the horseshoe reticle any day of the week instead. Unlocking the Chinese 4x will be so fucking painful.
I have almost 1k kills with the m39 and i mostly always use the flir X 2. Love DMRs, sniper rifles and also assault rifles


Just spent who knows how long on a 3k ticket server, 130 DMR kills and the server crashes with 100 tickets left. I was about 4 kills from the next unlock which would have saved my progress. That's about as soul crushing as it gets.


Haven't been following this thread that closely, but enjoying the hell out of this game in the three weeks I've been playing. Dawnbreaker on the Xbox 360 is completely unplayable and I've finished maybe 1-2 games without a complete freeze of the console. No other map has done this to me so it's an instant jump from ship. I'm definitely going to try this DMR/hardcore method to work my recon up.

Also, is there a server filter/setting where you only start with your default class guns/attachments? I've been joining my brothers games and it's infuriating that none of our unlocks are available and we haven't figured out what he's been filtering on his server searches to get games like this.


FPS noob
did they change how toggling between fullscreen/borderless works? before I had it set to borderless fullscreen, and could alt-enter to make a smaller window when it was loading / end of round summaries, and go back to fullscreen when game was ready. now that doesn't really work too well, and trying fullscreen doesn't work either since alt-enter makes it this ugly fullscreen with borders window.


FPS noob
looks like another easter egg found, get on top of hotel in hainan resort, pickup sniper riper, and shoot lantern on ship to make it explode. can use any sniper rifle, but this is the spot from which you can see the light.



Vyemm Raider
Why don't they ever try just removing the ability to repair from inside the vehicle and then balance from there?

People who fly jets/helis seem to think if they don't get a 50 kill streak every time then they are "underpowered."

I'm trying to read the proposed changes but of course bf4 blog 404s.


Golden Knight of the Realm

Aircraft and Anti-Aircraft
1) Reduced the total amount of missiles carried by the Mobile Anti-Aircraft vehicles from 6 to 4. The total carried missiles were making it impossible for helicopters to use counter measures to avoid the MAA?s attacks.

2) Reduced the velocity of the MAA?s default 20MM CANNON from 1200m/s to 800m/s to match the 30MM CANNON. This reduction reduces the distance projectiles will travel and should prevent situations where the MAA could engage enemy vehicles without leaving its protected home base. The damage of the cannons remains unchanged, and aircraft, especially helicopters, should remain wary of getting too close to a MAA.

3) Reduced the physical impact of all Anti-Aircraft missiles to prevent helicopters from flipping uncontrollably when hit. The damage values have not been changed.

4) Reduced the cone in which ACTIVE RADAR missiles search for targets, making them require a higher level of skill in predicting where a target will be when the missile is fired. The missiles were previously too easy to aim at long range, making them a guaranteed hit and a clear advantage over the other missile types.

5) Increased the direct damage done by the Attack Helicopter?s gunner cannon. The gunner will be better able to assist the pilot in taking down vehicle targets with this change.

6) Increased the direct hit damage of the Zuni Rockets for Attack Helicopters. The rate of fire of these rockets combined with their smaller magazine pool made them a poor choice over the other two rocket types.

7) Reduced the splash damage and maximum splash damage range of the Scout Helicopter 25MM CANNONS. These weapons were too effective against infantry with a higher splash, making them a clear choice over the 7.62 MINIGUNS in all combat situations. The 25MM CANNONS are intended to give the Scout Helicopter some measure of effectiveness against vehicles, at a clear trade off in effectiveness vs. infantry.

Tanks and Anti-Tank
1) Reduced the ?intelligence? of the MBT LAW missiles, requiring the player to aim the missile closer to their target before the smart projectile will activate. Additionally, the MBT LAW now reloads slightly slower. This keeps the MBT LAW in its role of an easy to use, fire and forget weapon available to all Engineers, while also balancing it with the other rocket launchers in favor of skilled AT shots. Finally, a bug where the MBT LAW would pass through an ACTIVE PROTECTION shield has been fixed.

2) Fixed an issue where ACTIVE PROTECTION and the MP-APS did not properly stop 12G FRAG rounds.

3) Reduced the range where the M2 SLAM will do maximum damage to vehicles from 6M to 3M. Players will now need to be craftier when placing the M2 SLAM in order to get the full damage potential of this ambush anti vehicle weapon. This change is to primarily counter a tactic of placing 3 mines in the same spot to guarantee a kill on any vehicle passing within 6m. The range was deemed to be too large, making the M2 SLAM far superior to the M15 AT MINE.

4) Reduced the damage the STAFF shell does to all targets by 25%. This should balance the ease of use of the STAFF shell with its damage potential.

Personally I don't know anyone who uses AR on the MAA, so that's a bit moot, but I fail to see their logic in nerfing the 20mm cannon's bullet velocity to that of the 30mm; now everyone is just going to use the latter.

Glad to see the attack chopper's main gun is getting a buff.

So happy LAWs are going to be nullified by APS and nerfed in terms of reload / lock on cone.

They didn't mention anything about SLAMs being difficult / impossible to spot.

Staff shell change isn't going to do much except require one more round to hit; didn't even address the reload glitch, which shouldn't be there. If it's intended; what the fuck?


That guy
I love pistol servers. So much fun to boom headshot someone with a P226 from like 75m $$

I've tried shooting 50 yds with my M9, 1911, and P226 that I own. Shit's fucking hard, I was barely getting it on target.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Anyone having problems with the battlelog app for ps4? Haven't been able to see the server list for a few days now.


<Gold Donor>
I want to get this shit for PC, is it still plagued with problems? Also does it have a good pool of peeps playing?


Trakanon Raider
I want to get this shit for PC, is it still plagued with problems? Also does it have a good pool of peeps playing?
Seems to have a good pool of people playing more so on the weekends of course.

I haven't run into many issues since I picked it up (Winter sale for $32)


Lord Nagafen Raider
Will probably have 2 more content patches by the end of February, that will bring a lot back too. (PC/ps4 that is, xbone is due for 1)


Golden Knight of the Realm

1) Increased the damage of all DMRs across all ranges. Specifically, damage has been increased at long ranges to allow three-hit kills against unarmored opponents. Additionally, reduced the penalty to accuracy for sustained DMR fire, allowing more rapid follow up shots in combat. The amount of the damage increase varies from weapon to weapon, according to its intended range, rate of fire, and damage. We will continue to monitor the effectiveness of DMRs in combat, and determine if additional action is needed to make DMRs a viable mid to long range weapon.

Pump Action Shotguns
1) Increased the accuracy of pump action shotguns (870 MCS, HAWK 12g, SPAS-12, and UTS 15) while on the move and aiming. The accuracy has been approximately doubled. These weapons did not have any available barrels or grips that would allow a player to enhance their aimed accuracy. This change should make the use of pump action weapons with slugs much more viable at medium and close range by allowing more accurate fire.

1) Reduced the long range damage of the MTAR to bring it in line with the rest of the Carbines.

1) Adjusted the way inaccuracy is handled when transitioning from Hip fire to Aimed fire. Previously, if a player began firing before aiming, he would keep his hip inaccuracy while aimed, until he stopped firing. This was especially obvious with LMGs on the move. Players will now only be subject to the maximum aimed inaccuracy after the transition. While still terribly inaccurate, this allows for substantially more accurate fire than the old method and should allow players with LMGs to panic fire in close quarters, provided they are aiming.

2) The Heavy Barrel's Accuracy bonus now also applies on the move, at a reduced bonus. This should give the Heavy Barrel a wider role for players who desire accuracy while aimed in all situations.

3) Synchronized the timing of the aim down the sights animation of sniper rifles with their ability to fire with full accuracy. Players no longer need to wait for additional time after the aiming animation plays to get accurate shots. There is still a delay to achieve full accuracy, so Quick Scoping is still not possible.

So.....they're DOUBLING the accuracy of shotguns? I'd really like to know what they're smoking; shotguns are already a bit too accurate right now given the various attachment configurations you can add onto them (e.g. modified / full choke), which (in my mind) offers a respectable balance between hip fire and aimed fire due to the tradeoffs between the two. This change makes zero sense to me.

DMR buff; .................................................. .................................................. ...........................

Oh, you're just making it so that instead of working off of base hip spread, our shots while going from hip to ADS are now just going to be at maximum ADS; not really too much of a difference whatsoever, if you ask me. To put it in perspective, it will simply be making your ADS spread equivalent to that after roughly your 12-13th shot for most AR's given their starting spread and subsequent spread increase per shot. Given that you'd be struggling to hit a brick wall more than 20 feet out with that kind of spread at that point, I'd rather just spray and get to a position where I could just go about regular ADS business.

Heavy Barrel is still worthless; why anyone uses it is beyond me. The recoil enhancement doesn't justify the decreased starting spread; this is literally the difference of one round worth of ADS spread with just about any weapon. I'm all about using the suppressor these days; it's simply too useful given the layout and clustered nature of the BF4 maps.

Hey, I actually like the bolt action synchronization change; this will make using the SRR less annoying. That is, when I'm done mastering all the other terribad sniper rifles. Side note: who thought implementing the scout elite and FY-JS in their current state in the game served any purpose at all? They literally can't one hit headshot past just over 100m, and while they may possess (slightly) higher RoF than some of their higher damage counterparts, we're talking <10 RPM. Big whoop; you've literally created a gun with all of the downsides of a traditional bolt action with none of the upside.


FPS noob
1.23gig patch today, reading the mantle notes some of the big maps saw a 50% perf increase but AMD cards only
remember, they are giving out a shit ton of bonuses feb 1st - 28th, every day so may wanna hold off on long sessions until then

Mantle Support
The new Mantle renderer has been added in Battlefield 4. Most players can expect a performance increase by using this new low-level graphics API. Check out this news post [] for the full details on Mantle, what the requirements are to run it, and how to enable it.

CPU/GPU performance and monitoring
-Tweaked and improved CPU multi-core utilization to try and avoid stuttering and low framerate due to stalls that happened on some CPU and OS configurations.
-Users can now configure and control themselves how many CPU cores should be used in the game with the new "Thread.MaxProcessorCount" settings in User.cfg.
-"Render.DrawScreenInfo 1" now also shows information about which CPU and GPU is in the system, how many GPUs & CPU cores are used and which renderer (DirectX 11 or Mantle) is active
-Added new "PerfOverlay.FrameFileLogEnable" command that records frame times on CPU & GPU and logs out to a .csv file
-AMD Catalyst driver 13.12 (or later) is now recommended instead of 13.9
-Enabled tile-based compute shader lighting optimization on Nvidia for improved GPU performance (already active on AMD GPUs)
-Improved performance with rendering and spotlights for all GPUs, primarily in in-door environments

DMR Balance Tweaks
-Increased the damage of all DMRs across all ranges. Specifically, damage has been increased at long ranges to allow three-hit kills against unarmored opponents. Additionally, reduced the penalty to accuracy for sustained DMR fire, allowing more rapid follow up shots in combat. The amount of the damage increase varies from weapon to weapon, according to its intended range, rate of fire, and damage. We will continue to monitor the effectiveness of DMRs in combat, and determine if additional action is needed to make DMRs a viable mid to long range weapon.

Other Items
-Significantly reduced the duration of the black screen when spawning in, and fixed the issue with players getting killed before being in-game
-Greatly reduced the risk of crosshairs disappearing, which would also result in hit markers disappearing
-Added a headshot icon on the killcard. This should help identify instances where players are correctly killed by one shot
-Fixed an issue in Squad Deathmatch where the "Win/Lose" text was overlapping
-Fixed an issue with players using an exploit for the SOFLAM
-Fixed an issue with players using an exploit for the MAV
-Fixed the gameplay code to properly track the FOV (Field of View) changes in the options menu
-Fixed an issue where chat would break when entering "false" or "true" in the chat window
-Fixed an out-of-helicopter glitch in Air Superiority where players could spawn on the ground and play as infantry
-Fixed the misaligned crosshairs on the T90 MBT
-Added setting to tweak joystick dead zone
-Various minor crash fixes