Battlefield 4 (Frostbite 3)


<Gold Donor>
Who gives a shit about k/d in this game, really. this isnt COD. If you are concentrating on that shit you are not doing your job which is pushing. Anyone can sit back and let the game come to them, but the dudes that take the game to the opponents are the ones that make shit happen, and yes, they die more.

Not saying im good at this game or whatever, because im not. Im fucking old and my reflexes suck. But this game is not really focused on personal shit, its focused for more team oriented shit.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Who gives a shit about k/d in this game, really. this isnt COD. If you are concentrating on that shit you are not doing your job which is pushing. Anyone can sit back and let the game come to them, but the dudes that take the game to the opponents are the ones that make shit happen, and yes, they die more.

Not saying im good at this game or whatever, because im not. Im fucking old and my reflexes suck. But this game is not really focused on personal shit, its focused for more team oriented shit.
Don't think anyone is arguing that point whatsoever.

Though I will say the current sentiment of "PTFO" is highly misinterpreted, resulting in your average player throwing themselves hopelessly into a meatgrinder without taking two seconds to think about how to best approach the given situation, but as long as they continue to act as useless cannon fodder while running in the general direction of the nearest objective, they're contributing! Yeah, PTFO! Know when to back off, attempt another point of entry / flank, or when to avoid it entirely (if possible, of course) and pursue another objective. If you see 49683734786723798468732478 doritos on C in Paracel, do not rush headlong into them by yourself if you see that D is held by the enemy despite being an inconvenient point to get to. If more people would make use of the otherwise largely under-utilized transport mechanisms in the game, they'd probably have a better go at things. Side note: dat MRAP / rhib MG, so nice for infantry / aircraft (respectively) in the right situations, e.g. when you don't have half a dozen LAW faggots spamming you.

Reflexes are only a small part of the game, unless you're running particular set-ups; the average BF player these days has the situational awareness of a soggy paper bag, thus it's easy to outplay them.


Golden Squire
woo my k/d is 0.5 i was expecting 0.01 or worse since i always charge in, idgaf how many times I die. hahaha my accuracy is 6% I guess I'll be one of the first to die in the zombie apocalypse

next dlc is march 24th it looks like
Same, recently I always finish top 5-10 but my k/d ratio is fucking horrible at 0.53 (has been a LOT worse).

I very rarely use vehicles other than choppers and I rarely camp.

Always wonder why I don't see transport heli with 2x engineers on the back repairing/rocketing a support gunner could place ammo on a wing and the other gunner could be assault with a heathpack on the other wing.

I don't see how that would not dominate a map without AA.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Same, recently I always finish top 5-10 but my k/d ratio is fucking horrible at 0.53 (has been a LOT worse).

I very rarely use vehicles other than choppers and I rarely camp.

Always wonder why I don't see transport heli with 2x engineers on the back repairing/rocketing a support gunner could place ammo on a wing and the other gunner could be assault with a heathpack on the other wing.

I don't see how that would not dominate a map without AA.
Because they're slow moving, large and very easily tank sniped, not to mention the miniguns are nowhere near their former BC2 / BF2 glory.


Golden Squire
I really do understand why a lot of people are so pissed off with the state of the game since launch, lag and lag related issues are almost constant on 64 player games, apparently smaller player counts = no lag but fuck that I only really enjoy conquest.

I'm sad that from the early days of the "Nintendo seal of quality" we are now at the stage where nobody at any point of the developmental stage really gives a fuck as long as the game passes for working they can patch it later on.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Dice seal of quality for SA was too short of runways for jets to take off if you take a straight line.

I guess early MMO bugs kind of broke me caring about unworking game mechanics. I just don't find myself caring about it if the mechanic is something I can consciously ignore.

I see that platoons are available cross platform. Should we make a rerolled platoon? I've seen at least 5 posting from ps4 console. Rest of you are PC?


<Gold Donor>
Im on PC and just recently got this game, but I rarely run into lag. Its been pretty smooth for me so far. I only experienced one crash so far.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Im on PC and just recently got this game, but I rarely run into lag. Its been pretty smooth for me so far. I only experienced one crash so far.
Lag on my end is largely non-existent as well, the issues lies in dealing with individuals who are lagging and/or the inherently terrible tick rate we're dealing with. Part of me almost wants to try to contact some of the various server providers just to see if they would allow for someone to increase the tick rate in exchange for a higher rental price per slot.


Golden Squire
It's very subtle things, being shot while in cover on a near constant basis by people who aren't apparently facing you and firing full clips at people and recieving no hit markers.

I still really like playing but it can get very frustrating at times.

PSN ID is Devlinx if anyone on PS4 wants a game.


<Gold Donor>
Yeah i got mine earlier this week grinding shit out in metro. Its fucking nice. I just unlocked the AEK last night so I want to check that out too. It was my favorite in BF3 but not sure how they changed it in BF4.


Golden Squire
I wish the F2000 wasn't so damn ugly because it is awesome as hell.
I'm trying to grind out the attachments for it at the moment, it's a cqc beast but medium-long not so much.

Little disappointed with the SA weapons, the F2000 I could replace with the MTAR for any circumstances or just use the Ace 23.

I like the Val but it's very similar to the F2000 with it's huge rof.

Shotgun, meh I don't think many of the maps are suitable for shotgun use until probably the Dragons Teeth dlc arrives.

Gol is pretty good with a medium range scope but really has nothing over any of my older favourites, really liking the M98B at the moment due to dat muzzle velocity.

M60, meh.


Legal Ephebophile
I'm liking the Gol simply because I'm so bored of the SSR. AEK is awesome but I'm bored of that too


I see that platoons are available cross platform. Should we make a rerolled platoon? I've seen at least 5 posting from ps4 console. Rest of you are PC?
I am PC, yes. I'm pretty sure most of the others are as well. I also think a lot of people are starting to get burned out though. I've noticed a lot of the 64 player CQ servers I was playing are not renewing after the current period ends.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I think I do pretty well for just joining random 64 man conquest servers and random pug squads.


Lord Nagafen Raider
The server count on ps4 has gone up quite a bit. I wish they would open up player controlled settings though so I could do a locker or metro without grenades.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
You can't on ps4? I've played in a few non explosives lockers and it just turns into LMGs clipping just through the edge of a doorway spamming away or snipers camping them.


Useless lazy bastard.
Yeah, they need to allow us to get private servers for the PS4. I want to be able to play the maps I like (fuck you China Rising maps) and be able to grind on metro when I am in the mood.