Being an adult sucks


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
So. We're all adults, right? but shit happens that make us wish we didn't have to be.

One of my closest friends from childhood just watching his father end the struggle with Alzheimer's. It went on for decades, and, in the end, finally ended with his inability to feed himself, and the family's desire to see the suffering end.

This is not a decision any human being is prepared to make.

Fuck being an adult. It's hard. Like really fucking hard.

Here's the place to post reasons why being an adult sucks. Everyone....GO


Vyemm Raider
growing old is inevitable, growing up is optional. gotta make the most every day
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Silver Knight of the Realm
Yesterday was my birthday...was told my dad has 2 months to a year to live because of COPD. Yup adulthood sucks.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The worst part of being an adult is when you have children. You see all the stupid fucking shit they do, the ridiculous excuses they give you and you only then realize how fucking dumb you were at that age and the hell you put your parents through. That's why your parents wanted you to have children. So you could suffer like they did.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Being an adult is great, as long as you don't take on a bunch of stupid responsibilities like wives and kids and mortgages and loans and employment.
  • 1Bullshit
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Mr. Poopybutthole
The worst part of being an adult is having to respect the wishes of other adults when it comes to their health. My mother passed away last September after having COPD for two years. She was told that if she stopped smoking, she would likely have 5-6 years left and while she was still terminal, her quality of life would improve. Instead, she chose to smoke a pack a day and deteriorated quite quickly. She wasn't senile or suffering from mental illness, so my siblings and I couldn't compel her to seek treatment, which she refused right up until they told her it was weeks away. Which she didn't tell any of her kids, and when I got the call that she was "transitioning" I was like "Uh, I talked to her two days ago, what?" and she passed an hour later while I was at the airport.

20 years of her having chronic bronchial problems and the doctors and myself telling her "Smoking is killing you" had zero effect. Having to watch someone you love kill themselves in a slow and painful manner because you have to respect their wishes sucks quite a lot.


Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
The worst part of being an adult is having to respect the wishes of other adults when it comes to their health. My mother passed away last September after having COPD for two years. She was told that if she stopped smoking, she would likely have 5-6 years left and while she was still terminal, her quality of life would improve. Instead, she chose to smoke a pack a day and deteriorated quite quickly. She wasn't senile or suffering from mental illness, so my siblings and I couldn't compel her to seek treatment, which she refused right up until they told her it was weeks away. Which she didn't tell any of her kids, and when I got the call that she was "transitioning" I was like "Uh, I talked to her two days ago, what?" and she passed an hour later while I was at the airport.

20 years of her having chronic bronchial problems and the doctors and myself telling her "Smoking is killing you" had zero effect. Having to watch someone you love kill themselves in a slow and painful manner because you have to respect their wishes sucks quite a lot.
Ok you guys win. Or lose =\ I was just going to post about a fat wife who cares more about junk food than looking decent for me, but that pales in comparison lol =\



Once you turn 18 it all turns to shit(well 21~ since thats when people start behaving like they aren't a kid anymore due to the fact they have to) Its funny though I see kids/teens do shit now that I find fucking disgusting and see how the youth of today behaves, then I remember what I was like at 16 and what it was like back then. And then I get jealous(spending all day surrounded by slutty angsty 17 year old girls, and not really giving a shit about it) and laugh at the fact that every generation is the same as the last. Everyone grows up and gets mature and responsible, and its funny to think there's teens acting and saying shit I said and yet I wanna just tell them that stop it, go to fucking school or don't have sex with that slut just cause your mates all did and so on, Id tell myself to fuck off.

I have an easy life compared to most the world, most western white males do, but I still go to sleep thinking and worrying about my bills and work stuff and just the usual pressures of having lota responsibilities brings you and I rem how when I was like 17 Id just turn off the PS1 and collapse into bed and not think about a thing, the closest you got to it was not doing your homework but you can just wing that in the morning on the bus or whatever so who cares. Everything was just so easy.

I do wonder what it would be like to be a kid/teen these days though, half of them have ifones and ipads from like 10 years old. Can you imagine growing up with that ease of access to the internet, and hell the internet being the way it is now all that on offer as a teenager. Its a scary thought to think how much time Id have spent wanking off in my room at 14 if the content of the internet and the ease to access it was the way it is now when I was that age.

Also I miss lego
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FPS noob
being an adult rules, having your own shit and not having to deal with curfew or homework or tests or rules. you know what I had for dinner last night? a motherfucking ice cream cake and a glass of johnny walker blue while watching The Avengers, and it was AWESOME

what sucks is living past your prime. we are so scared of death that we spend insane amounts of money and time prolonging peoples lives. unfortunately there is no one size fits all rule like the star trek TNG episode where a society put everyone who reaches 60 to death in a humane and graceful way. some people should die at 40 (fat fucks, smokers, etc) and some geezers with insane genes can have awesome lives into their 90s.

but every person knows that exact moment when your life sucks - when you are in pain most of the day, when you spend most of your day reminiscing about the past instead of thinking about the future, when the first look on the face of people you love is sadness not joy, and you should be able to take a pill and sleep forever.


Molten Core Raider
Being an adult is great, as long as you don't take on a bunch of stupid responsibilities like wives and kids and mortgages and loans and employment.
Fuckin' a, man



Ahn'Qiraj Raider
My mom died last year from a combination of Pancreatic Cancer and diabetes. She was already on a pretty limited diet when the cancer was found. Once that and the meds with it kicked in she had zero appetite and could barely digest the things she actually wanted to eat. Had to take the huge horse pill sized enzyme caplet things before eating because her body stopped producing them properly. And even then she'd just eat a few crackers and some soup, if we were lucky. She was miserable and in constant pain. She couldn't or wouldn't eat anything and all I could do was watch her waste away while imploring her to eat. Something, anything, just fucking eat. Twice we had to call ambulances because she passed out. She had no memory of either one and so wasn't particularly scared after while I was all fucked up because I found her and thought she was dead.

When she first got diagnosed she told me and my siblings it wasn't anything serious. After about a month of that my dad pulled me aside and said what it was, and that the doctors said she was basically 50/50 if they started aggressive treatment immediately. She was terrified to start the radiation treatment. I guess she needn't have worried, she died in her sleep a few days before it was supposed to start. Hopefully quietly and painlessly, Christ knows she deserved that much after all the pain.

On the bright side she did get to come home from the hospital for Christmas in between stays for passing out so she got one last big holiday with all the grandkids.

Yeah, growing up is a motherfucker. At least we can self-medicate with beer.
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Molten Core Raider
Thanks for posting this.

I lost my mother (she was my best friend) 2 weeks ago (natural causes at 67 years old, out of no where and in her sleep), and today is one of the hardest days I've ever encountered. I have a small family, basically now it's just me, my sister and her 3 kids (my mother and I took care of her and the kids financially).

During the funeral home conference the day after her death, I was surrounded by people crying out of their heads and spouting incoherent shit, I still don't know why they were there. Although I was surrounded by people, I was all alone in there, I had to make all of the hard decisions, payment arrangements, etc., and at that specific moment, I realized I was an adult--it sucked. Every day afterwards has sucked as well, but it is what it is. I'm lucky to have a decent job, great professors at school, and good friends. It's settled in, today, that my family died with my Mom... I don't really know what to do at this point other than keep breathing and trying. It's extremely difficult--I can't put it into words.

Being an adult sucks, but knowing that you are capable of that title hopefully has some merit. I haven't seen it yet, but I might. I hope it gets better, or at the very least easier because this is torture. Wish I could've said "bye, love you" ya know? It just sucks.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
So. We're all adults, right? but shit happens that make us wish we didn't have to be.

One of my closest friends from childhood just watching his father end the struggle with Alzheimer's. It went on for decades, and, in the end, finally ended with his inability to feed himself, and the family's desire to see the suffering end.

This is not a decision any human being is prepared to make.

Fuck being an adult. It's hard. Like really fucking hard.

Here's the place to post reasons why being an adult sucks. Everyone....GO
Word man.

I got to see my parents right before my move - my dad was suffering from Parkinson's and while he didn't seem mentally well did still seem physically like he had a while to go yet. (and it had been the first time I'd seen them in almost 2 yrs - with my neurologic health long drives make me nervous)

About two months later, I get a call from my mom letting me know that he was being moved into the ICU part of their retirement community (it's an Erickson Community - they've got a nursing home section as well as a normal retirement set up) - get another call about 10 days later, 8 am of my 38th birthday letting me know that he died.

Was completely dumb founded. Especially considering how much "I knew" was because of him as a resource - simple car repairs even seem a ton harder now without having him to give a quick call to remind me of steps or specifics.

Good came of it, it led me to institutionalizing myself for about a week and I probably needed psychiatric help much earlier in my life - but it's helping a ton now that I have it.


what Suineg set it to
Need to petition to rename this thread to 'just a lot of depressing shit'


Avatar of War Slayer
I can't fuck 19 year olds anymore without being tagged as an old pervert. Being an adult sucks.


Molten Core Raider
I can't fuck 19 year olds anymore without being tagged as an old pervert. Being an adult sucks.
See... THAT fucking annoys the shit out of me. We make such a big deal about gays marrying or people divorcing or all other sorts of bullshit. But the biggest tabboo no one talks about is this idea that you HAVE to date someone that's around your age. Which is bullshit. Date someone you have shit in common with. Yes. I know that you're more likely to have shit in common with people your own age. But FFS, don't fucking treat people like shit just because there's an age gap between them. My girlfriend is 9 years younger than me. But she was 24 when we started dating. She looked younger and I looked older. You should have seen some of the looks we got. Fucking annoying.

As for why it sucks to be an adult? For me, it's living in an area of the world where people just assume you're supposed to get married in your early to mid 20's and start having kids. Fuck that. I'm never having kids if I can avoid it.


<Gold Donor>
Zhavric_sl said:
See... THAT fucking annoys the shit out of me. We make such a big deal about gays marrying or people divorcing or all other sorts of bullshit. But the biggest tabboo no one talks about is this idea that you HAVE to date someone that's around your age. Which is bullshit. Date someone you have shit in common with. Yes. I know that you're more likely to have shit in common with people your own age. But FFS, don't fucking treat people like shit just because there's an age gap between them. My girlfriend is 9 years younger than me. But she was 24 when we started dating. She looked younger and I looked older. You should have seen some of the looks we got. Fucking annoying.
To my knowledge this is a fairly modern taboo. I was born in '78 and my best friends parents were 20 years apart, my father and step mom are 14 years apart. Most of the classes I was in had at least a couple of parents whose ages varied pretty significantly (5 years+). It's horseshit. Yeah a 40 year old dating a legal 16 year old is scuzzy. 40 year old dating a 21 year old is less so. I have no idea where the hell this all started. It was common not that long ago (< 100 years) for younger women to actively seek older well established men. At the end of the day I just tell people to go fuck themselves if they get offended off of some stupid shit. It isn't your life and it doesn't impact your life in any way.