Being an adult sucks


Silver Squire
Just the other day I found a bump/lump on my anus, freaked out called the doc telling him I have rectal cancer. Went on down to the doc, spread my cheeks and he just laughed and gave me preparation H. Pushing 30, my body can't take beer shits anymore.


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
You live in the Bible Belt, or around crazies? On the coasts, where people are able to think objectively and without fear of a made-up flying spaghetti monster sending them to a fiery afterlife, things are different.
It isn't just a Bible Belt issue, take, for example Roman Catholics. There are a lot of them, all over the country, and most of them (there are citations for this, I'm too lazy at the moment) are one issue voters: abortion. Save that fetus, and no though whatsoever given to aid after they are born, and no thought about the death penalty. No, the fetal lives are the ones to save, because they pass that moral judgement. This is a similar issue to gay marriage - they think it's immoral, so it can't become law. So, government doesn't get to infringe on Judeo-Christian morals, or you're a bad politician and a bad person. But, let's use that religious perspective to infringe on other people's perspective. Totally fine.

They aren't allowed to say don't infringe on my moral rights, and then using their own moral perspectives to influence law.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
It isn't just a Bible Belt issue, take, for example Roman Catholics. There are a lot of them, all over the country, and most of them (there are citations for this, I'm too lazy at the moment) are one issue voters: abortion. Save that fetus, and no though whatsoever given to aid after they are born, and no thought about the death penalty. No, the fetal lives are the ones to save, because they pass that moral judgement. This is a similar issue to gay marriage - they think it's immoral, so it can't become law. So, government doesn't get to infringe on Judeo-Christian morals, or you're a bad politician and a bad person. But, let's use that religious perspective to infringe on other people's perspective. Totally fine.

They aren't allowed to say don't infringe on my moral rights, and then using their own moral perspectives to influence law.
That's too bad. Always have been and always will be double standards.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
It isn't just a Bible Belt issue, take, for example Roman Catholics. There are a lot of them, all over the country, and most of them (there are citations for this, I'm too lazy at the moment) are one issue voters: abortion. Save that fetus, and no though whatsoever given to aid after they are born, and no thought about the death penalty. No, the fetal lives are the ones to save, because they pass that moral judgement. This is a similar issue to gay marriage - they think it's immoral, so it can't become law. So, government doesn't get to infringe on Judeo-Christian morals, or you're a bad politician and a bad person. But, let's use that religious perspective to infringe on other people's perspective. Totally fine.

They aren't allowed to say don't infringe on my moral rights, and then using their own moral perspectives to influence law.
The Roman Catholic church basically was the holocaust enabler, so don't expect any moral integrity from them at any point.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
That's too bad. Always have been and always will be double standards.
I wouldn't go that far. There's been some pretty strong movements as of late to accept gays and gay marriage. We dedicated our daughter a few years ago right alongside a lesbian couple.

I used to be very against gay marriage and then one day it occurred to me that separation of church and state was a real thing and now? What do I care if gays get married? That's a civil issue, not a religious one.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Are you sure
The two major sins for the RCC are the Sin of Eve - which is why they treat women as inferior - and the Murder of Christ. Since hating women through and through is pretty much impractical, the church focused on spreading hate vs the jews. You think the Nazis invented antisemitism? It is well known that antisemitism was widespread in Europe at that time. But the train of thought usually stops there, no one questions _why_. And it was because every priest preached antisemitism from the pulpit, sermon after sermon. It's pretty well established that without the already present antisemitism the Nazis would not have been able to gain so much momentum in their holocaust campaign. But because the main sentiment was "The Jews have it coming", it was possible. Note that this was also the reaction from other major European powers in the 30s, because the influence of the RCC was not limited to Germany.

Selix posted how he took a wife from Christian parents, as if that is a good thing. It's not. Christianity is morally bankrupt. From the highest levels of the clergy organization to to the bottom of believers. This is not just true for the RCC, but for every major Christian religion. I've always made a point of staying well clear of any devout Christian. To this day I don't know any crack whores like Selix described.

Stay well clear of any fundamentalists, Muslim or Christians, and you won't regret it.



Silver Baronet of the Realm
First quineloe, I think it's pretty established that you run in some pretty... Uh... Rough around the edges circles. So I don't know if I'm surprised that you consider Christians to be more morally bankrupt than any other group. Secondly, I think it's pretty sage advice to stay away from ANY fundamentalists.


<Gold Donor>
j00t_sl said:
So I don't know if I'm surprised that you consider Christians to be more morally bankrupt than any other group.
I don't want to to step into the Twilight Zone by agreeing with Quin. What I will say is that I don't trust anyone who honestly believes that their actions don't matter so long as they accept some belief then everything will be fine. I don't know that there has ever been a more dangerous and reckless attitude than that. It scares the shit out of me.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Wow you got a month off paid as the father? When my kid is born I have 2 choices, use my vacation, or take unpaid FMLA. I work for a huge worldwide corporation with otherwise great benefits, so I was pretty damn shocked when I learned this.
I guarantee if you worked for the same country at one of their European offices (if they have them) you'd get paid paternity leave.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
That's not what I said anyways. I think it's a pretty moot point whether Roman Catholic Christians, Da'ash Muslims, neoliberal exploitation capitalists or FIFA are the most evil group on this planet right now.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I don't want to to step into the Twilight Zone by agreeing with Quin. What I will say is that I don't trust anyone who honestly believes that their actions don't matter so long as they accept some belief then everything will be fine. I don't know that there has ever been a more dangerous and reckless attitude than that. It scares the shit out of me.
Oh, I would agree wholeheartedly with that assessment. But I would think that would be closer to athiesm than Christianity. Let's not turn this into a religious debate, though. I've met some really moral atheists and some pretty depraved Christians. I think Christians are judged harsher because we claim to know better. The attitude of "its better to ask forgiveness than permission" is a real thing and its infuriating. I will concede that attitude comes more from Christians, in my experience