Bertoxxulus Bugged


so `337 said:

While I thought this thread was quite amusing, I also thought that you were a total dumbass for saying this. "so leet. yes." ...Please. Lets face it, your flames sucked. Your choice of words to compose those flames suck. And quite frankly, you suck. Auspex/Unleashed"s flames were way more thought out than yours, more direct, better punctuation/english skills, and were harsher than yours. Lets face it, even though Auspex/Unleashed was the fool here, you were the one who was just making a total fucking ass of yourself by your replies, sig, and all around cockiness that you just got from setting yourself up on this pedistal of "teh online pwn", thinking that you actually gained something from this thread...not to mention it isn"t even your guild message board. "100 replies. so leet. yes." Heh, why doesn"t someone just smack you.
Heh, fuck off. You"re the flamer created an account just to post that. Pull Unleashed"s cack out of your mouth and wake up. Nobody said anyone "gained" something from this thread, nor did Keed display a sense of cockiness. As a matter of fact, you"re probably Unleashed again creating a third account.

Aychamo BanBan

so `337 said:

While I thought this thread was quite amusing, I also thought that you were a total dumbass for saying this. "so leet. yes." ...Please. Lets face it, your flames sucked. Your choice of words to compose those flames suck. And quite frankly, you suck. Auspex/Unleashed"s flames were way more thought out than yours, more direct, better punctuation/english skills, and were harsher than yours. Lets face it, even though Auspex/Unleashed was the fool here, you were the one who was just making a total fucking ass of yourself by your replies, sig, and all around cockiness that you just got from setting yourself up on this pedistal of "teh online pwn", thinking that you actually gained something from this thread...not to mention it isn"t even your guild message board. "100 replies. so leet. yes." Heh, why doesn"t someone just smack you.
/yawn zzzzzzz

so `337_foh

Anarchy said:

Heh, fuck off. You"re the flamer created an account just to post that. Pull Unleashed"s cack out of your mouth and wake up. Nobody said anyone "gained" something from this thread, nor did Keed display a sense of cockiness. As a matter of fact, you"re probably Unleashed again creating a third account.
Nope. Wrong, dumbass. I have posted more on this board, but the topic I posted in was deleted, so my post count was knocked down to 1 since that topic that was deleted was the only one I had posts in. No one "gained" anything from this thread? Ha. Try again buddy...just take a look at Keed"s new sig, his new title under his name, and in every post he makes here, somewhere in it, it"s got to say the famous words of idiocy, "Omfg. So leet. Yes." He never had any of that before this thread.

And as for me being Unleashed? I"m not sticking up for him, nor am I arguing for his side. So what makes you say that? It doesn"t matter...Your reasoning behind this is irrelevant anyway, because a mod can check IPs np. I also think you and all the other "non-foh big bad flamer members" of this board are a joke and never talk real EQ, and real EQ is what the main branch of these boards are supposed to be.

so `337_foh

0 its gnome, aychamo_aycono, anarchy vs. lil ole me. The 3 big bad non-foh flamers. The 3 homo muskateers eh? Always to each other"s rescue.*gasp* Why am I not suprised? Maybe because its you people that never get off this board, that are on here 24/7, always have something to say about everyone, and think you"re the shit because you"re posting on the foh boards.

Why do you troll these boards so much? Do you think you"re gaining admiration from foh members by flaming others on here?

And I wasn"t kidding about the "maybe because its you people that never get off this board and are on 24/7" either. All 3 of them had something to say about what I posted literally within the next 5 minutes of me posting it....

You have become better at trolling! (9472966619)

so `337_foh

Fender said:
At least their names aren"t "so `337".

Btw, it"s sad that this hasn"t been moved to the Hall of Shame, it"s a classic.
Well this name is a joke.

I agree on the hall of shame thing, this thread is fucking hilarious.


God I find you so amusing.

Like 95% of the posts by FoH members are in the EverQuest General Forums. I post mostly in the Screenshots and Rickshaw. I don"t "strive" to gain admiration, I post to show an opinion. So stop contradicting yourself fuckface, you posted within 5min of our posts yourself.

Samus Aran_foh

There"s a couple of good threads that should be in the Hall of Shame.. This, the Defensive Practice one.. Maybe one or two others I can"t think of off the top of my head

so `337_foh

You find me amusing? I"ll try to ignore this though because I find compliments from trolls disturbing. Thanks anyways.

And I"m aware that 95% of the posting done by foh members is done in General Forum, but that doesn"t mean they don"t look at these either, fucking dumbass. You post to state an opinion? Ok thats cool, all people are entitled to their opinion. Here"s mine: You suck. So do your little buttbuddie flamer friends on this board.

Contradicting myself? How am I contradicting myself? The only reason I"m posting again is because flame wars are fun, and I don"t pussy out. Unlike you and your flaming pals here, who post here to say things back just to get that rush. You know, the onlinepwnage rush that that only losers with no life other than trolling message boards get.

Btw, it"s a wonder your buddies haven"t said anything else yet Anarchy, it"s been 45 secs!

Aychamo BanBan

Haha I check thsee boards like once or twice an hour

When I get off class, I basically just study all day, and I run, and watch a little TV. And I check these boards.

I enjoy them, and the people. The graphics that people make on here crack me up. I love seeing the latest photoshop creation.

These are a great set of msg baords

Aychamo BanBan

Just FYI So Leet:

Your last post times:


I have no reason to flame you, and I don"t really flame anyone. I really don"t know what you were trying to accomplish when you attacked Keed for no reason.

The mindless attacking of someone is pretty much frowned upon in here. It"s kinda like jail, when you go in and you are in jail for raping a little kid, the murders and theives look down on you.

Bottom line, you just weren"t funny. Maybe if you had a link to a car picture straight from Ebay that had the little IPIX icon in the corner and tried to fake a few accounts, etc, it might be laughable.

so `337_foh

aychamo_aycono said:
Just FYI So Leet:

Your last post times:


I have no reason to flame you, and I don"t really flame anyone. I really don"t know what you were trying to accomplish when you attacked Keed for no reason.

The mindless attacking of someone is pretty much frowned upon in here. It"s kinda like jail, when you go in and you are in jail for raping a little kid, the murders and theives look down on you.

Bottom line, you just weren"t funny. Maybe if you had a link to a car picture straight from Ebay that had the little IPIX icon in the corner and tried to fake a few accounts, etc, it might be laughable.
Reread my first post. I"m not mindlessly attacking someone for no reason. I was just saying that Keed"s flames were going good until he posted the "100 posts. so leet. yes." thing. That was fucking annoying and I thought it needed a little flaming. I hate it when someone praises their own accomplishments.

As for me being funny? I"m not trying to be funny. I simply stated my opinion. I fail to see how that"s trying to be funny?

I agree with the ebay car thing/trying to pass off as someone else...that was hilarious. I"ve been a longtime reader of these boards, since late January/early February, just didn"t decide to register until a few days ago. I was reading this post when it was heating up all the way till now. Should be in Hall of Shame .


so `337,

You"re a fucking hyppocrite. You blast people for unwitty flames, yet yours are droll and unoriginal. You blast people for posting here a lot, yet you"ve posted every few minutes over the last hour. You blast people for posting their opinions, yet you self admittedly post your own opinions.

You"re the ever so heroic troll-slayer, yet you are a troll yourself. Quite the paradox, eh? What the fuck ever.

I don"t give a shit if you flame me or anyone else here. Ultimately, it"s all done in good fun and we all have a chuckle. But don"t claim to be something you"re not, fucktard. It"s sad and pathetic, and hardly funny.

PS - Like you give a shit, but I post here from 2:00 PM - 12:00 AM off and on while I study. Usually, I will study for 20-30 minutes then make a 5 minute round of the old message boards to keep my brain from crusting over.


so `337_foh

gn0me said:
so `337,

You"re a fucking hyppocrite. You blast people for unwitty flames, yet yours are droll and unoriginal. You blast people for posting here a lot, yet you"ve posted every few minutes over the last hour. You blast people for posting their opinions, yet you self admittedly post your own opinions.

You"re the ever so heroic troll-slayer, yet you are a troll yourself. Quite the paradox, eh? What the fuck ever.

I don"t give a shit if you flame me or anyone else here. Ultimately, it"s all done in good fun and we all have a chuckle. But don"t claim to be something you"re not, fucktard. It"s sad and pathetic, and hardly funny.

PS - Like you give a shit, but I post here from 2:00 PM - 12:00 AM off and on while I study. Usually, I will study for 20-30 minutes then make a 5 minute round of the old message boards to keep my brain from crusting over.

Tell me something, how am I claiming to be something I"m not? Take a minute to read my posts. When have Iclaimedto be something? That"s right. I haven"t. You"re a fucking worthless excuse for a troll. Your flames are pretty good...I"ll give you that, but other than that your posts are nothing but a waste of computer space and a regretful hastle to read...

Speaking of trolls, how am I a troll? I don"t go on other boards flaming people out of my ass just for the hell of it. As a matter of fact, I don"t really flame period. This is one of the few flames I have been involved in. I forget the name of it, but what was that really famous big ass 15-20 page flame war going on with Sssorn in it? The one where he says dual wielding Creator is harder than AoW? I forget the name, but if you can remember it, please refer to it readers. You were brought up in it under a different name, and someone else said on that thread that you go on different boards as like 5 different names flaming people. Who"s the fucking hypocrite now?

Ok, so I can be a hypocrite at times, so what? Everyone has their flaws. You do, I do, and so does everyone reading this post right now. But like you said, it"s all in good fun right?

Refer also to the pic Anarchy just posted. I think it would help you in whatever matters you might encounter later in life.


...and as i began to melt he slowly unleashed me from the bondage my cloths had become, my body yearned to be free, flesh touching the soft blowing air, aching to be held firmly and taken passionately....


so `337 said:

Nope. Wrong, dumbass. I have posted more on this board, but the topic I posted in was deleted, so my post count was knocked down to 1 since that topic that was deleted was the only one I had posts in.

and also:

didn"t decide to register until a few days ago

That reeks of a giant lie to me. I think it would be interesting to get a moderator to see if that"s even what happens when a thread is deleted, or if there even was a thread deleted in the past 3 days. I don"t think that they ever delete threads here, thus the existence of this rickshaw.

I beleive that this is once again Unleashed and Auspex, for 2 reasons. One,

so `337 said:
little buttbuddie
The tendency of his flames having, once again, a strange, homoerotic flavour.

And two, you show the exact same agression towards everybody that Unleashed / Auspex had. Really, if you had a beef with Keed, PM him or something. You"re posting a ton in the same thread, flaming the same people, for no apparent reason, right when Unleashed / Auspex stopped posting. Coincidence? Possibly, i guess, but i doubt it.

So, in conclusion, i have way too much time on my hands lately