Black Desert


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Is your Red Face the same guild that's been going aroundexploiting Bossesandkarma system?

Since Mediah is tomorrow your DP build doesn't really matter versus +20 enchant lvl55 sorcs / rangers, you'll get mauled by geared people and you'll do both crap damage and healing. Also DP is rumoured to have a soft cap, as well as damage modifiers ignoring DP. If you wanna do small scale group PvP (let's be crazy here) wizards/witches hit like trucks with their AoE and bring nice CCs on the table. They heal like shit, their healing spells require to either stand still for 3s and wait a minute to activate it again or hit a +20% hp every 10 seconds. They have no sustain heal, shield party mechanics or damage mitigation group wise. They bring so much on the table with their powerful AoE damage and CCs one would find silly to go otherwise. And if you wanna do large scale PvP, stand on the top of the walls with the rangers and bring death and pain to anyone below.
They have no shield party mechanic or group-wise damage mitigation?

What exactly does the spell 'Protected Area do', you dumbfuck? "Increases friends defenses and resistances within range for 8 seconds." That's not a group mitigation mechanic at all, right? Oh and yeah, 60% maximum health heals are weak. And it isn't like 'Speed' is version of Bloodlust or anything...

And don't forget that Black Desert PvP is about gear >>>> level >>>> food /elixirs buffs >>>> skill. It's Archeage all over again, except this time you don't get to steal stuff from other people, you just lose karma and they gain a corpse run.
If you didn't get the memo, levels do NOT affect accuracy like everyone "thought because you know, KR and all". So they're not nearly as important as people thought. They only add a small amount of maximum health, so your entire premise is bullshit. People only thought levels meant a lot because those initial level 53/54s tended to have much better gear than the 51/52s. Actually you know, It'd be better if you just shut your fucking mouth.

Wizards are a viable defensive utility and support class in this game. If someone wants to be a dumbass and neglect DP so they get shit on every single time they're grabbed then that's their prerogative, but they really don't help their group unless they have a nice big wall to stand on. If you wanted to deal massive AoE ranged damage there's a class specifically built to do that. It's called a Ranger.

I mean you bitch about the cast time on Healing Lighthouse but neglect to mention Meteor's meteorically long cast time, which the Wizard will will probably only be able to cast with Sage's (basically PoM Pyro Mage). At least Healing Lighthouse ticks before being interrupted.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
They have no shield party mechanic or group-wise damage mitigation?

What exactly does the spell 'Protected Area do', you dumbfuck? "Increases friends defenses and resistances within range for 8 seconds." That's not a group mitigation mechanic at all, right? Oh and yeah, 60% maximum health heals are weak. And it isn't like 'Speed' is version of Bloodlust or anything...

Oh and levels hardly mean anything. Levels do NOT affect accuracy like everyone "thought because you know, KR and all" and only add a small amount of maximum health. The only thing that matters level wise is the amount of combat skill points a character has. So your whole: :gear >>>> level >>>> food /elixirs buffs >>>> skill: premise is so fucking off it just shows that you're a god damn jackass that should've been aborted.

Wizards are a viable defensive utility and support class in this game. If someone wants to be a dumbass and neglect DP so they get shit on every single time they're grabbed then that's their prerogative, but they really don't help their group. Now shut the fuck up.
I forgot about Protected Area, so I'll edit my post. The rest of your post has too many insults I won't even care to respond. I'm not asian anyway.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Wooly, I like your posts generally but your problems with PRX really don't do anything for you or this board.

I'm not a member of PRX, not here to defend them. But guild drama always ends up being petty and boring. Would rather not have to wade through it here. Especially since they will not respond in kind, which in the end only makes you look silly.


The Scientific Shitlord
Wooly, I like your posts generally but your problems with PRX really don't do anything for you or this board.

I'm not a member of PRX, not here to defend them. But guild drama always ends up being petty and boring. Would rather not have to wade through it here. Especially since they will not respond in kind, which in the end only makes you look silly.
The take away here... get them to respond in kind so we can all bask in the drama afterglow.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Wooly, I like your posts generally but your problems with PRX really don't do anything for you or this board.

I'm not a member of PRX, not here to defend them. But guild drama always ends up being petty and boring. Would rather not have to wade through it here. Especially since they will not respond in kind, which in the end only makes you look silly.
I was just trying to make a point that guilds in Asheron's Call (the only other MMO w/o a level cap) were generally successful by picking certain farming spots and then guarding them. I mean, PRX doesn't do it, and general policy is against PKing anyone, but some other guilds have entire instances to themselves because people just don't even bother to switch because of the prospect of just getting KOS'd. It wasn't intended to come off as salty, but I mean it's something I disagree with personally so I guess no matter how I put it, it would have.

Then again I never saw the point in being blue/"anti" in open world PvP games. In PRX, you can not flag/PK people. That's fine. I do have an axe to grind against one particular member, because she supports ISIS... but I wasn't trying to go there, lol.

On another note, when you load a lot of people simultaneously you lose connection. I can't stand having my fisherman disconnect 3x just trying to make it back to Velia. Especially since after you disconnect you're greeted by a 10 minute timer on being able to sell your inventory to a trader.

Bondurant, you were also wrong about levels being more important than skill. A level 50 can easily kill a 55 if they're wearing the same gear if the 50 is a better player. The takeaway from Korea that you needed +10 accuracy to hit each successive level a player is higher than you was proven to be flat out dead-wrong, and the only advantage is a small amount of HP and access to certain skills. Your post smacked of trying to knock the game by showing that skill was almost a non-factory in fights and it isn't. Yes, gear is important... but there's a really deep learning curve to the PvP. I came across as overly hostile just because it seemed you were taking a shot against me, my idea of a support build, or the game with some pretty inaccurate information.

If you want to hate on BDO, do it by talking about the p2w cash shop. The fact that you are forced to buy Elion's Tears to progress past level 50. I haven't found a person who is 50+ who hasn't bought a ton of them, not one, and EVERY death (except in guild PvP) is 40-50 cents for Daum. Then making combat EXP a really, really rare RNG drop on $9 purchases effectively turning the whole damn thing into a casino. Ofc certain people are going to throw cash at it so that they have a few more hours each day to mess with their family and friends, instead of grinding. And it's a low fucking blow. I mean we're playing because we love the game, but fuck...we used to have principles, right? I wouldn't be surprised if they tweak the Karma system to allow more random PKing making Elion's use skyrocket.

Since when did we allow companies to charge money to avert a god damn death penalty? This is such an incredibly dangerous precedent... The cash shop may as well be the Bellagio (at least casinos tell you the odds). Love the game, but holy fuck do I hate the company. Next thing we know we're going to be charged 50 cents for losing a ranked match in League not to lose ELO, or to circumvent a chat ban, or something.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I guess the point is that producing a good MMO is the same as having a monopoly. You can do whatever the fuck you like, we consumers really don't have any choice but to swallow it. Kind of wish the US government were omnipotent (in the legal realm) and would take companies to task over loopholes and shit like this, like they did the Poker sites back in 2008. When you are hindered in purchasing an available product by an RNG system, it's called gambling, period. I know, I do it for a living (poker player). International gambling and gaming are illegal.

World Poker Tour got around the ban by charging people a monthly fee (for membership) and then offering rewards to people who win tournaments/events using their "points" which might as well be cash. The Senate went after the poker sites because of so much USD flowing overseas, without any taxation whatsoever. Money lost in Vegas doesn't make the country poorer because the wealth stays within our borders and is taxed. People were losing fortunes to international gambling sites based in Antigua, and the US didn't like it one bit. I was against that ban, but if they're going to go make activities like that illegal then they should close the loopholes, especially ones like Daum is exploiting.

Anyone who disagrees. They have a product. A permanent 9% combat experience buff, it's available and for sale. You just have to spend an indeterminate amount of money to get it. Every $9 gives you a "chance". A very, very low one because they rightly figured it'd be in high demand and people would open their wallets to get it. The combat EXP buff is like 1/50 to 1/100, which since T4 pets give 4 buffs, makes them roughly a few hundred dollars for each 3%. If you don't think they know exactly what they are doing, then they would have given all of the buffs the same chance. They didn't and made combat EXP very rare, and it's dirty as fuck.

But shit like this has been around longer than people realize. MTG was really the first P2W game, with each booster being a gamble. Open a $7 pack to either get a rare worth 50 cents or $600+ (at the time). Corporations have yet to fully realize the potential for exploiting our evolutionary flaws and weaknesses, and things like Beanie Babies show that they those flaws/weaknesses run really fucking deep. The only win is to abstain, like staying out of a casino. But we won't. We're addicted to that shit, even those of us who think we aren't. Then again everything about life is RNG. Whether it be your gender, looks, promotions, salary, and typical day. Fuck, any one of us could get cancer tomorrow.

This is a must read:
Fooled by Randomness - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Fuck, I might have ended up writing something similar had I been born at an earlier date and had the opportunity! Instead I'm writing bullshit on an internet forum.

Human beings:

overestimate causality, e.g., they see elephants in the clouds instead of understanding that they are in fact randomly shaped clouds that appear to our eyes as elephants (or something else);
tend to view the world as more explainable than it really is.So they look for explanations even when there are none.
Why I have the tendency to rant, get long-winded, and really expunge about a particular topic, I don't know. I could have saved myself an hour by just saying, "I fucking hate Daum." Then again I've been telling friends for years that game companies should be employing psychologists, because by doing so you can really get down to what a game really is, and how to maximum human response. So I really don't know if I should hate a company for finally taking advantage of our lesser selves? I'd have done it in their position, so hating Daum makes me a hypocrite. Maybe I just wish, we as humans, weren't so stupid and vulnerable? But if that were true, we might not actually enjoy games or activities, because games are basically stimuli that take advantage of responses to our inherent character traits. The need to become more powerful, increase wealth, position, explore, and all of that other shit that makes us human.

Anyway, sorry I'm done. I've shared enough of my genius with you fellows for today!


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Even the Irish, Brits, Auzies, Scots, and god damn Eskimos are on I'd say, probably not. A euro told me earlier that Ring of Good Deeds weren't readily available on his EU server, so I don't know if it's because -everyone- rolled on Edan, or if there weren't the same Gift of Repayment bonuses that we received. Probably the former, which means Edan is probably holding the majority of the game's population.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I came home super excited to play today, only to find out my wife did a system refresh on my computer. She reset my Chrome browser trying to get some work program to work, thus deleting my history, thus deleting my top site icons, and signing me out of Chrome. So she decided to fix it, she'd dig through Windows, find system refresh, OH HEY it will keep all the files!... Reinstalling ftw... what's worse is I have to reinstall EVERYTHING else as well.


Vyemm Raider
Then again I've been telling friends for years that game companies should be employing psychologists, because by doing so you can really get down to what a game really is, and how to maximum human response.
Haha, you should be thankful they don't, otherwise the only thing they'd be maximizing is their profits after their behavioralists advise them on how to best exploit every monetizable flaw in the monkey brain.


Trakanon Raider
I'm 35 now, this game has way too much to do, and I mean that in a good way.

I have 5 alts. Been using their energy, I'm up to around 120 now, to do conversation and unlocking basically everything. I'm done with the Belanos region. Started with Serendia now, almost done with Hidel, unlocked a bunch in Glish also. I have to do all the farms and Guard camps.

I went back to Belanos with my main, and had so many quests available that were's almost ridiculous. It will probably take me days only to do those quests.

I've also unlocked every piece of knowledge in Belanos except for some related to the islands which I haven't really explored yet. Still gathering materials for a fishing boat.

I started crafting the Costumes. I made the Processing one, +1 movement speed, +5% processing XP, and + 1 level. I should be able to make the Alchemist one today. Now collecting flax for 3 others. I need to find somewhere to farm cottons for the last 3.

I have about 10 workers working for me now. I have about 300 beers on me, and over 1000 potatoes in the bank. I also made good feed for my 3 pets. I have about 100 on me. Nothing left in the bank though. 1 afk night of fishing, and 30-60 minutes or so of farming meat easily gets me 50-75 feed which last me a week or two if I remember to put my pets away when not hunting.

I know a lot of the side activities are not for everyone, but the amount of content in this game if you enjoy all aspect of it is simply insane. No MMO, or as far as I know no game has so much stuff to do.

I'm really looking to levelling a new character once I have unlocked everything. It's gonna be really cool to level and have all these quests unlocked already. My guess is there are more locked quests than there is available.

Also notice that some quests are gender locked, since at some point I was unlocking conversation with a female character and ran out of energy, and switched to a male and couldn't see the quest I needed to unlock. I thought maybe I was mistaking, so I relogged on the female and the quest was there. Logged another female alt, and sure enough the quest was there. I'm wondering if I missed others like this.

This game is hitting all the right buttons for me.

I don't really care about the Mediah update right now, since I am probably still weeks away from finishing the Calpheon content which I just started on this weekend. Although, I'll probably unlock a few nodes for my trade empire.
You sir are playing the game as intended

People who level grind past 50, not so much lol


Bronze Knight of the Realm
to get the a permanent 9% buff which is highly coveted, you have to pay $9 for a chance at it. It's the same as a slot machine, lottery, or any other chance based game.

If that's not gambling to you then I can't help your lack of understanding of the human language.

I only got 3% after $700. There are people got 9% with $60. It's GAMBLING. There's no amount I can pay to guarantee that I'll ever get it.

I really am starting to hate these forums, all the old good posters are being replaced by shitty troll apologists.

I got the "boot" because I had enough bullshit from middle aged women I don't respect. When you fucking say," the Jews brought it on theirselves" in reference to being mass murdered and NOBODY said a word to her in the channel, then yeah I have a problem.

I like Tuco and Kedwyn but man, how that shit isn't reigned in? Not a single peep or objection even when saying Saudi is a great country and the West is full of shit and causes the world's problems. I reacted in a way that would guarantee that I'd be removed by cursing out an officer.

I'm tired of talking about it. Almost everyone in the guild who played with me liked me and I still get "wtf why did you quit texts." Just drop it. It wasn't the guild for me, I don't like playing the good guys. Tuco has his shit together but there are a few shitheads in the 200+ membership.


Trakanon Raider
NOBODY said a word to her in the channel
Nobody has said a word about it here either because most likely nobody cares. This is a thread about a video game, not about the political beliefs of the crazies who play it. There are numerous other threads on this forum where that bullshit belongs.

Annoyingly this game is down the whole AU prime time again but at least this one gives me a content patch for tomorrow... I guess tonight is Clone Wars marathon night!


Trakanon Raider
Wooly, you need to shut the fuck up already.

If your posting is any indication (which I would bet highly likely) of your behaviour on voice, or in game, I can see why people would just bitch about you to the officer core and have you removed.

Walk softly, and carry a big stick.


I've rerolled (heh) on Edan to play with a mate, interesting to see so many Australian guilds running around, and a ton of faces from AA as well.


Trump's Staff
Especially funny reading his rant about the cash shop yet he's spent $1000+ on this game in a month.