Black Desert


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Some crazy fast westernization/translation compared to what we have seen.


Molten Core Raider
Great news ! I am glad they are not going with an existing NA publisher... they would seek to Wow-i-f-y or otherwise fuck2play it up in all likely hood.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
With a Korean publisher handling the western launch maybe they wont remove delicious grinding and the need to gamble all your gains on a crafting attempt with a random outcome.


<Silver Donator>
With a Korean publisher handling the western launch maybe they wont remove delicious grinding and the need to gamble all your gains on a crafting attempt with a random outcome.
Because western publishers have done such a great job removing those in the past, in Aion and Tera and... Wait nvm they didn't bother. A korean publisher is just as likely to fix the few things people bitch about but still release a korean game than the western publishers. Look at Trion, a fairly well established company with Archeage, where they have to ask the devs to make changes for them and for the most part are only changing very minor things anyway. Crafting being random shit? Definitely still in. Grinding? Well the original game didn't require grinding so nothing to change here(and also something to note, a lot of korean games have gone away from insane grinds, iirc from reading closed beta reports it only took a couple of days to hit the cap in Black Desert which would suggest a "normal" leveling curve). They're making them fix the ping sensitive skills, changing the pirate stuff to be a bit more hardcore than the casual korean version(yep, that's right, the korean version is more casual) and making them add the 1.2 skill changes without the level increase but other than that it's pretty much the same game.

I'd say the main changes between the korean and western versions of mmos aren't grinding or crafting, it's simply the pricing of the subs/F2P item shops, which are a lot more expensive in korea, but that's fairly easy to adjust. For the most part the games themselves are fairly rarely changed at all, besides having shitty outdated versions and releasing 3years later so being behind on new innovations. If having a korean publisher means they release patches simultaneously and release the games quickly, then it's just positive stuff.


Ssraeszha Raider
Because western publishers have done such a great job removing those in the past, in Aion and Tera and... Wait nvm they didn't bother.
Didn't TERA have it so you had a chance of destroying the item you were upgrading, then removed it for NA?


<Silver Donator>
Didn't TERA have it so you had a chance of destroying the item you were upgrading, then removed it for NA?
Pretty sure they removed it from the korean version too just several versions later(which was about during US release). That's the thing with the 2years gap between korean and western release, it makes it so a lot of stuff is pretty outdated. We'll see anyway, maybe it'll be a complete fuckfest, considering the track record for korean ports though I'd say this is probably not gonna be much worse(probably not gonna be much better either though).

Also being a korean publisher doesn't mean they'll just translate the game and port it that way anyway. It's quite a stretch to assume that because they're not going to a US publisher, they're completely clueless about the western mmo market or aren't going to try to make the game make money.


Vyemm Raider
Im curious - when people say "delicious grinding" is that sarcasm? Or is grinding not endlessly killing X mob for hours and hours like someone who has no other purpose in life?

Do people prefer grinding endlessly really compared to fetch quest? I mean i know fetch quest gets old and such but grinding gets old 1000x quicker than run to B and C and back to A to turn in. Both are pretty gay and i much prefer how GW2 and a couple other games handled leveling but grinding?


Lord Nagafen Raider
Im curious - when people say "delicious grinding" is that sarcasm? Or is grinding not endlessly killing X mob for hours and hours like someone who has no other purpose in life?

Do people prefer grinding endlessly really compared to fetch quest? I mean i know fetch quest gets old and such but grinding gets old 1000x quicker than run to B and C and back to A to turn in. Both are pretty gay and i much prefer how GW2 and a couple other games handled leveling but grinding?
If im going to grind I would just prefer if where I was grinding had named that spawn(eq orc camps or something like that) and or quests that just popped up while you were killing. NO more GD quest hubs, please.


Vyemm Raider
Meh im not favoring quest hubs much but i feel all routes should be equally viable. I cant say one or the other is better but at times i dont mind to mindlessly grind but it gets old quick, just like quest hubs. I think its dumb to get rid of one and not the other, all it will do is alienate X type of people who have X preference.

Its good to have a multitude of ways to get experience and level up that all work equally and some may have more benefits than another.

Questing yields quest armor and xp
Grinding yields chances are rare mob encounters or events that yield extra xp or chance at loot
Crafting yields xp while raising your skills which in turns lets you make armor or weapons to sell to players
PVP yields xp, plus currency for pvp related gear etc


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Hell in most of these newer games, grinding has gotten people to max level faster then anyone else. iirc in original WoW, which quest hub haters consider the ultimate evil, grinding was the fastest way you could level.


<Silver Donator>
The UI, tutorials, char creation and stuff like that was already translated, so yeah they had plans right away to port this.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Hell in most of these newer games, grinding has gotten people to max level faster then anyone else.
id be surprised if you could find a game in the last 3 years in which someone grinded to cap and made it there first.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Makes sense. Will be curious how the handle other westernization aspects(if the game needs any). Do they have people who know what to do or they do they hire some.

All I know, computer is going to need a upgrade for this.


<Silver Donator>
I think people said it was faster in Wildstar too? Not sure. FFXIV was faster FATE grinding, not sure if that counts as it's events instead of pure grinding, but still was a lot faster than questing. GW2 I don't think was as fast because they had several anti grinding systems and hearts were actually pretty efficient. I don't fucking remember about SWTOR at all so not sure about that.