Blade and Soul - Kung Fu Korea - Action MMO


<Silver Donator>
World pvp is always insanely unbalanced, in every game. Nature of the beast. Since you cannot control numbers and or character power. Not sure I would call it "Shit", it's just a different form of pvp.
I didn't mean numbers or even gear differences, and more core mechanics due to the lack of attempt in balancing it with this in mind. From what I've seen and read, damage outscales health way too fast in world pvp. That leads to a lot of situations where world pvp results in extremely short fights with a "whoever hits first wins" type of scenario, rather than any sort of interesting pvp. Obviously, world pvp implies that not every fight is going to be a fair 1vs1 and whatever, that wasn't my point, and gear differences will play a part too even though that's a bit more questionnable if there's large potential gaps, especially if such gaps can be acquired with money shop gold conversion much faster, I meant that pvp in general looks like shit when it's not normalized like it is in arena due to damage scaling issues compared to health values.

I'm not criticizing world pvp as a concept, while nowadays I don't fucking care about pvp anymore, I used to do a lot of pvp, and mostly games that had FFA open world pvp with the least instancing/rules/faction limitations as possible. Just that in this particular game, the way it's implemented seems prone to being shit. But it's an early opinion and I wouldn't say it's absolutely the case, that's what I felt from watching and doing a bit of it. It could be a lot better once everyone has fully upgraded hongmoon stuff and what not, I didn't play the beta enough to get a definitive opinion on the subject.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
A lot of it is gear based. For example if you have the moonwater pvp bopae, you have ~35-40k HP, no one is one shotting you(not just from Hp alone, but from anti-crit on it). Whereas if you are literally just hitting 50, you might have like ~15k HP and no anti-crit,which if someone comes along with max gear and hits you with a big hit, they could probably 1 shot you quite easily.

The game @ 45 itself has damage/hp scaling issues, both in pve and pvp(including arena with its normalization). Just because, iirc, they have abilities patch far beyond actual content. So current abilities are balanced around much bigger health pools in the future(for both pve and pvp), instead of the current 45 health pools.


2 Minutes Hate
I think I might just pass on this game. Not sure if I want to do another old-ish quest based experience with some end game bullshit and arena pvp.

I think the next MMO I waste money and a week on is Black Desert. I dig the lack of trinity and dungeon content in a game like that.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
You might as well play GW2 Draegan. Infinitely better then bdo for the things you mentioned(no trinity and dungeons). Does BDO even have dungeons?

BDO is quest based and no end-game(from what i read hear, its just endless grinding to keep competitive) with only guild vs guild pvp. Everything I hear is the game just dies after the gorgeous graphics and fun character creator. I still need to play it see myself though.


2 Minutes Hate
You might as well play GW2 Draegan. Infinitely better then bdo for the things you mentioned(no trinity and dungeons). Does BDO even have dungeons?

BDO is quest based and no end-game(from what i read hear, its just endless grinding to keep competitive) with only guild vs guild pvp. Everything I hear is the game just dies after the gorgeous graphics and fun character creator. I still need to play it see myself though.
Kind of a few random thoughts on that comparison all based on my personal tastes in MMOs these days.

GW2 has really crappy PVE. I don't like the classes, class mechanics and the combat is pretty meh. I don't really care about fractal grinding or whatever.

I know BDO is quest based, but it has a little more depth behind it with the whole influence/trading/housing/crafting thing attached to it which I'll admit that I don't know much about. The combat is infinity much much better which I've personally tried myself.

When I say no trinity and no dungeons, I like this. If I wanted to play a tank/healer/dps game with raids and dungeons I would just go play WOW or FFXIV. It leaves room for different activities. The PVP in this game has potential to be interesting with some of the newer updates coming the game's way.

The BDO world seems more impactful with the lack of fast travel. I kind of dig that. The game is beautiful too.

I'm still on the fence with BDO though only because of the karma system and potion spam shit. We'll see though. I've seen PVP fights and they look kind of cool.

Weird that you say "might as well play GW2" and call it "infinitely better". What are you basing that on since you never played the game and don't know that much about it. I personally have surface knowledge of both of these games for the most part. B&S seems pretty shallow to me. Combat is fun, but I'm not looking for a PVE dungeon/raid game with an arena tacked on. BDO seems to potentially offer different kinds of activities to do.


Vyemm Raider
B&S arena isn't "tacked on." It's actually balanced very finely and is even an eSport in South Korea. But that's all 1v1.

And as far as Black Desert being "quest-based," that's not entirely true. The only quests worth doing are the initial 5 or 6 tutorial quests and your Black Spirit quests. You will level faster by grinding random overworld mobs than going from quest hub to quest hub like in other MMOs. The PvP is all potion spam, though.


2 Minutes Hate
It's tacked on in the sense it's just a game within a game. You could rip it out and let it stand alone by itself. If I'm going to play an MMO, I'd rather have the systems that I enjoy playing be involved with the rest of the game.


I'm down for getting the founders pack and playing head start. I need a good guild to roll with since I don't know of any PRX playing, send me a PM.


Vyemm Raider
Yep, Mushin - Cerulean. I'll be at the launch party in Santa Ana as well. If you live in southern California, it's open to everyone and they're giving out a ton of stuff.


Vyemm Raider
It'll be fun. Playing B&S, kicking back some beers, watching some PvP streamed to the big screen and meeting people in the area who play. I'm not abraisive and bitter about the world like you are so I enjoy this kinda thing.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
The fucking gayboy crew >:| I'll be there