

Trakanon Raider
Same here. And by close proximity, I mean the same day. And by the same day, I mean tomorrow.

Gaming should have what sports does. Rich people who just buy up sports teams, with little to no interference with the running of it, just toss money at them to make them "the best".

Like if a Buffet, Gates, Rockefeller or the likes found out about From Software and started giving them hundreds of millions each year saying "Make GOTY every damn year!".

As to Bloodborne, I had taken a break from it as my addiction for DS2 kicked in again, and I was tired of being stuck on Pearl and the three shadows. After 35 hours of DS2, I tried Bloodborne again yesterday and killed both Pearl and the three shadows in two tries. Now I am at Rom. Spiders.... Not sure if it is the best weapon, but kill it with fire was the first that came to mind, so I am out of molotovs and nearly out of bullets as the flamethrower eats them up much too fast. Teleporting is such bs.


A Mod Real Quick
I swear I get stuck on the most random shit in this game. Killed shadows on my 2nd or 3rd attempt, ROM took about 6 or something and BSB only took a few attempts. Yet the one reborn destroys me in only a couple hits, and sometimes his explosion one shots me. Yes I am "taking care of everything" like I should, and he's slow as shit, yet I can't get him. It was so frustrating its actually the first boss in this game that made me shut it down even though I had time to play. Much like the smelter demon did to me in ds2.

Also the hunter before ROM took me about 15 attempts. Who the fuck does that happen to?

Where can I go to best grind levels now that gaol is closed off?


<WoW Guild Officer>
Run up and kill the casters on One Reborn, then hide up top until he gets close and drop-chop him. Rinse/repeat.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I did a couple drop attacks on it with a Ludwig +8 and was only doing 250-ish so I decided that wasn't happening. Seemed better to fight it like Gaping Dragon; stay on one of the rear legs but not directly behind and use the heaviest attacks you have to stagger. Once it falls down, run to the front and the corpse "head" takes massive damage from charged R2 while staggered. It has multiple lock-on points, make sure you flick the right stick to change to the corpse when you knock it down.


Molten Core Raider
Mustve gotten Ebrias to 10% 5 times now and I still can NOT kill her. Only boss so far that I've had to farm vials for twice and still no victory. Putting off Mensis exploration till this bitch dies which is also helping me milk a few more hours out of it. Will probably platinum it as well but once beaten im gonna replay dks2 and then come back to Blood borne. I can't get enough of From titles its insane.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Abhorrent Beast gave me the most problems of any boss so far, ended up just kiting that bitch and using poison knives..took 16 knives, just ran around until it stopped taking dmg, then threw another one. The boss isn't that bad, you can dodge past his attacks (some of them) and get a hit or two in, but I usually messed up and double dodged right back in front of him, or I would mess up in the 3rd phase where he's really aggressive. Have to say that Chalice dungeons are just as fun as the Story, if you like the boss fights.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Mustve gotten Ebrias to 10% 5 times now and I still can NOT kill her. Only boss so far that I've had to farm vials for twice and still no victory. Putting off Mensis exploration till this bitch dies which is also helping me milk a few more hours out of it. Will probably platinum it as well but once beaten im gonna replay dks2 and then come back to Blood borne. I can't get enough of From titles its insane.
I had a hell of a time with that fight too, in the end the key was setting up the kill shot. Get her to just above 50% and pop a bolt paper (maybe a beast pellet too, but shouldn't be necessary) and then push her over into phase 2. Soon as she starts buffing herself, get right in front of her and use your best attack that can hit her head. Ludwig 2H L2, cane in whip mode R1, etc. Cannon should work too if you don't have a melee weapon with vertical reach. Stagger her, use visceral, then do a charged R2 (don't forget to retarget after the visceral, that has cost me fights like half a dozen times now
) and she should either be dead or at a sliver of health that you can easily finish off. I did it with Ludwig+9 and EPS instead of bolt paper, and she's a hell of a lot weaker to bolt than she is to arcane.

Old Hunter Bone should last longer.
Or cost less bullets. I use enough on EPS as it is.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So I bought the bloodborne soundtrack from the Sony store and it won't play while I'm playing bloodborne, is there a way to make it work?

Edit: Nevermind, looks like I can export the soundtrack off the PS4.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
It's pretty annoying that you get low level blood gems and cold blood in NG+.
As soon as I read that there are literally no changes in NG+ I lost any desire to even try it. I rolled a new character and committed myself to doing all the things I missed on that character. It seems like they expected chalice dungeons to replace the NG+ gameplay.


A Mod Real Quick
What's really weird is they did NG+ so well in the previous games, yet totally forgot about it in their flagship PS4 game?

Hopefully they'll patch something in, as this is the first game I've wanted to NG+.

I did a NG+ drunk souls in DS2 with my brother in law... we actually got up to smelter demon in a couple of hours, but christ that game is hard drunk.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Technically non-itemization wise there's some tweaks in NG+ they're really minor though (extra adds on one fight was the only one I personally noticed for the record).

But it's pretty clear their normal NG+ focus went into the Chalice mode instead of NG+ - since that's where high level itemization is, etc.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yea NG+ seems like a waster of time since the Chalice dungeons are far more rewarding. Too bad matchmaking is so poorly done.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
NG+ is a good source of blood echoes at least. Chalice dungeons are pretty shit for that.

NG+2 and up I would agree, basically pointless.