Board Games


Be warned on XWing, some of the best upgrade cards are in random shit packs. If you want to be competitive or your friends ever escalate in games, it can be an extremely expensive game. The system is fun. Wings of War was a super fun game and the system lasted the test of time.


Golden Squire
X-wing just seems like a huge money grab to me. I've held off buying any of them, mostly because I don't know anyone who plays, though I could see getting my son into it in a couple of years.

Haven't done anything expandable since I was a teenager, though this weekend I picked up the D&D Dicemasters starter set that just dropped and while I'm well past the collectible need, I can still see myself buying a few booster packs just to add a bit of variety to the set.


Dicemasters is super fun. Game is about 300 bucks per expansion though, don't let the .99 fool you. If you aren't a completionist or don't play with guys who will drop 50-60 bucks on getting the super rares (which are better for most sets) then it might be the best game on the market. If they took the super rares out of the mix and it was a 90-110 dollar game per expansion and they slowed expansions down I would be all in on that game. It's amazingly tactical and some of the most fun I've had in a while.


Golden Squire
Yeah, I'm staying away from that aspect. Only picked it up because a couple of friends did. You have to buy some boosters just to get the most out of what you can bring to the table (6 cards, 15 dice) which is the only reason I'm even considering it since the starter kit only gets you 12 dice at the most.

The Muze_sl

Just a quick reminder because I know there were at least a few people interested inMyth: Journeyman. The Kickstarter ends today. We've unlocked a ton of stretch goals and the amount of content you end up with at any level is pretty staggering.

Here's a visual representation of what you are currently getting with the different levels. "Minion" if you own the game already, "Hero" if you don't own the base game:Myth: Journeyman

That chart isn't quite up to date with the most recent stretch goal unlocks which are shown on the KS site.


Golden Squire
Finally got around to doing something with my Print N' Play version of Steampunk Rally. Used spray-on adhesive to attach all the sheets to card stock then used a straight-cutter thing my wife bought when she was doing scrapbooking to cut everything out. Put all the cards into protectors to keep them from flying apart. Works well overall. I have some colored dice coming Tuesday so we used regular dice and colored pieces of paper to keep track of everything for our play through tonight.

Game is lots of fun and I can see it being more so with more than just the two people we played with. You kind of have to trust everyone to know what they're doing and not to cheat since players conduct all their actions at the same time during each phase (first time through it's recommended everyone take turns though). Good amount of strategy involved and you have to be cognizant of what other players are doing as well as what you need to do and what's coming up on the track. Takes about half an hour to an hour to play.


Played a bunch of Superfight this weekend. Everyone enjoyed it and everyone in the room said it was 100X better then Cards Against Humanity as you make real choices.

It's not the greatest game all time but if you are looking for a fun party game, I highly recommend it -Superfight!


A nice asshole.
Smash up continues to reign supreme in my game nights, I keep buying the expansions so that helps. Just grabbed the cute one, the mythical horses are dicks and the Cats are just mean.


Trakanon Raider
Smash up continues to reign supreme in my game nights, I keep buying the expansions so that helps. Just grabbed the cute one, the mythical horses are dicks and the Cats are just mean.
Same here, usually play it every week. IMO they really need to add a different game mode or some other element to the game. I enjoy the game and the random teams (minus the Cthulhu set) but most games would have some variation of gameplay by now. Maybe a break the base mode where there is only two bases with a really high breakpoint. Or a neutral team that you can draw from instead of your own deck.

Regardless, my group will probably play that until the day we die. Its easy enough to teach and everyone has a chance of winning.

Edit: Also, some of my cards in the latest expansion came with some strange wear and tear on some of the cards. Fairly noticable especially on the back where if other players knew about it they could tell what cards you have. I wonder if they would replace it for free, anyone know?


Edit: Also, some of my cards in the latest expansion came with some strange wear and tear on some of the cards. Fairly noticable especially on the back where if other players knew about it they could tell what cards you have. I wonder if they would replace it for free, anyone know?
Most game companies will. Shoot them an email, attach a pic of the damage if you can, I bet they send you a new set.


A nice asshole.
Same here, usually play it every week. IMO they really need to add a different game mode or some other element to the game. I enjoy the game and the random teams (minus the Cthulhu set) but most games would have some variation of gameplay by now. Maybe a break the base mode where there is only two bases with a really high breakpoint. Or a neutral team that you can draw from instead of your own deck.

Regardless, my group will probably play that until the day we die. Its easy enough to teach and everyone has a chance of winning.

Edit: Also, some of my cards in the latest expansion came with some strange wear and tear on some of the cards. Fairly noticable especially on the back where if other players knew about it they could tell what cards you have. I wonder if they would replace it for free, anyone know?
We do something like that, once someone hits 15 VP we clear the board and discard our decks, place the princess deck face down and one base that we double the break point and win values of, we then blind pick one faction and we can either draw two cards from princess deck or two from the one we grabbed. It really makes for an exciting last brawl because most of our games someone barely wins and if you win that last hand even if you are 5+ points behind you can still win or come in second.


You want to try something different but very neat, look up Bruges on Board game geek. Everything in one box. Card game with some board mechanics. EVERY card is unique and every card has multiple uses. And single expansion makes it even more fun. I think. Limited only by being a 4man (max) game.

Yes, the first few games take some getting use to. When every card can be used 5 different ways (4 of the actions are generic across all cards, but each card is a unique villager with a unique ability that will only be seen once each game), its one of those game where you have to adjust your stratigy as the game is played. Not go in with a stratigy and force the cards/game to go your way.

Me and some friends love it, the folks that want quick and dirty games, not so much.


Trakanon Raider
We do something like that, once someone hits 15 VP we clear the board and discard our decks, place the princess deck face down and one base that we double the break point and win values of, we then blind pick one faction and we can either draw two cards from princess deck or two from the one we grabbed. It really makes for an exciting last brawl because most of our games someone barely wins and if you win that last hand even if you are 5+ points behind you can still win or come in second.
Hmm we'll have to try something similar. Sounds pretty fun, thanks!

@Arcaus I'll do that. The damage is quite visible on some cards so hopefully that works out. Thanks!


Trakanon Raider
Hmm we'll have to try something similar. Sounds pretty fun, thanks!

@Arcaus I'll do that. The damage is quite visible on some cards so hopefully that works out. Thanks!
Yeah I don't know of any company that won't replace missing or damaged components. You will probably have to go through some small hoop (send them the bad cards is probably the hardest one, I know that's what WotC usually does). My buddy got stone age a couple weeks ago and it was missing the red meeples. He had to send Z-Man a picture of the proof of purchase (which is why I always save mine from punch out boards), but they sent them along after a few easy emails. In the mean time I got to play as the Tomatoes from Imperial Settlers. Even though he has red meeples now, I still call myself the Red Tomatoes when we play.


Molten Core Raider
Finally got to play BSG and really enjoyed it. Came down to the wire, with needing just one more jump, but the cylons had it covered.
Even though I'd happy play it again, not sure it's worth the time commitment vs playing something else. Will just have to see how the opportunities to play pan out.

It also struck me that there's a bit of a lack of open team based games. Most of the team games rely on the hidden / betrayer mechanic, like bsg or resistance. Seems far fewer that have teams known from the get go. There's certainly a few, like Space Cadets dice duels, but not all that many. Anyone know any others that are good? Particularly ones that are designed for team v team, and aren't just a variant of another game type.


Molten Core Raider
This weeks Humble Bundle is a brilliant set of PC versions of tabletop board games.


Humble Weekly Bundle: Tabletops (pay what you want and help charity)

All expansions included..

Catan has "Seafarers" and "Cities & Knights,"

The Ticket to Ride Complete Pack includes the following DLC:

Ticket to Ride Europe
Ticket to Ride Switzerland
Ticket to Ride USA 1910
Ticket to Ride Legendary Asia

The Small World 2 Complete Pack includes the following DLC:

Small World 2: Be Not Afraid.
Small World 2: Cursed
Small World 2: Great Dames



Last night, got reminded how much fun Sentinels of the Multiverse is! Highly recomend!

Also was able to play DC card game in Crisis mode (co-op all players vs the game, not vs each other) for the first time. Wow! For a game w/ very simple mechanics and rules set, that took some work and we lost on the last round. Also, Crisis mode is NOT a fast game, but I enjoyed the heck out of it!*

*/rant on - Dc card game SO simple compared to Marvel Legendary, but I can NOT even force myself to buy Marvel Legendary because the art is SO HORRIBLE! With all the art assets Marvel has access to, UGH! It should almost be criminal. The art for DC is incredible across the board! I highly recomend DC for folks that want light quick fun card game, then if you want to move up to getting your ass kicked mode, buy the crisis packs! /rant off.

Sentinels rocks to, but in a very different way