Board Games


Lord Nagafen Raider
We got Descent and played with three of us. Me being the Overlord, my dad and friend playing two characters each. We did an all day bender on it because we don't get together often. We had the exact experience you just described. Every round one side ended up having an advantage very early in and the other side ended up feeling like they were getting pounded the rest of the round. We ended the day all kind of bummed because we really liked how it played, the art, etc. but it was too unbalanced to be fun.

I think we did 6 adventures, and we were 3-3 by the end of it, so it was balanced in that respect, but it just wasn't much fun getting to that point. Really wanted to like it too.
Yeah this is what I've experienced, having bought Descent about a year and a half ago. Not a balanced encounter to be found. I just gave up after we played it 4 or 5 times.


Well, picked up and played Blood Rage this week and I gotta say, it lives up to the hype. Very good game! Got all the kickstarter extras, but we only played with the base game as it was our first game and to be honest, I think the base game is damn near perfect. Ya, the KS extras add more options to the game, but the base game is SO solid that while I am looking foreward to mystics and a few extra monsters, I do not feel that the game is being slighted without them.

The game is totally fluid, your plans will not only change from age to age (game is played over 3 ages...) but from turn to turn. Our first game, one player decided he was fucked on turn 2 and just started playing the "fuck you" game. He started playing candy crush on his phone between his turns. By the beginning of the 3rd age he was in the lead by 30 points...
However, at the end of the game, final scores were all within 9 points of each other. Granted, many "1st play fuckups" and alot was learned, but everyone left the table enjoying the game. Highly recommend this game!


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I die a little on the inside whenever I see an update without a single mention of KD:M besides myself yet.

On a different note from my broken-record about KD:M - Argent: the Consortium which I picked up based on feedback here and was amazed by - has been confirmed to have an expansion in the works for sometime late 2016 or so by the designer. [It sounds basically done, but Level 99 is having some challenges ATM it sounds or something]


Lord Nagafen Raider
I had to go back 2 pages to figure out wtf game you were talking about, so that's not helping. Also yea I'm not gonna be convinced to blow $300 on a single game when there's so many $20-$40 base games/expansions that I need :p Maybe by this time next year I could be getting bored with that stuff and move on to it.

Brother and I just started playing Eclipse with the Ancients expansion. I'm really impressed with the game but need the chance to play it with more people. Got both volumes of Secret Wars for Legendary, great additions imo, love the add of Sidekicks and tons of interesting new schemes (the secrets of kung fu one is flipping brutal). Still haven't picked up Legendary Villains but probably next on my list.

We have Time Stories and Pandemic Legacy and a good group of 4 to go through both with but one or two people have been constantly busy for a month and we haven't gotten into either, sadly. Really looking forward to those.
We have Time Stories and Pandemic Legacy and a good group of 4 to go through both with but one or two people have been constantly busy for a month and we haven't gotten into either, sadly. Really looking forward to those.
Time Stories is really amazing. It really does play like a point and click adventure game on the PC. We're playing through the first expansion of it right now (The Marcy Case), but haven't had much more than an hour or so each night. Probably need another 2 playthroughs before we can solve it so I'm looking forward to those sessions. The only bad part about this game is that once you solve a case, you really can't do it again because the secrets aren't secrets anymore.

I also have Pandemic Legacy, but need to settle on a group of 4 to play with and a time that will work for everyone. My game buddy is mostly obsessed with his Kickstarter right now though so we probably won't get into it until March at least anyway.


Trakanon Raider
I've been doing Pandemic Legacy with a group of 4 for the last 4 months. We meet up and play one game per week. Holy shit is that game good. If it were up to me we would have done the whole thing over a weekend, as I just want to play one more every week to see what happens next, but the others want to stick to the schedule. Anyway, suffice to say, amazing game, I have a hard time not saying best game ever as far as knowing this will be something I remember forever. Very few months don't at some point make our whole group go "Ohhhhh WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!" as it flips everything on its head.

Well worth the money, I'll be buying season 2 the second it's available.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I had to go back 2 pages to figure out wtf game you were talking about, so that's not helping. Also yea I'm not gonna be convinced to blow $300 on a single game when there's so many $20-$40 base games/expansions that I need :p Maybe by this time next year I could be getting bored with that stuff and move on to it.
Yea, I'm sure not everyone is down for the plunge - just shocked there hasn't been anyone else. Especially since the Kickstarter discussion for it HERE started my own interest in it. (And it was initially $100 for the KS - talk about value for those people - I got for $325ish after shipping during the GenCon P/O's)

It's really got a ton of depth so that "getting bored of it" is basically impossible though.


Trakanon Raider
We finally got the group together for Pandemic Legacy last night. We lost both of the January games after winning a "practice" game...spoilers:

We played the first game and barely squeaked out a win. The game said the first encounter played like a standard game, so we didn't really pay attention and never mutated the virus after the 2nd epidemic. Whoops. We decided that was just a practice game and started over. Black overran our board early and when the virus mutated we had no chance. Loss. We missed two other new rules here that I didn't catch until after the 3rd game. We didn't increase spending or add bonuses to our characters. We lost the 3rd game as well...oh, and we didn't start adding the city collapsing markers until that 3rd game either. I figured it sorta evened out since we didn't give ourselves bonuses after we lost the first half of January, so we just rolled with it. So we're starting February with 4 bonuses and 8 funding after our 2 losses. I should have read through all the rules again before we started, but I just skimmed since people were being impatient about starting.
Anything else that we should be paying attention to? I'm a little confused about when to take stickers for rules out of the dossier. If we've done THAT right, the only one we should have is #19 or whatever it was that mutated black into being incurable. I'm assuming it will be really obvious when I have to add the rules to the rulebook.

I'll definitely re-read through the rules on my own before we play again, but figured I'd see if anyone else knows anything else obvious we could be missing. Our characters never were in a city during an outbreak that we could remember, so no scars.
After losing those games, we finally got together last week and won February and March. Feels like we're making progress now.

We've eradicated blue the last few games, so we've chosen the upgrade for that disease each we can cure that from anywhere with one fewer card which really helps. We feel like we have a good thing going, so we don't want to mess with our team chemistry too much, but we might switch out one character for the military base guy since that mechanic seems like it's being pushed on us pretty hard right now. The quarantine markers have helped make the game manageable for us...definitely key to us winning the first time in February and March.


Trakanon Raider
TMNT Kickstarter

I'm really torn on this one. I'm getting a Ghostbusters Kickstarter vibe from it, but I love the TMNT IP a lot more than Ghostbusters. Just a question of if I have enough friends that will play it with me to make it worth the high cost that comes with the miniatures and the IP.

Anyway...30 hours to go for a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles boardgame if any of you are interested.
TMNT Kickstarter

I'm really torn on this one. I'm getting a Ghostbusters Kickstarter vibe from it, but I love the TMNT IP a lot more than Ghostbusters. Just a question of if I have enough friends that will play it with me to make it worth the high cost that comes with the miniatures and the IP.

Anyway...30 hours to go for a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles boardgame if any of you are interested.
I've heard it's terrible, but that may be bias from people who don't think a game with an extremely popular IP really needs to have a kickstarter to go into production.

Speaking of Kickstarter; my good friend and gaming buddy is entering the last 48 hours of his campaign. He's received funding to go into production and every review has been strikingly positive (aside from the game missing wide on the theme.....which is pretty fair although Jerrod will never admit to it). Anyway, really fun game for 2-4 players. Check it out if you want a game by a gamer for gamers:

Bermuda Crisis: Discovery Dawning on Kickstarter

edit: I just realized he reached his art stretch goal which was really what he was aiming for with the whole campaign.


Hey all. First time seeing this thread. Got into the BG hobby about 6 years ago and am thoroughly addicted. Glad to see the hobby growing. I miss the nostalgia of my mmo gaming (do not do it nearly as much anymore), but sitting around a table and killing off your friends in Blood Rage (or insert game here) makes up for it heh. That said, I looked at TMNT and the gameplay actually looks fun. Watch the 3rd gameplay video they put up (second twitch one) and you get a very good feel for the game. It's sort of a cross of Imperial Assault and a brawler. Maybe you can toss in a little Mice and Mystics. I do not think the lower tier is worth it. You might as well wait for retail. If you have $170 to toss at it (Works after shipping), its a pretty good deal. The art does nothing for me and I would just sell it, perhaps recoup $50 or so. The only reason I am not backing it is because the companies producing it have a long history of not the best component quality (just talking cardboard hear) and I do not trust them on the quality of their miniatures (the reason for the high price). They could totally pull it off, but the deal is not sweet enough for me to risk it personally.

KD:M is basically my grail game. I would love to just meet someone that owns it, just so I could play. Might give me enough incentive to actually go searching for a meet up in my area. It looks like a lot of fun and my wife and I really want it, but at the price, it's a little much for us atm. If I played it and loved it, I could probably overlook that. Whatever happens though, I will own or play it someday. I just need to double the highest amount I have ever spent on a game to get it lol (Monoliths Conan holds the crown atm).


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Saw some people playing KD:M at the LGS. That's all I got.
Heh, at least someone had a sniff of it at least - such goodness.... although I'm going to be in tears when they release the prices for expansions for non-backers though - I'm expecting to be down $800 once they're retailed. So worth it though.

KD:M is basically my grail game. I would love to just meet someone that owns it, just so I could play. Might give me enough incentive to actually go searching for a meet up in my area. It looks like a lot of fun and my wife and I really want it, but at the price, it's a little much for us atm. If I played it and loved it, I could probably overlook that. Whatever happens though, I will own or play it someday. I just need to double the highest amount I have ever spent on a game to get it lol (Monoliths Conan holds the crown atm).
You poked around the KD:M forums over on BGG at all? I'd imagine if you're willing to travel far enough there's someone in the AZ region that's got it - something like 2000 copies were quoted for US shipping if memory serves - so they should be out there, just a matter of getting in touch.

There's also been some talk from Poots of making some form of online version - I'd imagine a stripped down tutorial - but currently the focus is finishing the KS content including expansions. So still a ways off. [And apparently, poking on the forums to find a link to the expansions pic - it's flagged as Sold Out on the website currently!]


So much content.... uuuuuunnnnnggggghhhh.... (Remember the "core box" that looks tiny in that pic compared to everything else was like 28 lbs I think? LOL - prolly looking at a good 50 lbs all combined [I assume there's some wasted space in the packaging on the expansions])


Trakanon Raider
I've got KDM! There it is up on top! Bought it black Friday, I've yet to open it. Kind of dreading the million hours to put it together before I can play it.



Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I've got KDM! There it is up on top! Bought it black Friday, I've yet to open it. Kind of dreading the million hours to put it together before I can play it.
Lion + 4 starting survivors will carry you for at least 3-4 sessions. (well assuming you're not OCD about 'gear on the models HAS to match what they're equipping' at least - which if you are you'll run out of models anyhow so many combos to make)

After that I'd build Butcher, Antelope, King's Man, Phoenix, Watcher in that order - but with ~2 hrs I'd project for early sessions while you're getting the basics down, you can really stretch out the rest pretty substantially. I'd recommend NOT making all the PC models until you get a feel for what gear sets you prefer though.

Nice collection there though - I can see a whole lot of it that likely won't see much play after you start on KD:M though - scratches the same itch as many so, so much better. (i.e. Brimstone, Descent, Mage-Knight)

Glad to see I'm no longer alone though!


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Yeah Cthulhu wars is the more tempting game if I want to drop that amount of cash on a single game (or get a working copy of Dark Tower off of ebay). As someone who does miniature gaming a lot, I don't want to have to do all the model building for my board gaming fix.

Also, that wall needs: Shogun, Buck Rogers, Survive in Space, Advanced Civilization, DC Heroes, Talisman, Relic, Super Dungeon Explore, Runebound, Ghost Busters, Power Grid, Dungeon Quest, King of New York, all the AD&D games, and Smash Up. Then you would have everything the wife and I have. You have the Arkham games and a few others we have not gotten around to, though. Is Legacy any good? Been thinking about that game after seeing it at Orccon.

For those who want the Descent fix with some campaign feel and without the complication, Dungeon Saga has been pretty good so far.


Trakanon Raider
That's Smash Up under King of Tokyo, isn't it? Anyway, that picture made me anxious for when my lease is up and I move into a house later this year. I can't wait to have enough space to devote a wall to board games.