Board Games


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Then I will fit right in
College/high school age are usually at our store too - but they tend more towards the MTG spectrum mostly - and segwaying to WH40k and other minis games before tabletop from what I've seen. (And then the couple folks older than us are back into minis again)


A nice asshole.
I don't mind, just didn't want a bunch of 10 year olds or something and me an adult.
I have yet to see anyone below age of 25 play pathfinders, this includes conventions and the gaming stores. Group I played with for a long time was mostly mechanics and oil rig workers, really odd to see some one that would fit in at a biker bar roleplay.
No one play conventional characters however or how you "should" play the class. Example had a half giant thief, sure he could back stab/use magic device and all that but stealth consisted of him pointing at people and intimidating them. Usually screaming "you don't see me!" Pickoceting was really easy when you have someone by one leg, shit was hilarious.


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
Ended up grabbing pathfinder. Our group started out as 6 but now we have about 10-12 people interested, so I'm thinking at least a few will want to play this. Also a local game shop does Pathfinder groups 1pm-5pm on Saturdays and I'm thinking about going.

As a 30 year old man that has a job and doesn't live in the basement will I be the norm or the exception when it comes to other people?
I've found I'm the exception. It usually seems everyone there has one or more of more of the following: Young, terrible hygiene, social disorder/borderline retarded. I can't take my wife in to those stores, it like stops a quarter of the games, and the drool cups come out. Pretty ridiculous. I wish I could just find a group of three other people my age and mindset to get together once every 2-4 weeks to game and have a couple beers who aren't social rejects.
Hows the digital talisman game thats sold on steam? Im close to buying it but had my fill of shitty impulse buys for a while after getting burnt on X-rebirth


I picked it up about a month and half ago. I own the Physical game with Reaper Exp, same as what you can get on Steam right now. Its been nothing but constant bug fixes. The game was unplayable with crashes when we first got it. Its in a much better place now. But there are a few issues. Timing on spells is horrible. So much of the fun of spells is jumping in and reacting to things happening. Right now its a really weird kinda queue system for using them. I actually havnt played since the Feb 4/6th update, so Im sure more issues have been fixed. Its a pretty accurate version of the board game for sure. Also I have no idea how much fun this would be playing solo, or random online. I only play it with a group of friends while on Mumble, so that we are getting as close as possible to the real experience. Without that, Im not sure how much fun I would have with it.

Recommendation - If you are at all worried about getting burnt by buying it, dont. If you have friends that are also interested and willing to give it a try, might be worth picking up.


Trakanon Raider
I played with Golgotha and can confirm everything he said there as being spot on. Also, he's waited the hour it took me to roll high enough to murder everyone while standing on the crown, so props to him for not dropping the game! I'm a low rolling machine!


A Mod Real Quick
Not quite a board game but I bought cards against humanity and all expansions this week since they finally went back in print. Most hilarious game night ever. Hearing your mother in law say things like "a big, black dick" and "the primal ball-slapping sex your parents have" is an experience I can't quite convey properly in words. I was drunk for that very reason.
The first few rounds of Cards Against Humanity is always fun. Given the right group I will never hesitate to get people in to it, and the people I get to play almost always buy a set of their own. Unfortunately, it does get a bit old when you've played with the same group over and over. Still well worth the purchase.
I picked it up about a month and half ago. I own the Physical game with Reaper Exp, same as what you can get on Steam right now. Its been nothing but constant bug fixes. The game was unplayable with crashes when we first got it. Its in a much better place now. But there are a few issues. Timing on spells is horrible. So much of the fun of spells is jumping in and reacting to things happening. Right now its a really weird kinda queue system for using them. I actually havnt played since the Feb 4/6th update, so Im sure more issues have been fixed. Its a pretty accurate version of the board game for sure. Also I have no idea how much fun this would be playing solo, or random online. I only play it with a group of friends while on Mumble, so that we are getting as close as possible to the real experience. Without that, Im not sure how much fun I would have with it.

Recommendation - If you are at all worried about getting burnt by buying it, dont. If you have friends that are also interested and willing to give it a try, might be worth picking up.
Thanks for feedback

Having doubts about buying now cuz i saw they are selling an expansion... while the game is in early access? oO That and 75$ seems a bit steep to get all the content a game has to offer for strictly a year, which is the price theyre askin for, for the game and expansions. Maybe ill pick it up in a year when everything is on sale... sucks cuz not alot to play right now, would have liked to give it a shot.


A Mod Real Quick
The first few rounds of Cards Against Humanity is always fun. Given the right group I will never hesitate to get people in to it, and the people I get to play almost always buy a set of their own. Unfortunately, it does get a bit old when you've played with the same group over and over. Still well worth the purchase.
Yeah I hear you on that. We played with some friends in Sept/Oct and it was hilarious. We didn't play again until this Friday and forgot most of the cards (although some are memorable "Jerking off into a pool of children's tears"). We definitely wouldn't have the same enjoyment unless we don't play for another few months or with totally different people.


Thanks for feedback

Having doubts about buying now cuz i saw they are selling an expansion... while the game is in early access? oO That and 75$ seems a bit steep to get all the content a game has to offer for strictly a year, which is the price theyre askin for, for the game and expansions. Maybe ill pick it up in a year when everything is on sale... sucks cuz not alot to play right now, would have liked to give it a shot.
Do realize, that all the physical expansions are being converted to digital, which is part of that $75. All of those expansions already exist for the physical game. Second, The game itself costs $40 for physical + $20 for small expansions + $30 for large box expansions. So compared to the physical game, you are getting your money out of it. As for them already selling an expansion in early access - They are testing how to add expansions to the game, and to make it as smooth as possible. I for one do not mind them doing it solely for testing purposes so that once the game is released, they will have as few as problems as possible.

Again, still not entirely endorsing it at this point either, but I like what they are trying to do. I wouldnt mind seeing a few more direct ports of some board games into digital, so this is a step in the right direction.
Just posted that on steam, and kind of my take on it:

"Thats the thing thats stopping me from buying honestly. I may have become spoiled by steam but if a company like chucklefish can sell a game like starbound for 15$ i dont see a reason to turn around and pay 75$ for a game and a year worths of content. Ive got other games to play, ill just wait and play it in 18 months or something when its reasonably priced."

Thats how i see it. Starbound will release a ton of content during the next year, no charge but the initial cost. Not asking for that price, but 75$ seems too much to me, ill just wait


Molten Core Raider
Got introduce to Shadows Over Camelot recently and really enjoyed it. Not overly hard to pick up, but takes a bit of coordination and planning to win. Which is where the traitor dynamic can really make a difference!


Molten Core Raider
Played Suburbia for the first time last week and really enjoyed it. It was a little daunting at first with quite a bit of book keeping involved but after a few turns it was easy to pick up. Really did a great job of capturing the sim city feel of building up a city, albeit just the suburb of one.
High recommend giving it a play if you get a chance.


Tranny Chaser
Got introduce to Shadows Over Camelot recently and really enjoyed it. Not overly hard to pick up, but takes a bit of coordination and planning to win. Which is where the traitor dynamic can really make a difference!
One of the major, major upsides to Shadows Over Camelot is that it is a game that you can play with 7 people (8 with the expansion) and it doesn't break down. Turns are fast, people are involved, it's challenging, and it's fun.


Bought and played Eldrich Horror recently. Takes most of the bloat and difficulty of Arkham Horror and trims it down to a pretty good game. Still many fiddily bits, but some of the key differences:

All characters have set stats. Said stats can be increased 2x (+1 each time).
No more $, every character has a Influence stat. Want to buy a item, roll influence. If you get success = to higher than the items value, you get it.
Each old one has specific mystery cards, you must solve 3 (random) to win the game.
Each old one has a numerical stat on the doom track, when doom track hits 0, the old one awakens and each old one has different bad shit when that happens
You have color coded cards to make the evil deck for the old one. Each old one uses different combinations of the card. When deck is done, you loose...
All players take move phase, then all players do encounter phase, then evil phase.
Lead investigator token can be given to any player at start of a new turn. We usually rotate it around the table but there have been times when tactically it helps to give it to someone specific.
No asylum or hospital to heal at. You may spend 1 of your 2 actions to "rest" as long as there is no monster on your spot, you get back 1 health and 1 sanity.

Only complaint about the game so far. To few cards and you will run into repitition. Only 4 old ones in the starter box, and 4 mysteries each. However, FFG has already anounced the next expansion, which will add 1 more old one, and 200+ cards to the game.

All in all, highly recomended if you like Arkham horror


Molten Core Raider
One of the major, major upsides to Shadows Over Camelot is that it is a game that you can play with 7 people (8 with the expansion) and it doesn't break down. Turns are fast, people are involved, it's challenging, and it's fun.
Arguably its even better with more players. At least there's more chance to win I think. I also like that you can drop in and out at any time, which makes it nice in certain situations.

Still, I'm a little over it. I'd probably still enjoy a game of it, but the mechanics aren't overly complicated so even though my strategy needs work, happy to look at other games instead.