Boardwalk Empire


Ssraeszha Raider
Van Alden is such a good character. They've been building up to this all season. Worth it.


<Prior Amod>
Van Alden killed it this episode. Threw down cash and his gun on the bed and ordered his wife to undress. Fucking amazing. "I used to believe in god but now I don't believe in anything"

Also, why is the leader of a rival gang hanging out in his flower shop alone at night?
He wasn't, he was with Van Alden.

Another great episode, but I'm a bit sad that Micky is now a dead man walking.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Van Alden is such a good character. They've been building up to this all season. Worth it.
He's the most interesting one on the show, I think. I remember people not liking him during season 1. I don't remember who they were, but I bet they think differently now.


JunkiesNetwork Donor
I had totally forgotten that Van Alden drowned his partner in season 1.

The Chalky and Eli performances this season are beyond amazing. When Chalky found out his honeypot got the shit kicked out of her he went from scowling to scowling with flared nostrils, best acting I've seen in a while.


<Gold Donor>
Chalky is a dead man I'm afraid, not that I'm too bothered by that. He's been a fucking retard this season. Van Alden was awesome - maybe I missed something though, wasn't he supposed to be the pulling the trigger? Seemed like Capone didn't trust him and sent his men in to make sure it was done? I missed about 4 minutes while taking a piss and I guess I missed the scene that set that up. Either way, Michael Shannon is a terrific actor.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Yeah, I wasn't really too clear on those dudes who killed O'banion either.


<Prior Amod>
"Heard a lot of 'we' last year when you was in trouble. Now it just you."

I'm pretty sure Chalky wasn't referring to Nucky still owing a debt with this line, he was meaning that last year when Nucky had problems he came to Chalky and Chalky helped him. The debt is free and clear now but now when Chalky has an issue Nucky seemed unwilling to help him. He wasn't holding him to help in terms of a debt, just that when there was life on the line he was pissed that Nucky wasn't willing (seemingly) to help like Chalky was.

Which I agree with.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Yeah, I wasn't really too clear on those dudes who killed O'banion either.
Yeah, it hasn't been revealed yet. We'll find out next episode. I was laughing when Van Alden finally accepted who he was and let it all out.

porkchop sandwiches

Potato del Grande
He wasn't, he was with Van Alden.

Another great episode, but I'm a bit sad that Micky is now a dead man walking.
I get that but shouldn't he have some muscle, like people from his actual crew? He knows Capone hates his guts and 3 gangster looking guys in suits walk in pretending to look at the flowers and he sparks a conversation with them. Just seemed like he was a bit too overconfident of a gang leader to think there wouldn't be attempts on his life. I dunno, after reading about him on Wikipedia it sounds like that's how it more or less went down, so I guess I can't complain.


Still a Music Elitist
I dunno, after reading about him on Wikipedia it sounds like that's how it more or less went down, so I guess I can't complain.
I didn't know O'Banion was a real character. Based on his Wiki article, it sounds like the violence is about to be turned up a few notches! Had no idea O'Banion's death was the catalyst for so much.


<Prior Amod>
I get that but shouldn't he have some muscle, like people from his actual crew? He knows Capone hates his guts and 3 gangster looking guys in suits walk in pretending to look at the flowers and he sparks a conversation with them. Just seemed like he was a bit too overconfident of a gang leader to think there wouldn't be attempts on his life. I dunno, after reading about him on Wikipedia it sounds like that's how it more or less went down, so I guess I can't complain.
Everyone dressed like gangster looking guys back then, I don't know they anything about them would have been suspicious to him.


Musty Nester
Piggly Wiggly talking to his wife on the phone sort of sucked. I think you guys may get your wish. Gillian is about to lose everything, and when it happens I can't see what she does except for jump in the ocean.

The only thing I'm really disappointed by is Eli. Not his acting, just the writing for his character. It's his acting that carries that overdone subplot.

Edit: And I don't think anything is going to happen to Mickey. Rothstein was just asking Nucky for some money, was the whole thrust of that. Nucky is just pissed off because Mickey tried to mack on his woman -- or rather his woman tried to mack on Mickey. Mickey was one of the three that showed up for the meeting about the commodore. He might be a retarded piece of shit, but he's a loyal retarded piece of shit. A $500,000 hit on Mickey was just a joke. Funny one too!


<Prior Amod>
That makes sense with Arnold using that to ask for money I suppose with Nucky not going to kill Micky, in fact if that's the case I like that scene all the more now. I hope Arnold isn't on his way out already, I enjoy his character way to much.