Boardwalk Empire


Musty Nester
It would be hilarious.

Ok, we're gonna play Bad cop / Bad cop. This time I get to be the bad cop!

And I'd have to rewatch. Does anyone remember if Van Alden and Eli had a scene together in their cop days? I'm 99% sure they did with the gutshot victim that Van Alden wanted as a witness and who Eli suffocated... so that knowing nod when Van Alden picked him up was ripe with "Hey. Yep. We're in the shit now, aren't we?"


Buzzfeed Editor
I don't really like questioning Lithose because his analysis is always better than mine and usually spot on (especially in the Mad Men thread), but how you describe Jimmy is how I took it too. He's doomed the moment that hit fails.

To me it was a big clusterfuck of denial, regret and acceptance leading up to the climax (lol) episode of him in college that explainseverythingabout the character. The last episode couldn't be any less subtle about his fate. Maybe you have hope, because you've grown to really like the character, but I think it's false hope given the context.
I can see your point, the themes in the 2 episodes before, where he threw Doyle down onto the table and then the incest? Pretty much all indicate his downfall. It was mainly the actual episode where he died, that felt forced, not the season. Jimmy went around making things up to Nucky, then Nucky talks to him and then forgives Eli? You got the sense that they painted this redemption arc for him, I don't know, to me? It felt forced. I'd have found more believable if Jimmy had just sat in his house, spent the day saying goodbye to his kid, strapped up and did a suicide by Nucky.

But yeah, I can see your point. Just felt a little forced at end, but the whole of the season laid it on heavy he was going to die so it didn't seem completely planned as a "GOTCHA!" like Harrows did.

Agree overall with the comments about Harrow. It's a little cheesy to get the audience's favorite non lead character so close to happiness only to jerk it away at the last minute. The imagery of the death scene is great though and it fit well for the character.

Lithose, are there other examples of this in the show? Have we lost any other characters we've really liked outside of Jimmy and Harrow? That's maybe a reason I'll give this a pass, because I don't think Jimmy's death toyed with the audience anywhere near the same level as this one did.
Yeah, Jimmies death did not toy with it as much. This whole season was essentially a Harrow rope a dope, bring the audience in and then surprise them with a hit out of left field. Most of the other deaths felt very logical--even if they were unexpected.

But with Harrow and Jimmy I almost got the feeling that they were raising a calf to slaughter. While in comparison, most of the time in Martin/GoT? I get the feeling that everyone is meat, so when people die, even if it's unexpected and their arc is going great (Khal Drogo), I don't feel like it's illogical. His world is a death factory, someone died unexpected? It fits. Here, characters "redeem" themselves quite a bit and avoid death, a lot.

Meh, it's a nebulous thing, maybe I'm just pissed about Harrow. Totally possible. I didn't even want to see him on the show anymore, I just wanted him to ride off into the sunset and his story be done. Bitter sweet ending would have been great (IE he lost his best friend, his sister--but he found a family.)


Harrow is chilling with Doakes in badass side character heaven.
Or perhaps Jimmy, few are more badass then Jimmy was. He was a stone cold killer and few remember just how ruthless and effective he really was at it. The guy was ruthless and he was never beat. His ultimate death was simply him giving up because he was sick of it and wanted it all to end. Had he and Harrow went on the run or started a war with sneak attacks they would have been a threat to anyone on the show. Harrow would have fought for Jimmy had he asked him too and if Jimmy had decided to keep fighting Nucky would have very possibly ended up in the hole instead.

Boardwalk Empire - James Darmody Kills - YouTube

The reality is that Harrow needed Jimmy. Harrow could never be a leader, he was a follower and a phenomenal soldier for someone but Jimmy was the only one that ever had even close to an understanding of him due to their shared war experiences and the fact they were both fairly scarred from it, Harrow only having the more obvious external scars.

Nucky, Al Capone, none of these guys would keep a guy like Harrow around, they were all terrified of him and could not likely control him as Jimmy did because they were never going to be his "friend".


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
chaulky believes narcisse killed his daughter as a show of strength
I don't think chaulky would believe this at all since he explicitly looked up at Richard hoping he could indicate in some way that he shouldn't shoot since Narcisse getting popped would mean his daughter was fucked too.


Molten Core Raider
Watched the finale. At first I was mad, the first time I have ever not agreed with the direction they were taking.

The more I think of it though the more I like what this chain of events will bring about.

Mostly down home country gangster Chaulky. Hes about to take out his daddies tools.


Buzzfeed Editor
Meh, he got a good sendoff. Be happy they didn't run him into the ground, make him retire to be a lumberjack or some shit.


Musty Nester
That might be about right. Gillians story, which even though I like the character of gillian and was happy to see her not dead, was admittedly weak and had way too much screen time devoted to it... Eli betraying Nucky AGAIN, basically rehashing exact same story that already happened...

I don't see much that they can do with Nucky, and nucky is the face of the show. He's just so well defined at this point it's hard to imagine a situation where its interesting. They could have written it differently to set up a better continuation, probably, but they did what they did. The only thing they can really show is nucky getting out of the business and becoming a state senator. That's not a show that anybody is gonna want to watch.

Basically the interesting parts of the story are now about the secondary characters. Van Alden, Capone, Eli's son, and maybe Chalky. Although I think Chalky's story wasn't a cliffhanger. I think that WAS the story. Chalky got straight fucked. That seems like maybe not the best spot to be in. A final season may not be a bad thing.