Boardwalk Empire


FPS noob
oh god now i want the finale to be a musical. it opens with capone singing Welcome to the Jungle and ends with Nucky and Gillian duo'ing Bohemian Rhapsody


Tranny Chaser
Anyone wondering how the show would continue after this season, just watch Godfather 1 and 2


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
At least they're trying to stick to History. Capone getting owned by IRS, both Luciano and Lansky starting the Crime Syndicate and Nucky going down the toilet. i think it's interesting how they pictured the handover with Torrio ; Luciano never really strong-armed his way up, he just mades some strategic hits and alliances while gaining street power. It's clever to show mobsters like Nucky getting owned mostly because they're nothing without street level power. When Nucky gave up politics he became a mobster, but he lost street power quickly. As soon as you don't run corners anymore, you're pretty muuck fucked. Ganghood isn't about being powerful and respected, it's about being feared. People don't fear not getting paid, they fear being wacked. As long as HBO axed the show, they're doing a decent job.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I'm interested to see how much Nucky makes off the Mayflower stock, as its obvious he'll live and lose "everything" he's built. Hope he'd shorted enough stock to make a few million through stocks to retire comfortably and in relative safety. I might actually cry next week when this ends. Said it before, but this is my favorite television show since probably The Wire? I don't think its the best show, but its definitely one of my absolute favorites.
This is one of my favorites, but not most favorite. And the way the final season was rushed, it takes away from the legacy of the show.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Omar/Chalky dies again in a premature fashion. Ugh.

I never liked Van Alden, he was a hypocrite. But I enjoyed the actor's performances.

Mickey's dead too.

Even random Cuban bodyguard is dead.



Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
So for main characters (non-historical) you have:


That's a damned short list

porkchop sandwiches

Potato del Grande
Pretty good finale imo. Saw the Tommy thing coming about 10 minutes too early though. I liked the intercuts between Nucky selling out his soul to provide Gillian to the commodore and Nucky getting popped by Tommy.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Pretty good finale imo. Saw the Tommy thing coming about 10 minutes too early though. I liked the intercuts between Nucky selling out his soul to provide Gillian to the commodore and Nucky getting popped by Tommy.
Pretty much. Once he got the phonecall about the incident at the hotel, I knew Nucky was toast. But it was a fitting the end, his hunger for more left him with nothing.


FPS noob
joe kennedy had an affair a few years later with margaret thompson, they had a bastard baby named william. she moved to arkansas a few years later and re-married to Jefferson Clinton

pretty shitty how the last season felt very chopped up, didn't really like the way van alden, eli, chalky, or narcisse went out. ending woulda been better with some sorta jimmy flashback, he was such a huge part of the show. also prohibition ending just felt like a throwaway thing, just background talk, for a show that so revolved around alcohol it shoulda really ended soon after prohibition ends.

I'm Tommy Darmondy, you killed my father, prepare to die was pretty lame too, and way too telegraphed/obvious. Nucky all alone in some shitty Florida retirement village with no friends, power, respect or legacy is way more brutal.

oh well, great show just had the potential to be even better.


meh lots of failed potential but
great characters and ya the Capone scene was sad as fuck.
I know that there were a lot of good characters and storylines that they had to neglect or cut short due to the short season, but I think that they did a great job choosing to focus on young Nucky and Gillian at the end. I never really liked Gillian's character in the show since it seemed like she was just a pain in the ass for everyone. From previous seasons we knew that Nucky had played a part in Gillian being turned over to the Commodore and getting raped, but that seemed more like a foot-note than a central part of the storyline. It was still pretty easy to see Gillian as an annoying side-antagonist.

However, after this season, I don't think that I would look at Gillian the same way at all if I were to watch the series a second time. The storyline in this season really shed some light on what a victim she was and how much guilt Nucky's decision to turn her over to the Commodore must have saddled him with. We already knew that the death of his wife and the fact that they never had a child was a big source of sadness that Nucky carried with him throughout the show. The last few episodes were a beautiful depiction of Gillian's tragedy and how that too was a major psychological weight that Nucky carried for the rest of his life.

Also, this show wasn't quite the same for me after they ended the Jimmy storyline in season two. Still good, but not great. So the fact that they decided to remind everyone of Jimmy at the very end was a nice nod to the viewers. Nucky getting the last bullet in the same spot that Jimmy got it was a nice touch too.


A Man Chooses....
Is this worth catching up on? I stopped about two seasons ago, just kind of lost interest once Jimmy departed and nothing came of the cop.


Creative Title
<Nazi Janitors>
I liked the link between the story of swimming out so far you've gone too far to return and the moment he turned Gillian over. Felt rushed in the sense they spent time on things that didn't seem as pressing as the stories we wanted more time on.