Book tech - would you use something like this to read books?


Mr. Poopybutthole
I would have to see a demo but i doubt it. I think my biggest concern is that it would really have to be timed right so i am not waitimg for the next word. The way i read is also sometimes scanning depending on how interesting or important the current section and also I sometimes like to go back and scan a paragraph to add context to something i just read. I guess what i am saying is it seems too restrictive. But i would be interested seeing it in action.


Lord Nagafen Raider
The way i read is also sometimes scanning depending on how interesting or important the current section and also I sometimes like to go back and scan a paragraph to add context to something i just read.
I do the same thing. Depending on how bored I am with the material I'll sometimes scan through a paragraph looking for key words that might make me want to stop and read more closely. Also many times I like to reread sections I just recently finished and I can't see how that would be easily possible on this tech.


<Gold Donor>
Not a fucking chance. I did their demo, and while it was simple enough to keep up, you feel like your eye has to be glued to it. There would be too much backtracking if you missed something, for one thing. And not being able to quickly glance forward or back kills it for me. Sometimes the actual shape of the passage matters, for instance a fairly quick back and forth, one line each, between two characters. Seeing that on a page gets you prepared for that sort of conversation, whereas just one word at a time you have no idea what is coming up. Not to mention, often in a quick exchange like that you might have to go back and reaffirm which character is saying which line, which again is impossible with that system.

There is zero chance I would ever use something like that. It makes reading into a chore to stay focused and "on point" as opposed to something that I enjoy. Sure, I got that from a 1 minute demo, but it already annoyed the fuck out of me and I would never do it for longer. I'd start listening to audio books if that were my only reading option.


Molten Core Raider
I think I'd be ok with it for small reads, texts, emails, maybe web/magazine articles etc. Not sure I could do a whole novel like that. I backtrack too much when reading a novel. I'd also think I'd be too likely to get distracted for a few seconds and miss several sentences when trying to read like that for long periods of time. I space off a lot while reading a novel, I start thinking about something else in the book, or even something else that the book reminded me of and next thing I know I've read another page or two and didn't pay attention at all since I was distracted in thought, having to go back and re-read it again.

I'd like to give it a try though, hope they have an app or something to try it out soon.
I'll try it, the website demo left me feeling dubious about it being a viable way to read a novel though. Part of reading is taking your time, rereading, pausing to reflect, laughing, etc I have never felt compelled to rush.


The meaning of a text does not solely resides in its words. Part of it also comes from its layout, so they need some trick to convey things like paragraphs and chapters... but I find it pretty interesting.

I can see it becoming an option on kindle-like devices (provided the display speed and power consumption allow it). With an insertion point in the text, you could solve the jump back / jump ahead issue mentioned earlier. That would defeat one of the purposes of the thing though: saving screen real estate.


<Prior Amod>
yea, this is easier than speed reading, speed reading teaches you to "grab" multiple words at a time, instead of read a line of text word to word, just from left to right ----->. just grab the whole sentence in one go. (your brain will make sense of it)

then in order to increase your speed reading, you want to read multiple lines of text at once, 2 then 3 then 4, pretty soon you're trying to just read a paragraph and all your hoping to do is basically photocopy the paragraph quickly in your mind and digest it while you read grab the next paragraph.

there's also using a "guide" either like your finger or a pen or if you're reading on a computer some flashing cursor. The theory is that your physical eyes are slower than you can process blocks of text, so you have to "make" your eyes follow the words, sorta like a cat and a laser pointer.

unless someone else has tried some other forms of speed reading, this is what i tried and it's tiring and inane, and totally unenjoyable. this software, looks cool.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
If you guys want to read a book off your wristwatch or something, have at it. Not for me though. Disliked having to keep my eyes glued like that, and as has been said a few times, sometimes I space out and need to re-read a paragraph (or page), or simply go back and make sure I read a sentence correctly.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
All the book-tech i need right here:
