Boston Marathon Explosion - Today's Topics: Public Schools


Speaking of islam and marathons

Hundreds of people braved the freezing rain and blistering winds on Sunday to participate in the West Bank's first marathon. The race, also called the Right to Movement, was held to successfully demonstrate two things - the first, to show what peaceful resistance looks like, and second, to show how difficult the simple task of finding 26.2 miles (or 42 kilometers) of contiguous land under occupied Palestine is. The marathon was also successful in demonstrating that until Israel lets go of its hard-line stance on the Palestinian occupation and allow Palestinians their basic freedoms, any solution to the conflict will be nearly impossible to reach.
Thanks for contributing nothing to the discussion Araysar.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
A good op-ed about the bombings

And now the public lynching and double standards against Islam begin. Mental illness was the culprit during Newtown, Conn., Oak Creek, Wis., and Aurora, Colo. More than 70 percent of America's 64 previous mass shooters were white American men. But not one pundit, nor any politician, nor any Muslim has ever asked why White Americans or Christian Americans are not aggressively condemning these acts of terror. After all, why ask such a ludicrous question? Anyone with a functioning cerebrum could comprehend that these terrorists represent only themselves.


Trakanon Raider
That is a shitty op-ed.

The other attacks he listed were not influenced by the mass insanity of religion. The muslim terror attacks are. It is more comparable to something like that radical christian couple letting their kids die because they don't give them medical care. But that didn't fit the narative he was going for.

People ask muslims to condemn these terror attacks because there is the not entirely wrong assumption that the religion is a major part of what motivates these people. These guys did what they did because they wanted to be heroes because there is a not insignificant group of Muslims who really will talk about them like they are heroes. This is completely different from motivates a guy like Lanza or the theater shooter.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
You mean like the DC snipers or the shit tons of church bombings and abortion clinic bombings in the south?


Trakanon Raider
You mean like the DC snipers or the shit tons of church bombings and abortion clinic bombings in the south?
I don't mean to come off lightly on christianity, it is just as insane as Islam. But comparing religious martyr attacks to something like Newtown or Aurora is pretty dishonest. But again he didnt use your examples for the same reason he didnt use the example I gave of a christian doing something crazy. Cause if he did he would see the christians weren't treated much differently from the muslims.

Is there anyone who doesn't view stuff like the church bombings as radical christians trying to be heroes in the same vein as these marathon attacks? Millions and millions of christians publicly condemned those things in the name of their religion, same as the muslims now.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
That is a shitty op-ed.

The other attacks he listed were not influenced by the mass insanity of religion. The muslim terror attacks are. It is more comparable to something like that radical christian couple letting their kids die because they don't give them medical care. But that didn't fit the narative he was going for.

People ask muslims to condemn these terror attacks because there is the not entirely wrong assumption that the religion is a major part of what motivates these people. These guys did what they did because they wanted to be heroes because there is a not insignificant group of Muslims who really will talk about them like they are heroes. This is completely different from motivates a guy like Lanza or the theater shooter.
No, he is right because no one ever asks Christians to condemn the extremists in their group, or even address the issue.

A Congressman like Peter King can go on Sunday Morning talk show and run his mouth about how we should be profiling muslim communities and infiltrating them.

Imagine if someone went on the news and said the same thing about Christians.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
A christian did it "mental illness"

Basically that's the gist of it. When its a Christian bombing, its always some lone nut who supposedly doesnt represent the larger Christian community at all.



Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Yeah, "always" because you said it was and a few people emailed some muslim dude that can post on Huffington post. You don't think any Christian leader has ever been asked about abortion clinic bombings?


Not defending Christianity here but random bombers that are whacked out Christians aren't anywhere near the "mainstream" Christian viewpoint.

Neither are moslems. I don't agree with the news blaming it on Islam. They do however call them a Christian 'extremist' usually when a Christian does it just like I think they use the same term Moslem 'extremist'. Do they not?


Unelected Mod
Asking random muslims to apologize or in any way acknowledge this attack is just silly.

That being said, if a christian had spent some time at a somewhat mainstream church, got radicalized by it and then went and blew up abunch of people, many people would clearly think that church should be looked at. By the same token, if this older brother went to a mosque in Russia, got radicalized by it and then did this bombing, you can't just say its the work of a lone crazy. It simply isn't. You cannot compare it to random school or mall shooters who are doing it because they got bullied, are just crazy or in a cry for attention.


Vyemm Raider
So 75-80 yards away, night time, from a position 90 degrees offset of where the LEOs are looking, and lots of gun shots...I'm pretty sure the police wouldn't know if you did pop the(Hat brothers) from just inside the window.
They might not pick up on you firing, but there are a lot of eyes scanning the situation and only one of them has to glimpse you or the flash from the firearm.

That said they will 100% know that the brothers were hit by someone other than an LEO, once the forensics team analyzes the scene and they find different caliber bullets with trajectories that are 90 degrees to where the officers were positioned. That will point them straight to your home where they will search for evidence of a firearm being discharged in any of the rooms (gunpowder residue, flash burns on the curtains or sill, shell casing that burnt a spot on your rug ect.) They can try to determine if you own any firearms and what type they are. (Ask friends and neighbors)

Who knows what the ramifications of such an action would be, but there would be no question that they would figure out where the shots came from.

But I'm sure I'd just fire from outside the window and silhouette myself with my Barrett .50cal and then charge out my front door toward the cops gun in hand to tell them I shot them. Might even toss out some Allah AkBars on my way.
This would save everyone involved lots of time and they would appreciate the honesty. I see no problem with this approach.


There are opinion polls showing one out of five muslims who live in the west admitting sympathy with al Qaeda. A poll after the 2005 attacks in London where fifty two people died and ~700 got injured, showed that one in four muslims in the UK believed the bombings were justified. Think about that for a minute. We're talking 25% of the muslim population admitting acts of mass murder of random men, women and children in their own country is a good thing. Ask people in places like Palestine and it's more than four out of five supporting blowing up Americans.

Maybe a similar amount of people support guys like McVeigh, Rudolph or Breivik, but somehow I doubt it.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
If Lumie was right, they wouldn't let him go. The lizard overlords don't just leave a loose end like that.


Trakanon Raider
Pancreas, I wasn't saying I would go all Punisher on them and not inform the LEOs of my actions. I would instantly contact dispatch, present them with what I'd done, describe my physical appearance, location, and sure as shit stress the "I'm no longer armed" aspect. Suppose I took umbrage with the idea that if someone was to fire on the assholes that John Law would pivot slightly up and left and let loose some volleys.


Not defending Christianity here but random bombers that are whacked out Christians aren't anywhere near the "mainstream" Christian viewpoint.

Neither are moslems. I don't agree with the news blaming it on Islam. They do however call them a Christian 'extremist' usually when a Christian does it just like I think they use the same term Moslem 'extremist'. Do they not?
Of course, because propertied, wealthy white men are Christians, and Christians are propertied, wealthy white men (compared to most Muslim communities). You typically don't have propertied, wealthy white men suicide bombing to kill propertied, wealthy white men.

You reverse the roles of which religion sits in poverty vs control of most of western culture and economy, it would then be peaceful Muslim communities getting attacked by Christian terrorists. The religion makes no fucking difference outside of a label.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Pancreas, I wasn't saying I would go all Punisher on them and not inform the LEOs of my actions. I would instantly contact dispatch, present them with what I'd done, describe my physical appearance, location, and sure as shit stress the "I'm no longer armed" aspect. Suppose I took umbrage with the idea that if someone was to fire on the assholes that John Law would pivot slightly up and left and let loose some volleys.
I think it would've been great if whenever someone engaged in a firefight with law enforcement if a citizen picked them off. But really I'd prefer that citizens didn't open fire on people in low visibility situations. In this country when you engage a law enforcement officer it's rare you get away. I don't know the facts but I imagine that the only thing that saved white hat in that fight was that law enforcement didn't want to get close to him because he had WMDs.