Boy... that escalated quickly


I was out to eat at Chuy's with my Wife who is 10 days from her due date with our first Daughter. We got sat next to a table with 8 young girls in the 13-15 year old range who were there for one of their birthdays. They were acting like they were at a slumber party, being massively loud and obnoxious and throwing things around etc. They also appeared to be there unsupervised because there were no adults around other than those of us with the misfortune of being next to them.

I went to the manager to ask to either be re-seated or see if somoene could come ask them to be quieter. If it was a table of boys I may have just asked them myself, but in today's day and age you have to be careful with any interaction with other people's kids.

The manager's solution was to go to a table around the corner from us where some of the girl's parents and grandparents were sitting and specifically tell them we complained about their daughters. We eventually saw someone come over and bend down to talk to the girls, and figured it was the manager of the restaurant, but it was in fact the mom coming over to tell the girls someone had complained, but that nothing was wrong and to continue as they were then glared bigtime at us.

By the time a manager actually came over to ask us how things were going our meals were basically already done with our meal and just ready to leave. As we were walking out, the only path led right next to the table full of parents and granparents. The grandma abruptly slid her chair out into our path. My wife and I honestly thought she was going to apologize for their behavior, but she instead proceeded to tell us that WE were the most rude individuals in the entire world and her precious snowflake granddaughter and friends behavior was perfectly acceptable. Then one of the dude's sitting down said something to the effect of he better not see us at Chuy's ever again to which I replied that I'll go wherever I want whenever I want and sit wherever I want and I'd like to see him do anything about it.....The mom from earlier then stood up and put her hands on my Wife's shoulders and tried to get in her face to which I reacted by swatting her the fuck away and getting between anyone at the table and my wife.

This is when the biggest of the dads stands up and puffs his chest out super big in an attempt to intimidate me. My reaction was to step closer to the guy and tell him matter-of-factly to do something or sit his husky sized pants back down that I wasn't afraid of him in the slightest to which he just replied "you should be" and just kept standing there dumbfounded.

I know after all this buildup/story you are probably hoping there was some Chuy's beatdown and cops involved etc... but after a standoff of a few moments where it was apparent guy didn't know how to react to me standing up to him I just said "thats what I thought" and we pushed past the mom and grandma and left. To which we actually got a bunch of cheers and claps from the people waiting to be seated.

At no point during any of the confrontation did anyone associated with Chuy's even acknowledge that anything was going on. They all seemed to have actually gone into hiding. I'm thinking I should have hung around long enough to bitch to management again but it's probably better to have just left at that point.

If you were put next to a table of rowdy kids with no respect for others would you have complained? What would you have done or said if the same series of events happened to you? Would I have been liable for anything if the guy attacked me and I fought back (I would never attack first), or if anyone assaulted my wife and I assaulted them back? Should I contact the Restaurant after the fact to bitch more? Or am I really an asshole to have comlained in the first place?


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
You talking about a restaurant that looks like this?

I probably wouldn't have said anything as it looks like a kid friendly restaurant and I'd expect a group of kids with shit parents to act out. Either accept that or go to a better restaurant.

However, if an old lady started lecturing me I'd be respectful and leave her alone. If a guy were to tell me he didn't want to see me at chuy's again I'd laugh and otherwise ignore him.

No offense but usually when people tell stories like the one you've told they either intentionally leave out half the story or unconsciously do so because they're personally unable to accept responsibility for their actions. This is somewhat of a self-selecting problem because the kind of person who would write a tldr story of them staring down a retarded family would also be unlikely to recognize their part in the problem.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I would have calmly laid a ketchup bottle on the next table pointed at them and smashed it with the nearest available Gallagher mallet


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Contact Chuy's (whatever the fuck that is, never heard of it) corporate and complain about how their staff acted. You'll be drowning in gift cards.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yeah, OP, you're a douche. That's like going to Chuck-E-Cheese and complaining about noise. Eat at a better restaurant. You broke fuck.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
All I can say is, even if they were 100% wrong, you still gotta suck it up and just leave. With your wife that pregnant, and with you soon having a little baby, you can't allow yourself to be caught in those situations where violence can occur. Believe me when I say, I'm like you, and I ain't taking shit from some random asshole, but my wife has pounded into my head that when we are out with our 3 month old, you just gotta let shit slide. And this coming from a woman trained in martial arts that can no doubt kick MY ass.

You're going to be a father soon, think about your kid, not your pride.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
No offense but usually when people tell stories like the one you've told they either intentionally leave out half the story or unconsciously do so because they're personally unable to accept responsibility for their actions. This is somewhat of a self-selecting problem because the kind of person who would write a tldr story of them staring down a retarded family would also be unlikely to recognize their part in the problem.
This. Sounds to me like every single person involved was a grade A asshole and I can imagine a scenario where OP was the biggest one of all. I somewhat sympathize with the staff, but I would expect a cook or bartender or someone to maybe intervene if the confrontation was tense enough. Also, were there realistically any tables around that could have proven better than where you could be moved?


That picture is the picture of the Bar area. Our location is broken into 3 sections. An Outdoor Patio, a Bar section with open seating like in the picture, then the BULK of the place is a sit down place with booths and dimmed lighting just like any other restaurant. It has never been remotley close to loud any other time we have ever been there.

I'm not normally one to complain about anything, but these girls were just going berserk. We were also not the only table to complain, we were just the only ones to do so before we got our check and were going to leave anyways. The table next to us got bombarded by a handful of ice cubes when the girls thought it would be funny to have an ice fight. That kind of behavior from teenage girls is unacceptable in any eating establishment.

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
Could have gone very differently, and your very pregnant wife could have been involved in a (quickly escalating, as you've said) very dangerous conflict.

My wife is 7 months pregnant. If someone got in her face, the very first thing I would do is make sure that the both of us got the fuck gone. No amount of pride is worth her, and our baby, being in danger because of some moron who thinks he/she needs to get physical.

That being said, if someone were to put their hands on my wife, I'd be very tempted to calmly ask her to go to the car, wait until she'd left, and then... escalate things.


Bronze Squire
Yeah, I have to deal with parents letting their out-of-control kids run wild around my restaurants all the time. Their lack of attentiveness or respect for fellow diners astounds me sometimes. And just about every time the parents are asked to do something about the issue their response is anywhere from ultra-defensive to apathetic at best.

So I had sympathy for you up until I saw what kind of restaurant Chuy's was. You have got to expect that kind of atmosphere there. Try to eat somewhere that has a 21 and over seating area imo.

The Ancient_sl

That picture is the picture of the Bar area. Our location is broken into 3 sections. An Outdoor Patio, a Bar section with open seating like in the picture, then the BULK of the place is a sit down place with booths and dimmed lighting just like any other restaurant. It has never been remotley close to loud any other time we have ever been there.

I'm not normally one to complain about anything, but these girls were just going berserk. We were also not the only table to complain, we were just the only ones to do so before we got our check and were going to leave anyways. The table next to us got bombarded by a handful of ice cubes when the girls thought it would be funny to have an ice fight. That kind of behavior from teenage girls is unacceptable in any eating establishment.
Fair enough. And honestly it's Chuy's fault for trying to use you as an excuse to talk to a table that clearly needed talking to. Requesting to sit elsewhere for any reason shouldn't be a problem. I'm just glad you didn't get into a fucking fight in the proximity of your 8 mo. pregnant wife.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
He was just mad because he realized what kind of hell he's going to be put through in about 15 years.


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
Absolutely fucking not. You're not a douche. You're a customer. Just like everyone else there. It turns out that there are unwritten rules about behaviour in public. If you have kids, you should learn them, or you should keep your fucking monster children at your home because you're too much of a lazy cockgobbler to be a good parent.

I'm the father of five. If someone came to me in a restaurant and told me that my kids were disturbing them, my first reaction is to get my kids to be quiet. I'm not inflicting chaos and badly behaved kids on anyone. And if my kids are being badly behaved, they're going to learn that's not how you behave. These are merely bad parents that you are encountering. I don't care if you're at Chuck E Cheese, or a White House dinner event. If your kids don't act appropriately in public, then your kids suck, and you're a fucktard for getting mad at someone for reacting.

Is this post over the top? Yeah, a little. But shitty parenting is so fuuuuuuuuuuuuucking rampant right now that I have serious desires to punch people in the face and ask them to think. I'm not a violent person. If your kids are acting like an asshole, it's because you're an asshole. Teach some respect and decorum. It isn't difficult to figure out. It requires effort on the parent's part, though. Therein lies the problem.

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
I don't think anyone is taking the morons' sides here -- they and their misbehaving children and friends are clearly in the wrong. There's something about the circumstances in this case that necessitates a bit more caution, that's all.


I appreciate all angles and opinions on this.. In retrospect I felt dumb that I could have put my wife in danger by simply not pushing past the people on the way out/not interacting with them at all.

I don't think I did anything wrong by going to the manager to ask to either be re-seated or get that table to calm down. At the time we complained the girls apparently didn't have any supervision there at all. Just a pile of girls running amok. I agree with LurkingDirk too. If I had ever behaved the way those girl's were in a public setting and a complaint reached my parents I would have had my hide tanned and deserved it.


Lord Nagafen Raider
The manager's solution was to go to a table around the corner from us where some of the girl's parents and grandparents were sitting and specifically tell them we complained about their daughters. We eventually saw someone come over and bend down to talk to the girls, and figured it was the manager of the restaurant, but it was in fact the mom coming over to tell the girls someone had complained, but that nothing was wrong and to continue as they were then glared bigtime at us.
Sounds like there was a lot of wrong to go around here. Kids will be kids, but the parents should have been mortified if their moron chud kids were throwing ice at other patrons. I guess some people have no shame.

However, what spineless chicken-shit manager goes and sells out specific patrons as complainers instead of taking some responsibility for the atmosphere of their restaurant and asking the parents to reign in the kids? Given the total lack of respect on display from the parents, they may as well have to asked for a fist fight in the middle of their restaurant.

And since when did everyone's expectations get so low that Behemoth "should expect" to be pelted with ice by moron teens because he ate at a chain mexican food restaurant? That shit isn't acceptable at McDonalds, much less at a sit-down dining establishment.